Course Application Form

(Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS)

Title of Course (s) / Distance Learning
Date / Date of taught
Sessions / Fee / Date of Examination
Surname: / Given Names:
Title: / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Rev/Dr / Sex (M/F)
Postcode: / Date of Birth:
Phone No:
Email: / Mobile:

The courses are open to everyone regardless of level of ministry or denominational affiliation.

Please tell us:

The name of Church you attend:

If your Church is not a branch of the New Testament Church of God, please give the name of

your Pastor/Leader (who may be contacted for reference):

To help us with our publicity we would appreciate it if you could tell us how you heard about the

course(s) and the Leadership Training centre?

How do you think the course(s) will contribute to your personal enrichment and your contribution to

the ministry of your Church?

Terms and conditions

The course registration form constitutes a legally binding agreement. Payments are required in full

before the event unless alternative arrangements have been established. A £20 non-refundable registration fee must be paid in order to be enrolled on a course. Substitutions will be accepted if the Centre is notified prior to the event. No refund will be offered for non-attendance on the day unless in exceptional circumstances such as illness and public transport issues. If the event is cancelled by the Leadership Training Centre (other than as a result of events beyond the Centre’s control), the full fee payment will be refunded.

Data protection

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998), all personal or identifying information will be held on the Centre’s database and used to promote events and programmes that may be of interest to course participants. If you do not wish to receive such information then please inform the Leadership Centre.

I give the Church permission to collect, retain and process this information about me, particularly that relating to items such as age, sex and ethnic origin. This information will be used for the sole purpose of the New Testament Church of God and shall not be divulged to any third party without the permission of the undersigned.

The course

I understand that the course(s) for which I am applying are delivered by distance

learning and taught sessions as indicated in the course outline(s). Please tick:

I am aware that accredited courses will lead to stipulated credits towards the Certificate in Ministerial

Studies (CIMS).The Certified Ministerial Training (CMT) title is awarded after the successful completion

of 34 (CIMS) credits. CIMS credits are transferable to designated

Church of God institutions of higher education for enrolment on courses such as Church

leadership or music and worship leadership. Please tick:


I enclose a cheque for £ ______to cover the cost* of the course(s) for which I am applying

or I will contact NTCG Accounts Department (Tel.01604 824222) to arrange payment via

credit/debit card. Or I will pay the money directly into account:

The New Testament Church of God - Gideon Project

Branch: Northampton SC: 20-61-51. AC No: 20735353. Please tick:

I know that the above figure do not include travel, accommodation or meals.

I will contact The Park Inn Hotel, The Langham Hotel or The Travel Lodge to reserve my

accommodation for the taught session(s) if necessary. Please tick:

Signature: ………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………..

  • There is a 10% fee reduction for senior citizens.
  • Gideon Partners receive:
  • 20% reduction on the CIMS course fees
  • Special invitation to an annual “Gideon Partners’ Day”
  • Free place at the Oliver Lyseight Lecture
  • A special membership lapel pin
  • Partner reserved seating at all NTCG National Conventions
  • Regular updates/newsletters on the Gideon Project.

For more information visit or email us:

The address of The Leadership Training Centre is:

3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton


We are easily reached by train, car or coach/bus:

  • By rail: National Rail Enquiries – Tel. 08457 484950 or
  • By coach: National Express – Tel. 08705 808080 or
  • NB. Disabled persons travel helpline: 03717818181
  • (A map is included below for you convenience)
  • You can also find details on Google or

Please note that your course does not include travel expenses, accommodation or meals.

  • If you need accommodation, we recommend:

The Langham Hotel, 4-5 Langham Place, Barrack Road, Northampton NN2 6AA

(Tel: 01604 639917) /

Single room - £35 & Double room - £45.

Park Inn Hotel, Silver Street, Northampton NN1 2TA (Tel. 01604 739988/00) rates: Single room - £69 & Double room - £75. Please quote ‘New Testament Church of God- Leadership Training Centre’ on arrival/departure to ensure receipt of the reduced rate.

  • Travel Lodge – Northampton Central, 15 Gold Street, Northampton, NN1 1RA

(Tel: 0871 984 6451)

(We do not have special rates with this hotel however we have received positive feedback from course participants)




If you have any questions please contact Nastassia Downer-Welds on 01604 824233

or e-mail