School of Management

An International Study of Organizational Processes

Thank you for agreeing to complete this questionnaire. The purpose of this research is to learn about national cultures, management practices, and how individuals deal with work related issues. This questionnaire forms the basis of an international study from over 20 countries.

The results of this international research will be reported in several academic and professional journals and in a series of research chapters. The resulting information will be helpful for companies that are attempting to understand how individuals in different countries respond to job-related situations and difficulties. These reports will also be used for classroom instruction for students and managers in colleges and universities throughout the world. We are confident that the results of these investigations will help individuals like you to become more effective and have increased job satisfaction.

There is no need to put your name anywhere in the questionnaire. The information you provide will be anonymous. Your responses will be analyzed on a group basis. No one will know how you responded.

If you have received this questionnaire electronically, please print a hard copy and mark your responses on this copy using a pen or pencil. This questionnaire consists of a series of questions that require your thoughtful responses. There are no right or wrong answers. Please respond to all of the questions, and do not leave any items blank. We are only interested in your personal opinion, so please do not consult with anyone else in filling this out. If necessary, please take as much time as needed to complete the questionnaire – even up to one day per page – rather than trying to complete it in one sitting. We need your responses for the success of the project. Therefore, take the time needed rather than not respond at all. Once you have completed the questionnaire, please return it to your company representative from whom you received it or to Dr.Ford directly.

Once again, we are most appreciative that you are participating in this study.

DavidL.Ford, Ph.D., CM

Professor of Organizational Studies, Strategy

and International Management

School of Management

The University of Texas at Dallas

Richardson, TX 75083-0688

SECTION A: Your answers to these questions will provide useful information – facts about yourself rather than your opinions. Please answer by checking the appropriate line or write in the lines provided.

1. Age: _____ years

2. Sex: Male Female

3. Marital status: _____ Married _____ Single

  1. What is your country of citizenship? ______
  2. What country were you born in? ______
  3. How long have you lived in the country where you currently live? ______years
  4. Besides your country of birth, which other countries have you lived in for longer than one year? (Please list)





  1. How many years of full-time work experience have you had? ______years
  2. How many years of part-time work experience have you had? ______years
  3. How long have you worked for your current employer? _____ years
  4. Do you belong to any trade or professional associations or networks?

____ Yes ____ No

If yes, how many? ______For how many years? ______years

12. Academic level reached (Please indicate highest level achieved.)

____ Some secondary education

____ Completed secondary education

____ Some college

____ Undergraduate degree

____ Master’s degree

____ Ph.D./Doctoral degree

____ If not any of the above, please write in: ______

13. Type of industry in which you work:

_____ Education

_____ Financial Services

_____ Food Services

_____ Government/Public Service

_____ Health Care/Hospital

_____ Manufacturing

_____ Retail/Sales

_____ Software Development/Information Technology

_____ Transportation

_____ If not any of the above, please write in: ______

14. How would you classify your job?

_____ Senior Management

_____ Middle management

_____ First level supervisor – non-supervisory personnel report to me

_____ Non-management position

_____ Other – Please specify: ______

15. Please indicate the kind of work primarily done by your work unit.

_____ Administration

_____ Engineering, manufacturing, or production

_____ Finance or accounting

_____ Human resource management or personnel management

_____ Marketing/Sales

_____ Planning

_____ Purchasing

_____ Research & Development

_____ Support Services

_____ Other – Please describe ______

16. How many employees are there in your company/organization?

____ Less than 500

____ 500-999

____ 1000-4999

____ 5000 or more

17. How many people work in your work unit? ______people

18. How many organizational levels are there between you and the chief executive of your organization? ______levels

SECTION B: The following 32 statements describe how people relate to various events in their life. Please circle the number that best describes how much your opinion of the statement. There are no right or wrong answers.


7 – Strongly Agree

6 – Agree

5 – Slightly Agree

4 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

3 – Slightly Disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. My happiness depends very much on the

happiness of those around me.1234567

2. Winning is everything.1234567

3. I usually sacrifice my self-interest for the benefit

of my group.1234567

4. It annoys me when other people perform better

than I do.1234567

  1. It is important for me to maintain harmony within

my group.1234567

  1. It is important to me that I do my job better than


7.I like sharing little things with my neighbors.1234567

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. I enjoy working in situations involving competition.1234567
  1. The well-being of my co-workers is important

