Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre

Waitlist Form 2016

Please use one form for each child. Please use BLOCK LETTERS

(This form is not a guarantee of enrolment)

Name of Child:

(One child per form)

Birthdate: Language(s) spoken at home:
(The Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre does not take pre birth applications)

Do you have a sibling currently on the waitlist? No q Yes q if yes, name:

Is there any additional information that we need to know in relation to your child? No q Yes q if yes, details:


Parent 1
(Please note this information will be the main contact) / Parent 2
Tel Home:
Tel Business:
Employment details - please circle appropriate:
Employed: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Casual Parental/Maternity leave
Studying: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
To meet Government Guidelines, evidence of work/study status will be required on enrolment. / Name:______
Tel Home:
Tel Business:
Employment details - please circle appropriate:
Employed: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Casual Parental/Maternity leave
Studying: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
To meet Government Guidelines, evidence of work/study status will be required on enrolment.

Days that care is needed:

Operating hours are 8.00am - 6.00pm. Please tick (ü) days required.

Monday q Tuesday q Wednesday q Thursday q Friday q

Are you flexible with the days your child is able to attend? q Yes q No

Room required in preferred year:
0-1 years q 2-3 years q 3-5 years q

When is the place required? (specify date if known): Month: Year:

(Please note: Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre placements begin in January unless a position becomes available during the year)

The 4-5 year old program is a funded Kindergarten program within long day care hours. To be eligible for this program your child must turn 4 years of age before 30 April 2009. A place offered in this program will be considered as the child’s funded year of pre-school; parents will need to nominate Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre as their funded
Kindergarten place for 2016.


“The Australian Government funds child care with a major purpose of meeting the child care needs of Australian families. However, the demand for child care sometimes exceeds supply in some locations. When this happens, it is important for services to allocate places to those families with the greatest need for child care support. The Australian Government has determined guidelines for allocating places in these circumstances. They set out the following three levels of priority, which child care services must follow when filling vacant places”: (Taken from Child Care Services Handbook 2013-2014)


/ A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
SECOND PRIORITY / A child of a single parent who satisfies, or parents who both satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
THIRD PRIORITY / Any other child

Within these main categories, priority should also be given to the below listed children. To allow us to determine your child(ren)s priority position on our waitlist, please tick the following categories if they apply to your child: If you require an explanation of any of the categories below, please call Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre on 03 8892 2561.

o children in Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander families;

o children in families which include a disabled person;

o children in families on lower incomes; (Health care card to be sighted)

o children in families with a non-English speaking background;

o children in socially isolated families;

o children of single parents.

If you have ticked one of these boxes, please provide details below:

Within these guidelines, priority of access is also given to families who have present/past children at this Centre.

Have any of your children attended Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre before? (NB: not required for first enrolment)

No q Yes q If Yes:

Child's Name: Year of Enrolment:

Child's Name: Year of Enrolment:

I acknowledge that all information supplied on this form is correct at the time of signing.

Signed: Date:

Waitlist application Fee

A non-refundable waitlist application fee of $30.00, applies for all new applications. Families placing 2 or more children at the same time pay $30.00 for the first child and $15.00 for each additional child. Please note, Health Care Card holders will be exempt from this fee (proof is required on application). Please note that applications will NOT be processed unless payment accompanies the Waitlist application form.

Please make cheque/money order payable to Box Hill Institute or please debit the following:

£ Visa £ Mastercard £ Bankcard Card Number : ______

Signature: ______Card Expiry: ___ / ___

How did you find out about the Lilydale Lakesidee Children’s Centre? Please tick,
o Recommendation o Signage o BHI campus o Website o Other ______

For more information relating to the Children’s Program including hours of operation,
fees and program content, etc., please visit our website:

Return completed form to: Lilydale Lakesidee Children’s Centre, 40-50 Melba Ave, Lilydale, VIC 3140

Telephone: (03) 8892 2561

Lilydale Lakeside Children’s Centre is managed and operated by Box Hill Institute Inc. ABN 76 268 630 462