Object of Rotary:

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

First:The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

Second:High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

Third:The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life;

Fourth:The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

WEB SITES: Rotary International:

Our District:

Our Clubfallschurchrotary.org


Officers, Directors and Chairpersons


President John Sweet 20 Jeremy Court

Potomac Falls, VA20165

(H) 703-430-5770; (O) 703-810-8393

Vice-President Dr. John (John) Karickhoff

313 Park Ave

Falls Church, VA22046

(H) 703-560-9095; (O) 703-536-2400

President-Elect Joseph (Joe) Scheibeler

(H) 703-329-6839; (O) 202-268-5089

Secretary Joseph (Joe) Akkara

7520 Walnut Hill Lane

Falls Church, VA22042

(H) 703-205-0577; (O) 703-292-4946

Treasurer Joseph (Joe) Scheibeler

(H) 703-329-6839; (O) 202-268-5089

Sergeant-At-Arms: Hank Custer, Jason Wallace, Tariq Shafi, p.p. Mickey Golden

Directors:- Club Service

- Vocational Service Doug Dryer

- Community Service John Sweet

- International Service p.p. Frank Green/Peter Benedict

(H/W) (703) 642-9797/(H) (571) 633-0677; (O) (202) 955-3465

Immediate Past President Rex A. Hays


Program As assigned each month

Public Relations

TV Program p.p. Ahmed Selim Historian Rex Hayes

Rotary Information p.p. Walter B. Golden, III

Club Bulletin Joseph Akkara

Community Service s.p. John Sweet

Memorial Day

Adopt-a-Highway Alex Rochette

International Service p.p. Frank Green

World Community Service

The Rotary Foundation

District Governor John Bohm Assistant Governor Bill Bailey

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April 29Capt Chris Murray, Deputy Dir, Deep Submergence Systems

Monitor Salvage Recovery Operation

This year the Leadership Training (earlier called as District Assembly) will be held on Saturday, May 8in Stafford, VA at ColonialForgeHigh School from 8 AM to 3 PM. All incoming and future club officers and directorsare encouraged to attend this very informative trainingin approximately ten areas of Rotary activities.

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Thursday, April 29, 2004

Call to Order S.P. John Sweet

Opening Song/Pledge/Grace Dr.John Karickhoff


Welcome Sergeant-at-Arms

Happy Bucket Sergeant-at-Arms

Club Business S.P. John Sweet

50/50 Drawing

Announcements/Adjournment S.P. John Sweet

Capt. Christopher Murray will talk to us about the US Navy's and NOAA’s efforts to stabilize and then selectively recover major pieces of the USS MONITOR off the coast of Hatteras, North Carolina. The talk will concentrate on the work that was completed from 1998 until now.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

Mark Twain

April 2Jim Love

April 9Tariq Shafi

April 30John Sweet

As per the decision of the Board of Directors of the Falls Church Rotary Club, the Club dues charged to members have gone up from $20.00 to $25.00, effective April 1, 2004. This increase is to partially defray increased District dues and insurance premium.

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Last week, Ahmed Selim showed one of the earlier Rotary Times TV programs with the PDG Sandra Duckworth as the guest speaker. Mike McCormack and Mickey Goldin interviewed her during the TV program. Past District Governor explained different types of fund raising done by the Rotary Clubs, and role of Rotary Foundation to manage the funds collected. Rotary Foundation is one of the few clubs in US, which distributes to communities, 100% of the funds collected from the community. She also talked about the Polio Plus program of Rotary International to eradicate the disease from the world. We are almost there and in partnership with CDC and UNICEF, we will succeed in the effort.

May 8Leadership Training (earlier called as ‘District Assembly’)

May 23-26Rotary International Convention, Osaka, Japan

Just a quick update on our Memorial Day Festivities: Chairs Alex and Heide are organizing the beverage sale. As we get closer, they will be asking you for a helping hand, please offer generously. We also need your help for the Float, and the theme for this year is “The Face of Rotary in the Community.” Plan is to highlight the four avenues of service - International, Community, Vocational or Club service- and how they affect Falls Church and the World. Please let John Sweet or Jason Wallace know of your ideas. We need your input.

Please note your calendar and check with Joe Schiebler for details

PoeMiddle School's Career day is on Thursday, June 3 8:30-11 AM.

The following members participated at our street-cleanup on last Saturday (April 17th): Ahmed and Siriwan Selim, John Sweet, Horace McCormack and Joe Akkara. It was a perfect day for street-cleanup – sunny and slightly warm but with fresh morning breeze. Nothing unusual was picked up.

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On Feb. 26th, by unanimous vote, the members elected the slate of officers for 2003-04: However, president-elect Joe still needs Directors/Chairs for Community and Vocational Service. Please talk to Joe or John. Thanks.

NY Yankees are coming to Camden Yards on Saturday Sept. 11, 2004 to play with Baltimore Orioles. Please note that this is an afternoon game starting at 4:35 PM so our chartered bus departure time will be 2 PM from the West Falls Church Metro Station. Joe Schiebler has managed to get some great sets of seats behind the home plate for $30.00 each, which includes bus transportation to the game from West Falls Chuch Metro Station.

We are looking few people in the following classifications: Interior Designer, Automobile Mechanic, Carpet Layer and Hair Dresser. If you know someone, invite them to a meeting and let them share the Rotary fun.

We still are in urgent need of a club member whose family can host one of the three inbound Youth Exchange students for the school year 2004-2005. A member of the Annandale Club will host one student, and we are still looking for host families for two female students (from Japan and France). If you want to host a student, but need more information, please contact Ms.Kay P. Eckler, District 7610 Chairperson for Youth Exchange; (e-mail) or call her at 703-313-0317.

The April 2004 issue of the Rotary International District 7610 is available at the web site or by clicking here. The issue reports on current issues pertaining to the District. Printed copies can be requested from the District Secretary.