to me.1234567

10. I often do "my own thing.”1234567

  1. If a relative were in financial difficulty, I would

help within my means.1234567

12. Competition is the law of nature.1234567

  1. If a co-worker gets a prize I would feel proud.1234567
  1. Being a unique individual is important to me.1234567

15. To me, pleasure is spending time with others.1234567

  1. When another person does better than I do, I get

tense and aroused.1234567

  1. Children should be taught to place duty before pleasure.1234567
  1. Without competition it is not possible to have a

good society.1234567

19. I feel good when I cooperate with others.1234567

  1. Some people emphasize winning; I am not one of them.1234567
  1. It is important to me that I respect decisions

made by my groups.1234567

22. I would rather depend on myself than on others.1234567

  1. Family members should stick together, no matter

what sacrifices are required.1234567

  1. I rely on myself most of the time; I rarely rely on others.1234567
  1. Parents and children must stay together, as much

as possible.1234567

  1. My personal identity independent from others is

very important to me. 1234567

  1. It is my duty to take care of my family, even when

I have to sacrifice what I want.1234567

  1. My personal identity is very important to me.1234567
  1. I am a unique person, separate from others1234567

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. I respect the majority's wishes in groups of which

I am a member 1234567

  1. I enjoy being unique and different from others1234567
  1. It is important to consult close friends and get

their ideas before making a decision1234567

SECTION C: The following questions concern your beliefs about jobs in general. They do not refer only to your present job. Please use the scale below to answer each question by circling the relevant number. There are no right or wrong answers.


7 – Strongly Agree

6 – Agree

5 – Slightly Agree

4 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

3 – Slightly Disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. A job is what you make of it.1234567
  1. On most jobs, people can generally

accomplish whatever they would like

to accomplish.1234567

  1. If you know what you want out of a job, you

can find a job that gives it to you.1234567

  1. If employees are unhappy with a decision made

by their boss, they should do something about it.123456 7

  1. Getting the job you want is mostly a matter of


  1. Making money is primarily a matter of good


  1. Most people are capable of doing their jobs

well if they make the effort.1234567

  1. In order to get a really good job, you need to

have family members or friends in high places123456 7

  1. Promotions are usually a matter of good


Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. When it comes to landing a really good job,

who you know is more important than what

you know.123456 7

  1. Promotions are given to employees who

perform well on the job.1234567

  1. To make a lot of money, you have to know the

right people.123456 7

  1. It takes a lot of luck to be an outstanding

employee on most jobs.1234567

  1. People who perform their jobs well generally

get rewarded.1234567

  1. Most employees have more influence on their

supervisors than they think they do.1234567

  1. The main difference between people who make

a lot of money and people who make a little

money is luck.1234567

SECTION D: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own attitude or feelings. Circle the number that represents your answer. There are no right or wrong answers.


5 = several times per day

4 = once or twice per day

3 = once or twice per week

2 = once or twice per month

1 = Less than once per month or never

  1. How often do you get into arguments with othersat work?12345
  1. How often do other people get angry with you at work?12345
  1. How often are people rude to you at work?12345

4.How often do other people do unkind things to you at work?12345

SECTION E: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own opinions. There are no right or wrong answers.


5 – To a great extent

4 – To a moderate extent

3 – To some extent

2 – To a slight extent

1 -- Not at all

To what extent do you find it difficult or impossible to do your job because of ….?

To a Great

Not at All Extent

  1. Poor equipment or supplies.12345
  1. Organizational rules and procedures.12345
  1. Other employees.12345
  1. Your supervisor.12345
  1. Lack of equipment or supplies.12345
  1. Inadequate training.12345
  1. Interruptions by other people.12345
  1. Lack of necessary information about what to do or how to do it.12345
  1. Conflicting job demands.12345
  1. Inadequate help from others.12345
  1. Incorrect instructions.12345

SECTION F: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own feelings. There are no right or wrong answers.


5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. It often seems like I have too much work for one person to do.12345
  1. I am given enough time to do what is expected of me on my job. 12345
  1. The number of phone calls and interruptions are more than I

can handle.12345

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. Working on this job leaves me little time to engage in other

activities outside of work.12345

  1. I have too much pressure on me to complete assigned

tasks within a given period of time.12345

SECTION G: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own feelings. There are no right or wrong answers.


4 = Very True

3 = Somewhat True

2 = A Little True

1 = Not at All True

Not at All True Very True

  1. I can predict what others will expect from me tomorrow.1234
  1. I am clear about what others expect of me on my job.1234
  1. I get enough facts and information to work my best.1234

SECTION H: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own attitude or feelings. Circle the number that represents your answer. There are no right or wrong answers.


