PKS KIDS Face2Face 2010
June 24-27, 2008
Mt. Laurel Marriot; Mt. Laurel, NJ
Hi everyone,
Our plans are coming together for our medical conference in 2010! We have a great weekend planned and hope you can join us.
Highlights include: Welcome to Holland movie; sibling activities, drawing for small prizes, excellent presentations by the medical community; Geri Jewell, actress and speaker; fellowship and fun; and more!
If you are attending, please print out or fill in the attached registration form and submit as instructed. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please return this form no later than May 1, 2010 to:
Gretchen Peters
15127 Walters Dr
Marshall, MI 49068
PKS Kids is providing the following meals and needs to know if you and your family will be attending :
24th 25th 26th
Name of all the family members and the ages of the kids: Dinner Lunch Dinner
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
______Y or N Y or N Y or N
Would you like to order a pureed meal (likely veggie lasagna) for your PKS child for Thursday night? YES NO
We are offering conference t-shirts at the prices of Child ($5.00) and Adult ($7.00) each. Please list how many you want and the sizes you need and include payment for shirts along with this form.
Total number of shirts______Child XS (2-4T) ______YS (6/8)______YM (10/12)______YL (14/16)______Adult Small ______Adult M______Adult L______XL______XXL______
Family Saturday Activity at attached CoCo Key water park (
If you plan to attend, we need to let the water park know. You may make payment at the park anytime after you arrive.
Number of adults (over age 12) ______Number of children ages 2-12 _____
Your home address:
Phone: ______
Your email address: ______
Have you previously attended the medical conference? YES NO
Has your child ever been seen by:
Dr. Ian Krantz, Geneticist? YES NOWould you like him/her to be seen? YES NO
Dr. Francis Filloux, Ped Neurologist?YES NO Would you like him/her to be seen? YES NO
(If you’d like your child to be seen, a packet will be mailed to you before the conference)
In the interest of providing the best possible childcare for your children, please complete the following:
Does your PKS child:
Have a feeding tube? ______Have a trach? ______Use a wheelchair? ______
Wear diapers? ______Need to be fed by someone? ______Have hearing aids? ______
Have seizures? ______Need daytime medication? ______Use oxygen? ______
Are there any other things you think we should know? ______
Is there anything we need to know about your other children attending the care room? ______
What activities would you suggest we provide for your other kids to keep them entertained while you attend the conference?
We plan to have a check-in sheet and safety registration tags available in your welcome packet when you arrive.
Thursday June 24th:
- Check in
- 6 pm-9 pm is a meet and greet dinner provided by PKS Kids.
Friday June 25th:
- PKS Face to Face Medical Conference
- Lunch for all provided by PKS Kids
- Childcare provided for children under 5 and special needs children
- Older children (school age) activity or SibShop
- Dinner will not be provided by PKS Kids. We will have a list of dining available upon arrival.
Saturday June 26st:
- Family Day at CoCo Key Water Park (Optional and at your expense)
- Clinicals performed by both doctors throughout the day
- Dinner provided by PKS Kids
Sunday June 27nd:
- Check out.
If you have any questions about this registration form, please contact Gretchen Peters at
There is no cost or registration fee to attend the conference. The conference and some of the meals will be provided by PKS Kids. Each family is responsible for additional meals, travel expenses and hotel fees.
Hotel rooms are $119.00 per night. If you are interested in booking at this time you may call Toll-free: 1-877-231-7703
and ask for the PKS Kids reservation
Here is the hotel's website: