Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)

To be submitted by a school to request that the Commission waive an accreditation standard or policy in accordance with Section IX (E)(1-3), Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation. Please note that the Commission will not consider an incomplete submission – all required information must be included. This application must be submitted in accordance with ACCSC’s Instructions for Electronic Submission.

Institutional Information:

School Name
ACCSC School Number (Main or Branch)
School Director
Current Institutional Ownership
Branch Location(s) (ACCSC School #)
Satellite Location(s) (ACCSC School #)
State/Federal Approving Agencies
Other Accreditation
Affiliated Institutions
Fiscal Year End

Student Population:

Current Enrollment: / Highest Credential Offered:
ATB Admission? / Y/N / Total ATB / % of Total
Degree Granting? / Y/N / Total Degree / % of Total
Distance Education? / Y/N / Total DE / % of Total

Program Information:

Program (Enrollment) / Clock/ Quarter Credit Hours / Length In Months / Graduation /
Employment %† / Award

†Based on YEAR Annual Report

Cohort Default Rates:†

Year / No. Borrowers in Repayment / No. Borrowers in Default / Official Default Rate

†Based on the three most recent years and as reported by the U.S. Department of Education

Accreditation History:

Date of Initial Accreditation
Date of Most Recent Renewal of Accreditation
Length of Most Recent Renewal of Accreditation

Substantive Change History:

Type of Change (e.g., new program, change of location, change of ownership, etc.) / Date of Commission Approval

Attestation and Signature:[1]

I certify that the information herein and attached hereto is correct and that the school has not implemented any activities relative to this request until such time, if any, Commission approval is received.



Attachments to this application:

  1. A reference to and restatement of the specific section(s) of the Standards of Accreditation for which the waiver request being submitted, the circumstances requiring the request, the grounds on which the request is based,[2]and an explanation as to why the school believes that the Commission should grant the school’s request.
  2. An explanation as to how the request is consistent with the goals, objectives, and mission of the school.
  3. An attestation that the school is in good standing with all accrediting and regulatory agencies (including ACCSC) and not subject to any sanction, heightened monitoring, or limitation of any kind. If the school cannot make such an attestation, submit a detailed explanation of the circumstances and the reason(s) why the school believes that the Commission should grant the waiver notwithstanding these circumstances.
  4. An organization chart of the school and an organization chart that shows the school’s relationship with any other campuses (e.g., branches campuses, affiliated schools, etc.).
  5. An explanation as to whether approval by any other accrediting or regulatory agency will be required in relation to the school’s request and the school’s plan to obtain such approvals (or documentation of the approval if already obtained).
  6. As applicable to the school’s request, a detailed description, with supporting documentation, regarding the school’s capacity in the following areas:

a.An explanation as to how the school’s financial position is sufficiently sound as necessary to implement and sustain the request;

b.An explanation as to how the school has, or will have, sufficient management and administrative capacity as necessary to implement and sustain the request; and

c.An explanation as to how the school has, or will have, sufficient facilities and educational resources as necessary to implement and sustain the request.

SUBMIT TO:Executive Director

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges

2101 Wilson Boulevard / Suite 302

Arlington, Virginia 22201

Page 1 of 3Revised 7/1/2011

[1] To be signed by the highest ranking official at the school or CEO of the corporation.

[2]Pursuant to Section IX (E)(2), Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation, the Commission may only grant a waiver if: a) the normal application of the standard or procedure will create an undue hardship; the waiver will meet the purpose of the standard or procedure; or other special extenuating circumstances are present.