PLVN Executive Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 May 2013 at MAV

1. / Attendance:John Murrell, Carolyn Macvean, Joseph Cullen, Chris Kelly, Jenny Ruffy, Michael Byrne, Karen Ward-Smith
Apologies:Patti Manolis, Trish Smyth, Natalie Brown
2. / Minutes of last meeting held on 2 April 2013
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2013 be accepted.
Moved: Carolyn MacveanSeconded:Jenny RuffyCarried
3.5 / Business arising
NYR proposals for Founder Partners – NYR 2012 has been replaced with L2R (Love to Read) and JM is a member of the steering committee.
Action:Circulate L2R minutes to Executive
President’s blog and discussion with LibMark – President’s blog is no longer visible. KWS met with LibMark about the most appropriate communication formats and a way forward. The Committee will provide recommendations to the Executive.
Support for PLVN members
JM and KWS met with Susan Bentley (Glenelg), Ros Cousins (Corangamite), Sarah Stephens (Southern Grampians), Paula Clark (Wimmera) and Adele Kenneally (Glenelg) to discuss regional and general library issues, including PLVN meetings.
JM meets regularly with library managers based in Gippsland. Consideration could be given to some Executive meetings being held in regional locations during the year with the opportunity for members to discuss their issues. Metropolitan managers may like the same opportunity to meet with the Executive.
All managers have to manager conflicting priorities which impact on their ability to attend PLVN general meetings. PLVN to conduct a survey of members about the timing, frequency, location and duration of the general meetings.
Action:Develop draft survey for Executive consideration
JM and KWS are meeting with Curtis Williams (BluePoint) to progress the trial of Chrome devices and the opportunities for the Google Search App
Disability Awareness Resource Online
The project is to establish the infrastructure and currently has $30,000 in funding. Following acceptance of the scope the expectation is that the total amount ($150K) will be made available for the project.
Items For Discussion
4.2 / Tomorrow’s Library
PLVN Submission
Comments on the draft provided by all for next version to be developed to inform final submission. Decision to provide submission as a document rather than online as it is not appropriate for PLVN to provide ratings for each initiative as required by the online format.
Action:Send next version of the PLVN submission to all PLVN members for comment.
Final version with JM covering letter to be sent to PLVN members once submitted to Local Government Victoria.
Hard copy of letter and submission to be sent to David Morris MP, Chair of the MACPL
MAV Forum, 8 May 2013
Has been organised to provide the MAV with LGA view on the Public Library Review to inform the MAV submission to Stage 2.
5. / PLVN Rules
Draft rules and format discussed.
Action:Develop version 2 for discussion at June Executive Meeting with the intention to present to the June General Meeting
6. / PLVN Business Plan 2013-16
Discussion of workshop on 18 June to be facilitated by Ian Phillips. This discussion within the context of the June General Meeting Agenda with Peter Carter to play a key role and participate in briefing IP.
Action:Discuss participation in the planning and on the day with Peter Carter
7. / PLVN Sponsorship Partnership Update
The attached paper and the letter from the Group of Four was discussed. The partner logos and information has now been added to the PLVN website. It was agreed that
  • The any funds for the annual report not spent on design could be allocated to the website maintenance
  • Funds for cocktail party or similar would be better expended on training and training materials
  • Partners would need to contribute to participate as exhibitors at conferences, forums, etc.
It was agreed that a short agreement is to be developed with the partners to clearly document the areas of responsibility and that the agreement will be dated from May.
Action:Develop a draft agreement with the partners for consideration by the Executive
8. / ACPL Update and PLVN Representation
Michael Byrne will replace Karyn Siegmann as PLVN’s representative on ACPL.
Carolyn Macvean and Chris Kelly are PLVN alternate representatives to attend as required.
9. / VPL 2030 Launch
General discussion of the options with Carolyn Macvean to develop a launch plan. Given the amount of activity currently and depending on who will be invited to launch the document, it may be appropriate to delay the launch until the AGM (10 September) when PLVN will adopt the new Rules and the Business Plan 2013-16.
Action:Develop launch plan for June Exec meeting
10. / Annual Survey
11. / Online Resources Forum
Given the lack of response and interest, the Executive does not support the conduct of the forum in 2013
Action:Inform the Information Services SIG of the decision
12.1 / Financial report- attached
Financial Status:
The PLVN monthly operating position over the 9 months to March 2013 is in summary:
12.2 / Accounts for payment:
17/02/13I&J MgtWorkshop: MAC Review Stage One Report$1430.00
19/9/13 CAEHLSSIG meeting (120914): Room Hire and Catering$2,246.48
31/03/13MAVExecutive Officer Salary and Administrative Overheads$4,616.62
15/04/13VICNETStandard Mailing List$55.00
28/2/13MAVBalance of MAV Invoice #$681.85
18/12/12SybisRFID/NFC study – 2nd payment$4,400
6/5/13K Ward-SmithReimbursement for Travel Costs, MYOB and Misc$1016.49
That the accounts be paid:
Moved: Carolyn MacveanSeconded: Jenny RuffyCarried
13 / Urgent Business
13.1 / Equal Opportunity Training
Information has been received from LifeWorks offering EO training for library services.
Action:Distribute information to Members
13.4Membership / Membership Changes
With the winding up of Upper Murray Regional Library Service, the municipalities of Wodonga, Indigo and Towong are working through their operational arrangements. All have been accepted into the SWIFT Consortium and are now included on the PLVN mailing list.
Items For Information
14 / Correspondence
Correspondence list attached
15.1 / Other BusinessAll
Being the Best We CanKWS
Members have been circulated to determine the interest for 2013-14 or 2014-15 to enable planning.
Monash is now complete and peer reviewers for Wyndham are considering the draft report.
15.2 / SIG changes
Information Services – Lee Williams will resign as convenor from 30 June 2013
LibMark – Christina Davidson (WRLC) is the new convenor.
HLSSIG – Michaela Underwood (?) is the new convenor
15.3 / NEXT Conference,
Patti Manolis has been invited to present the Library Building MasterClass preconference session on the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre Project and co-presenting an interactive session during the conference.
Info here:

