The 23rd Pacific Science Congress

Type in your information below, RESAVE the document to your desktop(i.e.,PSC_MYNAME.doc), CONVERT it into PDF file, and SEND your application to the Congress Secretariat.
Please Note the Deadline for Submitting Session Proposals is 31 October 2015.


Primary Contact Information
First Name / Last Name
Street Address
Postal Code / Telephone
E-Mail / Fax
Application Checklist
Your Proposal should include:
Type of Session (Symposium or Workshop) / Title / Conveners (symposium) or Leaders (workshop)
Justification and description / Time requested / Potential invited speaker(s)
PotentialContributors / Anticipated outcomes of the symposium or workshop
Session Type
Symposium / Workshop

The Congress Secretariat:

The PSC-23 Website:

In order to aid organizers of the Congress in planning and fundraising, the applicant should prepare a 1-page summary including the following elements.

A. Specify Symposium or Workshop Topic
Please select the congress sub-theme for symposium or workshops topicsfrom the following list.
Theme:______(e.g. I, A, 3)
I. Understanding and Addressing Environmental Challenges
  1. Climate Change and Earth System Sciences
  1. Climate Trends and Impacts
  2. Climate Adaptation Measures
  3. Ecosystem and Social Resilience to Climate Change
  4. Biogeochemical Processes
  5. Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
  6. Human-Biosphere Interaction
  7. Future Earth
B. Biodiversity and Natural Resources
  1. Ecosystem Change and Resilience
  2. Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  3. Coral Reef, Mangrove, Seagrasses
  4. Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems
  5. Coastal Zone Management
  6. Fisheries and Aquaculture
  7. Invasive Species
  8. Genomics: Evolutionary, Ecological, and Metagenomics
  9. Eco-Tourism
C. Food / Water / Energy
  1. Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security and Urban Agriculture
  2. Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainability
  3. Soil and Environment in Sustainable Agriculture
  4. Allelochemicals in Agroecosystems
  5. Food Safety

II. Tackling Human and Social Challenges
A. Human Health
  1. Urban Pollution and Health (including Persistent Pollution and EnvironmentalToxicology)
  2. Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
  3. Emerging Infectious Diseases
  4. Lifestyle- and Non-Communicable Diseases
  5. Early Disease Detection, Personalized Medicine and Telemedicine
  6. Drug Development and Alternative Medicine
  7. Healthy Aging and Long-Term Care
B. Human Diversity and Inclusive Development
  1. Prehistory of the Pacific
  2. Cultural/Linguistic Diversity and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  3. Inclusive Development: UN Sustainable Development Goals
  4. Transnational Migration: Impacts on Host and Sending Societies
  5. Gender and Social Equity: Female Laborers’ Working Conditions
  6. The Roles of the Nation-State, Trans-National, and Non-State Actors in aSustainable Future
  7. Center-Periphery Relations: Metropole Relations with Outlying Areas
  8. Multiple Developments with Civilian and Community Initiatives
  9. Land Allocation and Residential Justice in a Sustainable Society
  10. Challenges of Aging Populations: Old Age Care and Social Policy
C. Disaster Risk Reduction
  1. Natural Disaster Risk and Management
  2. Technological Disaster Risk and Management
  3. Disaster Forensics and Impact Assessment
  4. Enhancing Decision-Making of Disaster Risk Reduction through Science andTechnology
  5. Promoting Public-Private Partnership for Societal Resilience
  6. Reducing Risk in Urban Areas
  7. Plans and Implementations of Post-Disaster Recovery

III. Connecting Science and Innovation for a Sustainable 21stCentury
A. Science for Society: Building Green Societies
  1. Science for Society (e.g. Citizen Science, Science Communication, Science and Media)
  2. Science Education (e.g. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics); MOOC (Massive Open Online Course))
  3. Green Economy
  4. Growing Smart Cities / Sustainable Urbanism
  5. Green Architecture
  6. Sustainable Transportation
  7. Gender and Science
B. Emerging Technologies
  1. Big Data: Acquisition and Analytics in the Biological, Ecological and Social Sciences
  2. Advanced Materials
  3. Alternative Energy Research
  4. New Tools for Biodiversity Protection: Remote Sensing, Mapping, and Aerial Monitoring
  5. Desalination Technology
  6. Human-Machine Interfaces
  7. Complexity Science: New Tools for Biological and Social Science
  8. Biomimetics and Biomechanics
  9. Green Manufacturing (“Cradle-to-Cradle” Product Design, Production, and Consumption)
  10. Data Visualization

B. Title
C. Objectives
D.The Names and Contact Information for Committed Conveners (Symposium) or Leaders (Workshop)
Note that it is highly recommended that at least 2 leaders (or a convener and co-convener) be committed for each symposium/workshop, and that they be from different countries. We also encourage cross-disciplinary session ideas, although this is not required.
E. Proposed List of Session Speakers and Potential Paper Titles
F. A One Paragraph Justification and Brief Description of the Symposium or
G. Time Requested
H. Name, Affiliation, and Tentative Title for Each Invited Speaker
I. Anticipated Outcomes

The Congress Secretariat:

The PSC-23 Website: