Plymouth Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 24, 2014
Members: Ralph Michael, Chair; Larry Lynds; Russ Tonkin
Others: Michael Chamberlain; Claude Wynant; Al Poirier; Art Lynds; Richard Olmstead; Barbara Stone; Sandie Small
The Meeting was called to Order by Ralph at 6:00 pm.
· Those present were introduced.
· The SB agreed to first hear Al Poirier; Larry motioned; Russ seconded; so voted.
· The Minutes from the Meeting of March 10, 2014, were reviewed. Russ motioned to accept said Minutes; Larry seconded; so voted.
· Al presented an overview of NIMS compliance for the Town as of March 2014:
Clerk’s office – 100 %
Lister’s office – 2 of 3 are 100%; Richard should take NIMS 700
Selectboard – 100%
Road Crew – Larry requires ICS 200; Bob is compliant; Stanton needs to take ICS 100 before 10/1/14
PES – should be 100% by 10/1/14
Constables – both have ICS 100; should have ICS 200 (by 10/1/15)
Fire Wardens – Joe should have ICS 100, though the State does not currently require it for fire wardens; Mike has ICS 100
Al is scheduling a class for ICS 200.
The Town is in good shape in this regard; Al will follow up on those needed ICS. He also indicated that Grants are locked into NIMS compliance.
· Art Lynd requested permission to do logging on his purchased property on TH 39. The SB indicated that he would need to stay within the Town’s right of way and he would need to contact the State Water Division regarding drainage and that Todd will advise him as to requirements. The Town will need a copy of any paperwork, and the SB will inspect the area afterward.
· The matter of Academy attendance by Richard Olmstead was discussed, Richard having initially presented the information at the previous SB Meeting. Larry felt that this issue needed to be put before the Town at the next Annual Meeting (and Richard should provide an hourly rate); Ralph stated that the funding as not in the present budget. Richard asked if the Town would sponsor him; it would not cost the Town, and then he could do the program on his own; however, the SB indicated they could not sponsor him until they had approval from the Townspeople.
· Sheriff Mike Chamberlain presented a request to increase the hours of the Sheriff’s Department from six hours a day to eight hours a day; this is for 7 days a week. He felt this would be beneficial particularly with the summer months. The Department can also keep the high volume traffic patrol on weekends. The additional time could be divided between back road and traffic patrol. Ralph indicated there is enough in the budget for this; Russ thought it a good idea. Ralph also suggested utilizing radar on the back roads as they have seen their share of speeding. Russ motioned to increase the hours of the Sheriff’s Department from six to eight hours per day, beginning April 1, and to review the program in three months; Ralph seconded; so voted. Mike stated a contract would be sent out in mid-May.
· Discussion followed on the Drug and Alcohol Policy for Municipalities with Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators. Points made were: it is a Federal mandated program; relevant employers must have a policy in place; the Town will use the VLCT model; Russ will prepare a draft with the changes discussed at this Meeting and present same to the SB at the next Meeting on 4/7/14 for final approval.
· Revised application fees for the PC, ZBA, and ZC were presented; the SB felt that more detailed specifics were required before a decision would be made. Ralph indicated that he would meet with the ZC probably at their next meeting. At this time, Barbara stated that a percentage of Jodi’s time is spent preparing the paperwork for the Planning and Zoning boards and that rather than using the monies allotted to the Assistant Clerk, her time should be allocated to the budget of the Planning board. The SB agreed.
· Russ stated that the Woodstock Ambulance Business Associate Agreement received by the Town had nothing to do with the contract the Town has with the Woodstock Ambulance. Rather it is a business agreement which allows Woodstock to share pertinent information with the Town as to the individuals serviced by Woodstock Ambulance.
· No new business was discussed.
· Warrants were reviewed and signed.
· Mail was reviewed and tended to:
Excess Weigh Permit Applications were presented as follows: L. E. Weed & Son; Camp Precast Concrete Products; and United Natural Foods, Inc. Russ motioned to approve said applications; Larry seconded; so voted.
The letter requested permission to travel through Plymouth by the Killington Stage Race on 5/24/14 was approved; Russ motioned; Larry seconded; so voted.
The letter from Mosher Excavating was presented indicating their desire to contest the SB decision of the awarding of the contract for Burlingame Bridge to Mike Lynds; Ralph indicated he would schedule a meeting to discuss this with Craig Mosher.
· Old or unfinished Business:
Barbara and Larry will work on the Round Top/Fema matter.
Ralph indicated that the paperwork on the Alternate Project/Library Road has been submitted – as a single project; and that the Town is waiting now for final approval.
Larry motioned to adjourn the Meeting; Russ seconded; so voted. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Draft written by Sandie Small
Ralph Michael, Chair
Lawrence Lynds
Russ Tonkin