PN-G ISD Curriculum Mapping 1st Grade Reading
4th 6 Weeks / 5th 6 Weeks / 6th 6 WeeksContent and Skills
/1.8 Uses a variety of word identification strategies
- 1.7: C,D Phonics and decoding: long I:I-e (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: long o: o-e (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: long u u-e (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: long a ay, ai (5 days)
- 1.8: C Inflectional Endings – s, -es (2 days)
- Inflectional Ending –ed (1 day)
- Inflectional Endings –er, -est (3 days)
1.10 A Reads widely for different purposes in varied sources
1.11 Develops an extensive vocabulary
1.12 Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend selections:
- 1.12 F Cause and effect ( 1 day)
- 1.12 F Make inferences ( 1 day)
1.13 Responds to various texts
1.14 Analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts:1.15 Conducts research using various sources:
- Charts (1 day)
1.16 Reads to increase knowledge
/ 1.8 Uses a variety of word identification strategies:- 1.7: C,D Phonics and decoding: long e: e, ee (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: long o: o, oa, oe, ow (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: long I: I, y, I (5 days)
- 1.8: C Inflectional Endings –ing (1 day)
1.9 Reads with fluency and understanding
1.10 A Reads widely for different purposes in varied sources1.11 Develops an extensive vocabulary
1.12 Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend selections:
- 1.12 F Make Predictions (1 day)
- 1.12 F Draw Conclusions (1 day)
1.13 Responds to various texts
1.14 Analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts1.15 Conducts research using various sources:
- Various Texts (1 day)
1.16 Reads to increase knowledge
/ 1.8 Uses a variety of word identification strategies:- 1.7: C,D Phonics and decoding: /ü/oo (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: /är/ar (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: /ûr/ir, ur, er (5 days)
- Phonics and decoding: /ou/ou, ow;/oi/oi, oy (5 days)
- 1.8 C Inflectional Endings –ing (1 day)
- Compound Words (1 day)
1.10 A Reads with fluency and understanding
1.11 Reads widely for different purposes in varied sources1.11 Develops an extensive vocabulary
1.12 Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend selections:
- 1.14 C Fantasy and Reality (1 day)
- 1.12 C Summarize (1 day)
1.13 Responds to various texts
1.14 Analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts1.15 Conducts research using various sources:
- Reference Sources and Library (1 day)
1.16 Reads to increase knowledge
Assessments/ Resources / McGraw-Hill Reading- The Shopping List
- Yasmin’s Duck
- The Knee-High Man
- Johnny Appleseed
- Ring! Ring! Put Out the Fire
- Seven Sillies
- Shrinking Mousey
- You Can’t Smell Flowers with Your Ear!
- Owl and the Moon
- The Night Animals
- A Friend for Little Bear
- New Shoes for Silvia
- The Story of a Blue Bird
- Young Amelia Earhart: A Dream to Fly
- On the Go!