Next Executive Meeting:4 June 2013, 1:30 to 4:30pm

General Meeting Dates for 2013:

18 June 2013, 10 September 2013 (AGM), 3 December 2013

Item 7:PLVN Sponsorship Partnership – The Way Forward

  1. Develop a simple agreement or memorandum of understanding to document the mechanics of the relationship, specifying
  • the partners
  • the services as part of the fee paid to be delivered by both parties (in a schedule) -See Point 3 below
  • the commencement (19 March 2013) and expiry date (18 March 2014) of the agreement
  • additional services which may be delivered within the fee paid (in a schedule)
  • other services which may delivered on the basis of negotiation with or without an additional fee to be paid (in a schedule)

2.Key components to be accepted from the EoI:

  • Training of library staff, possibly utilising Train the Trainer approach which has worked well for other projects – mutual benefit – by the sponsoring partners
  • Marketing and design support (up to $2K based on the proposal)
  • PLVN to use the funds to update the PLVN website – develop partner page, add sponsoring partner logos, remove president’s blog, include section for members only information (e.g. for new managers, etc.)
  • Work with PLVN’s LibMark and Information Services SIGs to develop marketing/promotional materials for use by library services
  • Work with relevant library staff (not necessarily the specialist information staff) to identify how best to make the online resources available to the public and library users, to develop appropriates names for the databases, develop a process for considering the placement of the resources on individual websites?
  • Attendance at PLVN General Meetings to present with topics agreed in advance (tips and tricks, trends in online resources, proposed training for public library staff, etc.), cover the cost of catering.

3.Issues for resolution, decision and inclusion in any agreement:

  • Does PLVN need to spend $1K on printed annual report?

Could the funds be better used for website, publicity material, etc.

  • Annual cocktail party?

Could the partners sponsor happy hour at relevant PLVN event?

Or do we need it for such a purpose – would it be better spent on training, other materials?

  • Expectation that sponsoring partners would pay for exhibitor stand at conference or similar.

4.Undertaken brief survey of Victorian library services to have a state-wide context. The partners can provide their products and subscribers but it would be usefulto have the full list of products out there. As it is nearing the end of the financial year, services will be reviewing and considering their subscriptions for the new financial year.

The survey is likely to include:

  • online databases to which services are subscribed (list with tick the box)
  • an indication of where these resources are located on the website
  • nomenclature of the different resources
  • usage of the different resources
  • overall usage of online resources
  • issues with the use of/access to these resources
  • an indication of likely renewals for 2013/14
  • How you promote your online resources to library staff and the public

Item 10:Financial Status:July 2012 to March 2013

July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Total
Macquarie Account
Opening Balance / 309,956 / 511,098 / 605,653 / 386,827 / 452,400 / 497,296 / 504,233 / 506,744 / 525,114
Closing Balance / 511,098 / 605,653 / 386,827 / 452,400 / 497,296 / 504,223 / 506,744 / 525,114 / 400,115
Transaction Summary
Income / 204,602 / 274,410 / 81,780 / 88,467 / 60,926 / 33,973 / 33,793 / 22,369 / 2,706 / 769,057
Expenditure / 3,460 / 368,966 / 300,606 / 22,893 / 16,031 / 31,282 / 31,281 / 4,000 / 127,705 / 874,946
Net / 201,142 / -94,555 / -218,826 / 65,573 / 44,895 / 2,511 / 2,511 / 18,369 / -124,999 / -105,888
Quarterly Summary / Q1 / Q2 / Q3
Income / 560,794 / 165,001 / 58,869
Expenditure / 673,033 / 47,595 / 162,988
Net / -112,239 / 117,406 / -104,118
BAS Debits/Credits / -6,717 / -10,516 / 8364

