PLVN Executive Committee
Held on2 June 2015
Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne
1. / WelcomeAttendees:John Murrell, Patti Manolis, Karyn Siegmann, Joseph Cullen, Michael Byrne, Chris Kelly, Christine Mackenzie, Sally Jones (part), Karen Ward-Smith (minutes)
Apologies:Jenny Ruffy
The President and Executive congratulated Chris Mackenzie on her election to the Board of IFLA
Moved:PMSeconded:JC Carried
2. / Minutes of last meeting held on 5 May 2015.
That the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 5 May 2015 be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
Moved:JC Seconded: MB Carried
3. / Business arising
3.1 / Restructure of PLVN Community Access Special Interest Groups update
A number of discussions have been held but no further progress.
3.2 / Write Local: Developing inclusive writing opportunities, 12 August
No further information or contact from Multicultural Arts Victoria
3.3 / Australian Mobile Library Conference 2016
Call for nominations for the PLVN mobile operator rep on AMLN
Expressions of Interest will called for the Planning Committee and Program Group
3.4 / Annual Survey 2014-15
The agreement with Counting Opinions for the library statistical package has now expired so an alternate method for the annual return will be identified. Ian Phillipswill contacted to ascertain his interest in undertaking the whole process (data collection and analysis) for PLVN.
The NSLA 2013-14 draft report has been distributed for comment; please provide feedback to KWS a.s.a.p. Noted that SLV information to be corrected
Actions:Contact Ian Phillips
Verify the data definitions to align with the LGPRF as there have been some changes and need for clarification
3.5 / Sponsorship 2015-16
Contact sponsors in relation to an extension of the current agreement for 12 months
Acrion:Contact Maryce Johnstone for comment
3.6 / Rate capping submission
PLVN submission lodged by due date and PLVN has been mentioned in daily media with quote.
One PLVN member has queried the process as due to the tight timeframes there was no consultation with Members only Executive Members; the role of PLVN Executive to make these decisions in the best interests of all members and in consultation where possible.
3.8 / LGPro CEO Forum request
PLVN requested the opportunity to speak at LGPro CEO’s Forum on public libraries the David Preiss. The feedback is that CEOsare only interested when there is something new; PLVN flagged that a review(business case, $$$s, package split options) is being undertaken so PLVN will provide information when available and possibly present to CEOs.
To be actioned as required
3.9Libraries / Libraries Australia – Holdings update
Meeting held with relevant SIG representatives (Collections, Resource Sharing, ICT) on the purpose of and processes for keeping holdings on Libraries Australia current; the key benefit will be to reduce the waste of time and resources in sending requests for items no longer held.
The matter to be raised with PLVN Members (managers and CEOs) at the June general meeting. A discussion paper is being prepared and will include information about updating – Geelong, Port Phillip and Moonee Valley all have processes in place.
Action:Follow-up with NLA about the issuesrelating to updating holding
Add the matter to the June general meeting agenda
Prepare a paper on the issue for distribution to the PLVN managers with reference to LMS
By:MB with KWS
Items For Discussion
4.1 / Financial report – attached
Financial Status:
Current assets total $394,937 (Macquarie - $134,919, NAB Community Saver - $7,961; Macquarie Term Deposit - $252,056). Income received during May totalled $10,581 including $233 in interest on Macquarie Transaction account. Expenses during May totalled $6,698.
The Aged Receivables to 31 May 2015 total $4,587; outstanding payments have been followed up.
That the financial report for May 2015 and the Aged Receivables totalling $9,483 be noted
4.2 / Accounts for payment:
That invoices totalling $1,099.73 be approved for payment
4.3 / Payments for ratification
5. / State –Wide Library Development Projects and ACPL
5.1 / State-wide Public Library Development Projects 2014-17 Update
The short-listed Shared Leadership (SL) action learning projects were considered and the recommendation is that the following projects be presented to the participants for decision:
Project 2:Showcase Victorian public library building and refurbishment projects
Project 4:Brain Health
Project 6:Supporting Digital Literacy in Diverse Communities
Project 7:The Edge Toolkit
Project 8:Reimagining Information Services
Project 9: Community skills Exchange Program
5.2 / SLV ACPL update
The May 2015 ACPL considered the implication of the SLV budget reduction on the State-Wide Library Development Program which had been flagged by the acting SLV CEO prior to the meeting. SLV considers that alternate funding from the Ross Trust means that less funding is required from the SLV budget rather than providing additional overall funding for SWLDP. The budget changes were advised to PLVN reps with no opportunity for discussion.
PLVN position:
PLVN is concerned at the lack of documentation relating to the budgets and expenditure for the SWLDP both in relation to the current issue and generally.
