Seattle Security, Inc.

2949 4th Ave S, Suite A, Seattle, WA98134

Phone: (206) 763-8740 FAX: (206) 763-8856


August 30, 2007

Dear Officer,

Thank you for your interest in participating in the off-dutywith SSI. Please read over and complete the enclosed documents. When you have completed these forms, please return the following forms to our office so you can begin scheduling jobs; Guidelines and Contract, Personal Information Sheet and W4. All Officers will be paid on the fifth and twentieth of each month.

You may accumulate more than one job per sheet provided that the jobs were worked within the same calendar week. No Exceptions will be made for late submissions. If you miss a payment end date, you will have to wait until the next pay period to receive your check. We will not accept Officer Timesheets that are called in! We need the Officer Timesheetsubmitted prior to the pay period in order to process your payment.

Please note that personnel shall not use SSI's business address for their mailing address. It is also very important that you provide us with a contact number other than your place of work. We also need an email address other then your address.

Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at (206) 763-8740.


Seattle Security, Inc.

August 30, 2007

Dear Officer,

Seattle Security Incorporated is and independent corporation. As you are aware, we are providing a service to the public. Should you be incapable of performing at a job you agreed to work, you need to notify Seattle Security Incorporated (SSI) as soon as possible. If you are not able to reach anyone, you should leave a message and then notify the Employer. If this cancellation is within a twenty-four hour period of the scheduled job, we request that you also make some attempt to cover the shift yourself. Please notify SSI if you are able to do this.


Seattle Security, Inc.

Personal Information Sheet

Name: / SSN: / Serial #
Street Address:
City: / Zip Code:
Home Phone: / Work Phone:
Cell Phone: / Pager:
Email: / FAX #:
Court Code: / Unit #: / Unit Assigned To:

Please indicate whether you are available for general security, flagging or both.

 Security  Flagging



Guidelines and Contract

______, (Hereinafter, "Officer"), wishes to contract with off-duty employers to perform security and/or flagging work; and Whereas The Seattle Security Corporation (Hereinafter, "Corporation") operates as a hiring hall for the purpose of referring its vendors to potential off-duty employers as a business. Officers acknowledge that they will comply with all department requirements regarding off-duty.


1. The Corporation will refer Officers to employers who request the services of off-duty police officers.

2. All Officers shall remain commissioned members of the Seattle Police Department as a condition of remaining on the list.

3. Covenant Not To Compete.

For purposes of this covenant not to compete, competition is defined as soliciting or accepting employment by, or rendering professional services to, any person or organization that is, was or a possible client of Seattle Security Incorporated during the term of Officers work with Seattle Security Incorporated.

By signing this contract, the officer understands and agrees to all specified terms above and agrees to abide by them. Any failure to do so may result in action taken by the Corporation.


Signed Date