of the
1:00 P.M. / (8/20)
1. /
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Bethaida Gonzàlez, President of the Syracuse Common Council)
2. /Invocation - (Delivered by Reverend Chester Seals of A Place to Pray Church of God in Christ, Syracuse, New York)
3. /Roll Call - (All Present - 9)
4. /Minutes - July 30, 2007 - (Adopted 9-0)
5. /Petitions - (none)
6. /Committee Reports - (none)
7. /Communications - (From Hon. John A. DeFrancisco, NYS Senator, a letter with the Governor’s Veto Message #87 relative to legislation to designate dog control officers as peace officers in the City of Syracuse; From Kevin M. Gilligan, Costello, Cooney and Fearon, representing St. Joseph’s Hospital accepting terms and conditions of Ord. #430 (07/09/07); From Robert F. Baldwin, Jr., Baldwin & Sutphen, LLP, a letter to protest a possible zone change relative to 1100 East Genesee Street)
9-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse to amend the Tax and Assessment Act of the City of Syracuse relative to enforcement and collection of delinquent taxes to authorize the inclusion of collection costs and attorneys’ fees into the amount required to redeem a lien or the amount received upon the sale of a property following the commencement of an action to foreclose a lien. / LL
9-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse to amend the July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 City Budget to reflect the salary increases pursuant to a labor agreement with the City of Syracuse Crossing Guards, Unit 7801-02 Local 834. / LL
WD c. / Designate - 1100 East Genesee Street as a protected site. Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board, applicant. Harmand Wanamaker, owner. / WD
9-0 9. / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2007-2008. / 31-R
H 10. / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, to add a new chapter to require Green Building Standards for City-owned Public Buildings. / H
9-0 / Agreement - With the Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. establishing the responsibilities of the City and the Downtown Committee relative to the ownership and responsibility for maintenance, repair and replacement of the Downtown Special Assessment District improvements and caps the City ($10,000) and the Downtown Committee ($10,000) annual funding at $20,000 each fiscal year for the period of five years, July 1, 2007-June 30, 2012. / 465
9-0 / Contract - With the NYS DEC State Assistance that will allow the Otisca Building, 900 N. McBride and Butternut Streets, to be entered into the Environmental Restoration Program, investigation phase, administered by the NYS DEC. Additional legislation will be necessary for the remediation of this property. Total cost not to exceed $75,000 with 90% reimbursement by the NYS DEC. / 466
9-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Bureau of Justice for Byrne funds in the amount of $48,000 for law enforcement personnel overtime pay to continue to combat gun violence and narcotic sales and warrant issuance. Local match of $16,000 to be met with DCJS contract funds and the Syracuse Police Department. / 467
9-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Bureau of Justice for Youth Violence Reduction funds in the amount of $202,226 for programs targeting youth violence as part of VIPP. Local match of $22,470 to be met by in kind services by all of the partners: Syracuse Model Neighborhoods Facility, Inc., Center for Community alternatives and the Huntington Family Centers. / 468
9-0 / Resolution - To appoint Reverend Nebraski Carter to the Citizen’s Review Board, representing the Councilors-At-Large, for a three year term, December 2006-December 2009. / 32-R
9-0 / Approve - Settlement of Tax Certiorari Proceedings - Alexander M. DeCroce, Jr. vs. City of Syracuse, 621 W. Genesee Street Rear. Tax Years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. / 469
9-0 / Approve - Labor Agreement with the City of Syracuse Crossing Guards, Unit 7801-02 Local 834 for the period of July 1, 2007-June 30, 2009. / 470
9-0 / Authorize - The Syracuse City School District to use $910,120 of the Pouring Rights funds to purchase the Oracle PeopleSoft business system software package and user license and amend the 2006/2007 Syracuse City School District Budget from $272,657,804 to $273,567,924. / 471
9-0 / Authorize - The Commissioner of Finance to issue Revenue Anticipation Notes (RAN’s) in an amount not to exceed $55,000,000 on behalf of the Syracuse City School District. / 472
9-0 / Authorize - The Commissioner of Finance to issue Revenue Anticipation Notes (RAN’s) in an amount not to exceed $26,000,000 on behalf of the City of Syracuse. / 473
9-0 / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain appraisers (Christopher Bollinger - 515 & 1304 W. Onondaga St., 546 Oakwood Ave., 166 Grace St., 123 E. Corning Ave., 115 & 220 Green St. - Edward Pfohl - 250 Park Ave., 128 W. Borden Ave., 135 Walrath Rd., 2301 S. State St., 364 Warner Ave., 405 Hawley Ave., & 310 Lydell St. - Bill Anderson - Abandoned portion of Harrison St.) / 474
9-0 / Correct Tax Rolls - (948 Meadowbrook Dr., 1900 Court St., 233 Genesee Pk. Dr. & 514 E. Willow St.) For various charges for Tax Years 2006/07, 2007/08. / 475
9-0 / Designate - 500 West Onondaga Street as a historical protected site. Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board, applicant. 500 W. Onondaga St., LLC, Ed Griffin-Nolan, owner. / Gen.
H / Special Permit - To establish the sale of used motor vehicles and operate a heavy duty motor vehicle repair shop at 911-939 South Salina Street and 108 East Taylor Street (rear). Brothers Hip Hop, LLC, owner/applicant. / H
9-0 / Special Permit - To establish a restaurant (cooking in a gasoline station/convenience store) at 5844-5850 S. Salina St. Ahmad A. Alhoshishi, owner/applicant. / Gen.
9-0 / Special Permit - To establish a restaurant (Bleu Monkey) at 143-153 Marshall Street. Andy Tsang, applicant. Marshall Redfield, LLC c/o Hugh Greg, owner. / Gen.
9-0 / Special Permit - To incorporate used motor vehicle sales and a taxi service with a heavy-duty motor vehicle repair shop at 123 Ball Circle. Zugaib Taxi & Dispatch, Inc., applicant. LH Enterprises, LLC, owner. / Gen.
9-0 / Special Permit - To expand a non-profit community center at 401 South Avenue. City of Syracuse, Southwest Community Center, owner/applicant. / Gen.
9-0 / Special Permit - To establish a light-duty motor vehicle repair shop at 101 Sunset Avenue. David & Laurie Boeglin, applicants. Roy D’Agostino, owner. / Gen.
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 2326 & 2328 S. Salina Street, a vacant lot, to People’s AME Zion Church for the total sum of $2,325. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 2330 & 2332 S. Salina Street., a vacant lot, to People’s AME Zion Church for the total sum of $2,325. / H
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 421 Elliott Street, a vacant lot, to Robert I. Widger for the total sum of $1,525. / 476
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 142 Hovey Street, a vacant lot, to Living Water Church of God in Christ for the total sum of $825. / 477
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 133 Huron Street to Hovey Street, a vacant lot, to Living Water Church of God in Christ for the total sum of $1,325. / 478
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 135 Huron Street and Hovey Street, a vacant lot, to Living Water Church of God in Christ for the total sum of $1,325. / 479
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 217-219 Kirk Avenue, an unfinished wood house, to Sabrina Mayers for the total sum of $21,425. / 480
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 408 Onondaga Avenue, a garage, to Jonathan Cantrell for the total sum of $4,150. / 481
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 411 Seymour Street, an unfinished brick house, to Mohammad Shanaa for the total sum of $25,425. / 482
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 112 W. Calthrop Avenue, an irregular house, to Willo Holdings LLC, for the total sum of $5,375. / 483
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 238 W. Colvin Street, a wood house and garage, to Shirley Fields & Harry Gowns for the total sum of $5,375. / 484
9-0 / Sell - Through the Small Residential Vacant Lot Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 114 Putnam Street to Gerald David Files, Jr. for the total sum of $550. / 485
9-0 / Sell - Through the Small Residential Vacant Lot Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1115 Willis Avenue to Kenneth E. Massara for the total sum of $550. / 486
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 115 Green Street, a wood house, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 487
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 220 Green Street, an unfinished wood house, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 488
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 405 Hawley Avenue and Gertrude Street, a brick and wood house, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 489
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 310 Lydell Street, a wood house, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 490
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 317 Marcellus Street, a wood house and an unfinished store, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 491
9-0 / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program, all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 731 W. Fayette Street and Oswego Street, a wood house and an unfinished store, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151. / 492
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to the Courtney Quintessence Band c/o of Jose Barona for a performance on August 10, 2007 at a picnic at James-Geddes, a
Syracuse Housing Authority facility, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $300. / 493
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to Richard Sheridan for the Soda Ash Six for a performance on August 11, 2007 at the Tipp Hill Association’s Annual Picnic at Pass Arboretum on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $450. / 494
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to the Frankie D Band, under the direction of Frank Demianyk, Joe Carfagno, Vince Trichilo or David Baker for a performance on August 17, 2007, at the Brick School Terrace on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $275. / 495
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to the Timeline Band for a performance at Sheridan Park on August 22, 2007, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $600. / 496
9-0 / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the Homer Wheaton Park and Playground Improvements. Total amount not to exceed $50,000. / 497
9-0 / Authorize - The Homer Wheaton Park and Playground Improvements on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $95,000 with bonding of $50,000, legislative grant funds of $20,000 and Community Development Block Grant Year 33 funds of $25,000. / 498
H / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the purchase of and/or use of Eminent Domain for the properties at 3000 Burnet Avenue Rear and 116 Midler Ramp. Total amount not to exceed $1,520,900. / H
H / Authorize - The Commissioner of Public Works to purchase and/or use of Eminent Domain for the properties at 3000 Burnet Avenue Rear and 116 Midler Ramp. Total cost not to exceed $1,520,900. / H
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #384 (07/10/06), “Appropriate Funds - From the 2006/2007 Cash Capital Account #07.1101 in the amount of $275,000 to an account designated by the Commissioner of Finance for the purchase of 2006/2007 Capital Equipment as detailed on Schedule ”A” on behalf of the Department of Public Works.” Amend Schedule “A” to delete the roll-off truck and the 4x4 pickup truck and add signal and sign trucks as detailed in Exhibit “A”. / 499
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From 2007/2008 Unallocated Cash Capital Account in the amount of $300,000 to Division of Sewers and Streams 2007/2008 Capital Equipment as detailed in Schedule “A”. / 500
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From 2007/2008 Unallocated Cash Capital Account in the amount of $400,000 to Division of Sweeping and Flushing 2007/2008 Capital Equipment as detailed in Schedule “A”. / 501
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From 2007/2008 Unallocated Cash Capital Account in the amount of $537,000 to Department of Public Works 2007/2008 Capital Equipment as detailed in Schedule “A”. / 502
9-0 / Agreement - Among the City of Syracuse, CSX Transportation, Inc. and Pioneer Midler Avenue, LLC. relative to proposed street and railroad crossing improvements to the 600 block of Midler Avenue. / 503
9-0 / Agreement - Between the City of Syracuse and Pioneer Midler Avenue LLC relative to street improvements to and the widening of the 600 block of Midler Avenue. / 504
Syracuse Common Council
Adjourned at 1:20 P.M.