Regular Minutes
December 10, 2013
Riverview CCSD #2 regular School Board Meeting was called to order by President Steve Tiezzi on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 6:31pm in Room 111, Superintendent’s Office at Riverview Grade School.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Riverview Student Council.
Roll Call was taken: Evan Ruach, Stephanie Gale, Steve Tiezzi, Tracey Koenig, Amy Lynn Robinson, and Robert Doty.
Absent: Angi Schalk
Others Present: Superintendent Lee, Dianne Maxheimer, Grace Glas, Jinny Glas, Bret Glas, Josh Spacht,
Pam Morphew, Penny Gale, Mike Gale, Toni Rebholz, Gene Jones, Rob Blackburn, Luann Kuehn, Adam Brostowitz, John Koval, Tyler Wehrli, Theresa Wehrli, Jeff Bayer, Emily Dawson.
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Stephanie Gale to approve the agenda as amended by adding Intruder drill in the Superintendent’s report.
Ayes: 6
Nays: None
Absent: 1
Motion carried.
Recognition of Guests and Visitors
President Steve Tiezzi noticed that several of the people in attendance had a student in Cross Country and informed the parents that the rumor that Cross Country was going to be cut was not true at all. Mr. Tiezzi stated that the School Board will be looking at all ways to save money. Mr. Tiezzi stated that we will be talking with Metamora Grade School to see if there are any services whether it is extracurricular activities, transportation, janitorial, bookkeeping or kitchen that we could combine in order to save the school money.
Mrs. Rebholz stated to the school board she had called the parents of the cross country students informing them that there could be a possibility of the school board cutting this sport. Mrs. Wehrli stated that Cross Country made her son more active and helped him be ready for Boys Basketball. The parents were interested in what the criteria will be to cut an extracurricular activity. Mrs. Wehrli also stated that participating in a sport is a good motivator for getting decent grades.
Angi Schalk arrived to the school board meeting at 6:53pm.
Mr. Blackburn informed the School Board that his speech team won 1st place in every division this year and is very proud of the hard work that the students put forth.
Tyler Wehrli came to the School Board Meeting and informed the school board that the Student Council is selling candy canes for 50₡ or 3 for $1. He also stated that Friday, December 13th, student council will be hosting a Holiday Fun Night and all profits will be donated to the Red Cross to help with the Tornado victims. Also, Tyler informed the school board that the food drive collected over 500 items for the Spring Bay Food bank this year.
Superintendent’s Report/Items for Discussion
FOIA Request – Ms. Lee stated that we had a FOIA request from the Millwright Local Union 1051 on the wind turbine. Mrs. Dawson commented that is was only because of the prevailing wage.
2014 Tax Levy - Ms. Lee handed out a copy of the tax levy. Ms. Lee stated that she looked at the new taxable properties in our district and there was a minimal change.
ISBE Audit Report – Ms. Lee handed out the copy of ISBE audit report with its findings which are not good. Between Title 1, Title 2, General State Aid and Transportation, the auditor has found errors that totaled $23090. Ms. Lee stated that we are refuting one of the findings.
ROE Compliance visit – Ms. Lee stated that she received the report back and the findings are listed on the report that was handed out.
Board Goals – Ms. Lee stated that the School Board needs to agree and approve the goals that have been set.
Job Descriptions for extra-curricular positions – Ms. Lee handed out copies of the job descriptions for extracurricular coaches. She stated that we need approve them.
Cross Country End of Season Report – Ms. Lee handed the detail report of the costs associated with Cross Country.
Response from the Letter of Intent to Metamora Grade School District #1 to combine services – Ms. Lee stated she has spoken to Mr. Payne, Superintendent of MGS and they have expressed an interest in talking about services. Ms. Lee stated a committee needs to be formed that consists of her, board president and another board member to begin talks.
Superintendent Evaluation Form – Mr. Tiezzi sent an email with the Metamora Grade School’s superintendent form that Riverview could use for Ms. Lee’s evaluation.
Board Action Items
Motioned by Amy Lynn Robinson, 2nd by Stephanie Gale to approve the Regular meeting minutes of November 12, 2013, the executive session minutes of November 12 and October 8, 2013.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Agenda Items
Motioned by Robert Doty, 2nd by Evan Ruach to approve the December bill list.
Ayes: Angi Schalk, Evan Ruach, Tracey Koenig, Amy Lynn Robinson, Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Action Items
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Amy Lynn Robinson to approve the financial reports
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Motioned by Angi Schalk, 2nd by Amy Lynn Robinson to approve the 2014 tax levy.
Ayes: Tracey Koenig, Evan Ruach, Amy Lynn Robinson, Angi Schalk, Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve the Board Goals as amended without Number 5.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Stephanie Gale, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve the job descriptions for extracurricular coaches.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Amy Lynn Robinson, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve the Superintendent’s Evaluation Form.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Robert Doty to enter into closed session at 7:54pm to discuss (A) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Robert Doty to return to regular session at 8:42pm on December 10, 2013.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Stephanie Gale, 2nd by Amy Lynn Robinson to approve the retirement of Arthur Cox as of the end of the working day on December 20th, 2013.
Ayes: Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Tracey Koenig, Amy Lynn Robinson, Evan Ruach, Angi Schalk, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Robert Doty, 2nd by Evan Ruach to adjourn the December 10, 2013 Riverview Board of Education meeting at 8:45pm.
Ayes: 7
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Steve Tiezzi, President Tracey Koenig, Secretary
Riverview Board of Education Riverview Board of Education