7 – Strongly Agree

6 – Agree

5 – Slightly Agree

4 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

3 – Slightly Disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. I am usually not told about important things

that are happening in this company.1234567

  1. Meetings are frequently held to discuss work

problems with my co-workers and me.1234567

  1. Decisions are usually made without consulting

the people who have to live with them.1234567

  1. My work and family lives seem to get

in the way of each other.1234567

  1. Some members of my family want me to do

things that might not be good work practices.1234567

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. Sometimes at work I act just like I do with my


  1. What I should do on my job and what my

family wants of me are two different things.1234567

  1. My family expects me to do things at

work that conflict with my own judgment.1234567

  1. My family has high expectations for me when

I am doing my work.1234567

  1. My family is especially concerned that I do a

good job at work.1234567

  1. I have the freedom to decide how to organize

my work.1234567

  1. I have control over what happens in

my job.1234567

  1. I have sufficient resources to make

decisions and implement these decisions

in my job.1234567

  1. I have input into decisions that affect

my own work.1234567

SECTION I: Please read the statements below carefully. Then decide on the extent to which each statement represents your own attitude or feelings. There are no right or wrong answers.


5 – Always

4 – Often

3 – Sometimes

2 – Rarely

1 -- Never

How often do you have someone …

Never Always

  1. Who explains how to efficiently get things accomplished?12345
  1. Who creates opportunities for you to get to know those in

upper management personally? 12345

  1. Who is willing to listen to you? 12345
  1. Who explains the “political” aspects of your job/position? 12345
  1. Whose association with you gives you power to get things

done that are ordinarily hard to accomplish?12345

  1. Who you can depend on? 12345

How often do you have someone …

Never Always

  1. Who informs you of important but subtle aspects concerning

your job/position?12345

  1. Who sees to it that you have a wide variety of challenging

assignments? 12345

  1. Whom you can trust and who trusts you in return?12345
  1. Who informs you of the “unwritten” laws of your work

environment? 12345

  1. Who has confidence in your skills and abilities? 12345
  1. Who advises you on how to use the various organizational

resources to advance your career? 12345

  1. Who uses his/her influence to advance your career? 12345
  1. To whom you can go for advice? 12345
  1. Who encourages opportunities for you to grow on the job?12345

SECTION J: The purpose of this section is to gain an understanding of how people view time. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements by circling the appropriate number on the scale. The best answer to each statement is your personal opinion. There is no right or wrong answers.


7 – Strongly Agree

6 – Agree

5 – Slightly Agree

4 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

3 – Slightly Disagree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. If I could, I would prefer to deal with people

I need to work with face-to-face.1234567

  1. If I could, I would prefer to deal with people

I need to work with by phone.1234567

  1. If I could, I would prefer to deal with people

I need to work with using email.1234567

  1. If I could, I would prefer to deal with people

I need to work with using letters.1234567

  1. If a client indicates that he or she will be at an

appointment, I will wait on him or her until he

or she arrives, even if he or she is late.1234567

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. Punctuality is important on the job.1 234567
  1. When dealing with people, I take all of the

time I require, even if it disrupts my schedule.1234567

  1. While working with others, I do not forget that

my personal relationship with them is just as

important as my working relationship with them.1234567

  1. I like to perform several activities at the same

time. 1234567

  1. I would rather complete an entire project every

day than complete parts of several projects.1234567

  1. I believe people should try to do many things

at the same time.1234567

  1. When I work by myself, I usually work on one

project at a time.1234567

  1. I prefer to do one thing at a time.1234567
  1. I believe people do their best work when they

have many tasks to complete.1234567

  1. I believe it is best to complete one task before

beginning another one.1234567

  1. I believe it is best for people to be given several

tasks and assignments to perform.1234567

  1. I seldom like to work on more than a single task

or assignment at the same time.1234567

  1. I would rather complete parts of several projects

every day than complete an entire project.1234567

  1. I get upset when events do not begin and end

on schedule.1234567

  1. Last minute rushes to meet deadlines indicate

poor use of time.1234567

  1. It bothers me when something unpredicted

interrupts my daily schedule.1234567

  1. When I am able to count several completed

tasks at the end of the day, I know I have made

good use of my time.1234567

  1. I would be willing to put up with some

frustrations in the present in order to gain

something of value in the future.1234567

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

  1. The successful person is one who is always

on time.1234567

  1. Adhering to a regular work schedule results in

consistent quality of performance.1234567

  1. I feel unhappy at the end of a day if I have

not used my time well.1234567

  1. If I am sick for a day, I worry that I will not

be able to catch up.1234567

  1. I believe deadlines are essential because they

encourage productivity.1234567

  1. When setting goals, it helps to have a

completion date projected.1234567

  1. When I have to wait for something, I tend to

get tense and anxious.1234567

  1. Agendas for meetings should contain specific

time periods for specific topics.1234567

  1. I wonder how some people can get along in

today’s world without wearing watches.1234567

  1. People who are consistently late for

appointments are inconsiderate of others.1234567

  1. Being on time means not having to rush.1234567
  1. One of the most important values that parents

can teach their children is the value of time.1234567

  1. I recognize that planning takes time, but saves

time in the end.1234567

  1. I would characterize myself as a “punctual”


  1. I make sure that other people do not waste

my working time.1234567