PLVN considers the cuts to unacceptable and expects that in the future
- There will be no further cuts to the State-wide Library Development Program budgets unless agreed by both PLVN and SLV;
- Future SLV budgets will quarantine the budget for SWLDP ;
- The funding that has been cut from the 2014-15 and 2015-16 for SWLDP will be reinstated with CPI in 2016-17, identified as $730K plus relevant salaries as a minimum;
- An agreed bipartisan process between PLVN and SLV will be implemented to develop the required annual/triennial budget and be provided with regular updates on the progress of the budget, projections for the budget progress; and
- The Framework for Collaboration will include the agreed annual funding levels for SWLDP to be developed at the time of the annual review of the Framework’s annual review and to be signed off as part of the review process.
PLVN welcomes and accepts the offer of meeting with Justine Hyde, John Wyllie and Dennis Goldnerin early July to discussthe retrieval of$$s and SLV’s commitment to the relationship with PLVN and how to progress it into the future.
Action:Respond to SLV outlining PLVN’s position as indicated above including
-Accept discussion re the future with John Wyllie.
-Indicate the PLVN requirements for the annual Framework for Collaboration review in relation to budget and monitoring of SWLDP
-Thank the Manager of Public Libraries and community Engagement for the constructive discussion on the way forward for SWLDP, and
-Advise that PLVN is unhappy that the necessity for such correspondence has arisen.
The PLVN response to the Creative Industries discussion paper should include that SWLDP budgets are agreed and quarantined into the future.
By:KWS and JM
6.1 / The Victorian Library Update
PLVN Advocacy, Feedback and further action
A meeting with MAV organised by LGV to alert MAV to the proposed way forward for the Victorian Library.
Meeting with Minister scheduled for 7 July 2015.
Action:Check with LGV the progress of the Victorian Library review
6.2 / MAV Negotiations update
No further action
7. / PLVN Communications Plan – Key Messages attached
Key messages will be considered at the June General Meeting
Communication Action Plan to July Executive meeting
8 / PLVN representation on SWIFT Management Committee
That Kim Kearsey represents PLVN interests on the management of the SWIFT Consortium
Moved:PM Seconded:MBCarried
Items For Information
9. / Correspondence
10. / Other Business
10.1 / Creative Industry Policy Development, Paul Bateman, Senior Policy Adviser
Strategy & International Engagement, Creative Victoria with apologies from Director Paul Abbott, Director
The Creative Industries Strategy is to be developed by State government for Budget 2016-17; the focus is on jobs development with creative industries identifiedas stand out achievers, contributing 8% state’s economy, 220000 jobs with potential for more.
Concentrate on how CIScan assist creative industries to secure growth, remove barriers and obstacles to the future. PLVN submission to have a cultural and creative focus, emphasising the cultural and social value as well as economic value of public libraries by responding to the themes
- Fostering creative excellence
- Building audiences and markets
- Enhancing creative spaces and places
- Cultivating skills, entrepreneurship and innovation
- Harnessing the opportunities of digital technology
- Increasing participation and social impact
- Supporting Aboriginal arts and culture
- Advancing regional Victoria and outer metropolitan Melbourne
- Enhancing international engagement
- Increasing tourism
The draft Strategy is due September 2015 with online engagement, formal discussion paper released on 9 June with submissions open for 6 weeks. VPL 2030 is pertinent to the proposed strategy. Consultation opportunities include 7 public forums, sector specific forum (invite only - PLVN on the list) and the Wheeler Centre event for panel to discuss the creative industries; consultations commence 15 June – 10 July 2015
PLVN submission to include financial inputs, new spaces (maker spaces, media rooms), Creative communities, VPL 2030, diversity (CALD communities) emphasised, as well as the first point of contact, entry into their local community.Creative Victoria funds State Library of Victoria, significant impact of SLV budget shortfall
Action:Develop project brief to engage consultant to develop PLVN submission once the discussion paper is released, $5-10K
Pre contact agreed list of consultants to ascertain availability to prepare formal submission in response to the discussion paper, open 9 June 2013, closing 10/17 July 2015.
10.2 / VTSS for CALD communities
In principle agreement with the proposal to extend the Victorian Tech savvy Seniors to provide training for Seniors from the CALD community with resources and trainers in community languages.
10.3 / Glen Eira – Manager Libraries and Learning Centre
Discussion of the indication that Glen Eira is not looking to recruit a manager with public or other library experience
That PLVN advice its disappointment that Glen Eira City Council has opted not to recruit a person with public or other library experience to the position of Manager Libraries and Learning Centres given the significant impact that public libraries are available to all community members and that public library experience and management develops a broad range of in-depth transferable skills that benefit not only the library service but other learning centres and have demonstrated experience in linking up the different sectors.
Action:Prepare letter to Glen Eira City Council re the requirements of the Manager, Libraries and Learning Centres.
By:JM with KWS
That PLVN formally advise Glen Eira City Council of its position on the recruitment of the Manager, Libraries and Learning Centres
10.4 / Agenda for PLVN General Meeting, 16 June 2015
10.15READ Project
11.00City of Literature
11.30Training Opportunities, PIC (Viv Fox)
10.5 / Meeting with Volunteering Victoria
Meeting between Volunteering Victoria and interested public library staff from Home Library and Operations SIGs schedules for 1 July 2015. The discussion will focus on partnering opportunities and models within the context of funded Volunteering Victoria projects
Meeting closed 4.15 pm
Executive Meeting Dates7 July 2014
4 August 2015
1 September 2015
6 October 2015
AGM:20 October 2015
General Meeting Dates:17 March 2015
16 June 2015MB Apology
20 October 2015
8 December 2015, Geelong Library and Heritage Centre
With thanks to our Partners for their continuing support:
Item 4:FINANCIAL REPORT to 31 May 2015
4.1Financial Status:
Bank Balance / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / TOTALMacquarie Transaction Account
Opening Balance / $171,022 / $403,070 / $387,436 / $375,992 / $284,098 / $178,636 / $196,272 / $96,039 / $125,553 / $128,519 / $152,412
Closing Balance / $403,070 / $387,436 / $375,992 / $284,098 / $178,636 / $196,272 / $96,039 / $125,553 / $128,519 / $152,412 / $134,919
Interest Received / $583 / $744 / $777 / $654 / $353 / $405 / $398 / $219 / $225 / $247 / $233
Macquarie Term Deposit (2.25%, matures 10/07/2015)
Closing Balance / $150,000 / $150,000 / $150,000 / $150,000 / $250,000 / $250,000 / $250,000 / $252,057 / $252,057 / $252,057 / $252,057
NAB Community Saver
Closing Balance / $48,500 / $48,500 / $48,500 / $47,334 / $46,576 / $46,411 / $44,700 / $8,248 / $8,157 / $7,961 / $7,961
Profit and Loss / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March* / April / May / YTD
from MYOB ex GST / $654
Income / $310,229 / $11,137 / $217,014 / $86,428 / $125,586 / $1,844 / $2,702 / $17,629 / $265,537 / $13,785 / $10,581 / $976,698
Expenditure / $191,659 / $119,537 / $181,793 / -$85,774 / $105,590 / $37,595 / $122,394 / $18,389 / $32,564 / $3,962 / $6,698 / $906,609
Net Surplus/Deficit / $118,570 / -$108,400 / $35,221 / $19,996 / -$35,751 / -$119,692 / -$760 / $232,974 / $9,823 / $3,883 / $70,089
Quarterly summary / Q1 / Q2 / Q3
Income / $538,380 / $128,084 / $285,868
Expenditure / $492,989 / $229,613 / $173,347
Net / $45,391 / -$101,529 / $112,521
BAS / $25,032 / $7,699 / $11,005
Aged Receivables at 31 May 2015
PLVN Inc - General AccountGPO Box 4326
Melbourne VIC 3001
Aged Receivables [Detail]
ID# / Date / Total Due / May / Apr / Mar / Pre-Mar
Department of Health
00000665 / 25/03/2015 / $2,200.00 / $2,200.00
Glen Eira Library & Information Service
00000649 / 25/02/2015 / $2,900.70 / $2,900.70
Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corporation
Ros Wright
00000503 / 5/06/2014 / ($130.00) / ($130.00)
Hobsons Bay City Council
00000515 / 8/07/2014 / ($2,235.79) / ($2,235.79)
Oxford University Press
OLV20105 / 19/10/2010 / $24.00 / $24.00
part12-2 / 10/12/2012 / $22.00 / $22.00
00000638 / 24/11/2014 / $20.00 / $20.00
Wellington Shire Library
00000668 / 13/05/2015 / $1,785.86 / $1,785.86
Grand Total: / $4,586.77 / $1,785.86 / $0.00 / $2,200.00 / $600.91
Ageing Percent: / $0.39 / $0.00 / $0.48 / $0.13
Balance Sheet at 31 May 2015
PLVN Inc - General AccountGPO Box 4326
Melbourne VIC 3001
Balance Sheet
As of May 2015
Assets / Liabilities
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Cash On Hand / GST Liabilities
Macquarie Cash Management Acc / $135,450.37 / GST Collected / ($1,743.37)
NAB Community Access / $7,916.51 / GST Paid / ($1,955.70)
Macquarie Term Deposit / $252,056.86 / Total GST Liabilities / ($3,699.07)
Receivables / Pre-paid subscription / $12,200.00
Trade Debtors / $4,586.77
Total Current Assets / $400,010.51 / Total Current Liabilities / $8,500.93
Other Assets
Prepayments / $12,461.68
Total Other Assets / $12,461.68
Non Current Assets
Office & IT Equipment / $1,530.56
Total Non Current Assets / $1,530.56 / Total Non Current Liabilities
Total Assets / $414,002.75 / Total Liabilities / $8,500.93
Net Assets / $405,501.82
Association Funds
Balance at Start of Year / $474,245.78
Current Year Earnings / ($68,743.96)
Total Association Funds / $405,501.82
4.2Accounts for Payment
Invoice Date / From / For / Amount30-Apr-15 / MAV / Exec Officer and Administration Overheads, less Changing Landscapes income / $489.79
8-May-15 / K Siegmann / Florist reimbursement / $85.40
12-May-15 / Vicnet / PLVN mailing list / $50.00
22-May-15 / Janine Smith / Reimburse Libmark seminar gifts for speakers - chocolates / $147.27
24-May-15 / Carol Ely / Reimburse Libmark seminar gifts for speakers - wine / $327.27
TOTAL / $1,099.73
5.3Payments for Ratification
Item 7:PLVN Communication Plan: Key Messages and Advocacy
PLVN Key Messages and Advocacy
25 May 2015
PLVN’s Mission is
To collaborate, to advocate and to represent the mutual interests of member libraries.
PLVN’s Key Activities are:
- To advocate for the sustainable future of Victoria’s public libraries (VPL), and
- To inform VPL stakeholders, partners and staff about public library trends, development and opportunities to improve “relevant” outcomes for the Victorian community
Key Messages
Public libraries are highly valued by the community as accessible public meeting spaces and information hubs with free access to books, publications and the internet, global learning opportunities and social engagement. They provide many benefits to communities through improved literacy outcomes, the development of social capital and a contribution to a reduction in social inequality. Additionally, libraries support both formal and informal life learning and in doing so reinforces the State Government’s “education/learning state” goals
Internal Messages
The first area concerns clarification of the role of PLVN:
Key message - The role of PLVN is to champion the public library sector in Victoria
Supporting message – PLVN does this by developing strategy, acting as an advocate and encouraging the sector to speak with one voice.
The second area concerns the role of the broader public library sector.
Key message – All Victorian public library staff in Victoria can understand and spread the key messages
Supporting message – PLVN will work with the sector to enable them to collaborate effectively and communicate clearly the key PLVN messages.
External Messages
Libraries are/should be:
-Vibrant creativity hubs, facilitating communal creative development & expression
-Co-working hubs, bringing people & organisations together to collaborate creatively, socially & professionally
-The community’s brain gymnasium
-Provide community learning programs that support 21st-century literacies
-The community agora – a meeting place for people to gather, share & learn
However these opportunities need to be communicated in language that stakeholders and the general public can understand. These need to be developed considering political priorities and key outcomes that public services are supposed to be delivering for local communities. Therefore the examples below might be appropriate:
Key Message - Libraries have knowledgeable, friendly staff to help the community
- Own information about services, programs, etc.
Key Message - Libraries have 8.8m books, eBooks and other items for loan
- Own library service data?
Key Message - Libraries have spaces for ALL people to come together and connect
Supporting messages
- Equity of access
- Welcoming
- Safe and trusted meeting places
- Social inclusion
- Mental health outcomes
- Free
- Creative centres
Key Message - Libraries are places to learn and develop skills
Supporting messages
- Improves employability
- Lifelong learning
- Providing opportunities to improve literacy
- Providing opportunities to improve digital literacy
- Access to technology
- The diversity of collections resources helps to develop individuality and democracy
Key Message - Libraries have a positive impact on the economy
Supporting messages
- For every $ spent there is a return of $3.56
- Your rates at work
- 20% of the community use library services on a regular basis. The key messages can be adapted for different types of stakeholders and members of the public. It should be noted they focus on the social benefits of libraries. In these increasingly austere times it is also important to have an economic message. Reference to the Dollars, Sense and Public Libraries research provides us with the following headline.
These messages should be tested, updated, and changed if necessary as the communication plan is implemented.
PLVN Campaigns and Advocacy
Future-proofing Victoria’s public libraries