Item 10.1:Accounts for Payment

Invoice DateToForAmount
17/02/2013I&J ManagementWorkshop: PLVN response to MAC Review Stage One Report$1430.00
19/9/2013CAEHLSSIG meeting (120914): Room Hire and Catering$2,246.48
31/03/2013MAVExecutive Officer Salary and Administrative Overheads$4,616.62
15/04/2013LBV – VICNETStandard Mailing List$55.00
28/2/2013MAVBalance of MAV Invoice #$681.85
18/12/2012SybisRFID/NFC study – 2nd payment$4,400
6/5/2013K Ward-SmithReimbursement for Travel Costs, MYOB Course and Misc$1016.49

Item 11: Online Resources Forum

Online Resources Forum has been scheduled biennially in the last few years, with most recent being held in 2012.

In ascertaining the level of interest in holding a forum in 2013, only 2 library managers indicated any interest. The suggestions for content cover


  • The low usage of eResources – is this a perception or fact? If fact what is to be done?
  • The issues around eBooks,
  • Shared definition of different types of resources and terminology – database vs downloadable vs e-book vs learning resource
  • What is a database? – what does this mean to anyone who is not “us”? What are Libraries doing about this?
  • Analysis of Annual Victorian Public Library Statistics (2011/12) - What is happening among services? What are we reporting? Who is showing success here and why?
  • Physical Loans are in Decline State-wide – Are “virtual” loans taking up the slack? If yes why, if no, why? If no, will they ever . . . .?
  • Making Online Resources Visible – Methods and Promotion
  • Getting Online resources into your Library Catalogue – Tips, tricks and methods.
  • Loaning out Devices – What are the legal and technical barriers – am I really allowed to loan out this Kindle?
  • Create, Play, Read – Lending devices/ebooks to teens.
  • Physical Access Points – how do we offer access for those who do not have access at home

Issues to be addressed

  • Internet Connectivity – How can we provide these resources if we cannot provide sufficient access in the branch. Speed, firewall and the timeout!!!
  • The workflow of the Customer – How the customers world has changed and how we look to them? How do we get into their lives, not ask them to live ours?

Current and relevant developments in your or other library services

  • Embedding online resources into the branch for success – Busythings and PressDisplay at Brimbank Libraries.
  • Library Service Best Practice Reports – Libraries who are making their resources work, and how?

Action:For discussion and decision

Item 14:

PLVN Correspondence 3 April to 6 May 2013


Number / Date / From / Subject / Action / By
13/039 / 3/04/2013 / B Bourne / Invitation to participate in CyberSafetySummit on 2 August as exhibitor / EoI submitted
Information sent to Members and Alternates / KWS
13/040 / 4/04/2013 / Avneesh Dave (CroweHorvath) / Audit dates – 29 July 2013
13/041 / 5/04/2013 / A Butters (Sybis) / First NFC/RFID report / Distributed to Project Partners / KWS
13/042 / 8/04/2013 / Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health / April e-news / Distributed to e-lists / KWS
13/043 / 12/4/2013 / Rebecca Walker (UPI) / Release Schedule 12 April 2013 / Distributed to e-list / KWS
13/044 / 12/4/2013 / IBSA / April Newsletter / Distributed to Members/Alternates / KWS
13/045 / 16/4/2013 / Credo / Credo Current: Trivia / Distributed to e-list / KWS
13/046 / 16/04/2013 / Jan Richards / Mobile Library Conference / Distributed to Members/Alternates / KWS
13/047 / 17/4/2013 / Auslib / Conference: By Design / Distributed to Members/Alternates / KWS
13/048 / 22/4/2013 / Susan Proud / Reviewing Digital Resources / Distributed to e-list / KWS
13/049 / 22/04/2013 / T Hewitson (Kumon) / Updating Australian reading list for students / Forwarded to Children’s SIG / KWS
13/050 / 22/4/2013 / Disability and Digital Inclusion Forum / Disability and Digital Inclusion Forum / Distributed to e-list / KWS
13/051 / 3/05/2013 / M Johnstone / PLVN Vendor Partnership – proposed starting date change / For discussion at Exec (7/05/13) / JM
13/052 / 4/05/2013 / LIS / News for 3 May2013 / Distributed / KWS

