Our Lady Queen of Peace Pastoral Plan

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Pastoral Council was re-constituted in early 2012 as a leadership group jointly responsible with Father Colm for faith development in the parish.

During the early months of formation the Council developed its mission statement which is –

‘Inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by God’s love, the Parish Pastoral Council of Our Lady Queen of Peace aims to enable parishioners to move closer to God and to promote an inclusive, vibrant parish’.

All the Council’s activities, including the production and execution of this plan, are guided by this mission statement.

The Council was formally commissioned by Bishop Walsh in September 2012 and tasked to focus on the four main areas of –


Education and Formation

Liturgy and Prayer


The Council has now developed a plan of work in the four areas identified by the bishop for the next three years (2013 - 2016). The table below sets out the goals identified in the plan.

Year / CommunityBuilding / Education & Formation / Liturgy & Worship / Outreach
1 / Establish a parish Social Committee / Run the Faith Friends/ GIFT programmes for young people / Organise a parish Retreat / Mission / Establish a parish Youth Committee
2 / Improve communications within the parish / Run a programme of adult faith education / Organise a parish pilgrimage / Reach out to other faith communities in our area
3 / Publish a directory of parish services / Improve links between the parish and primary school / Host an annual mass for the sick / Establish a Bethany Group

A number of additional goals and activities were added after the main planning process had been completed and these are listed below. They were included in the parish Plan after the Council had considered the Diocesan Pastoral Plan which was presented at the Down and Connor Diocesan Congress in September 2013.

These additional goals are –

  • We will establish a Welcoming Ministry in the parish;
  • We will endeavour to be a more listening Council and parish;
  • We will avail of the various training opportunities as they become

available in2014 and beyond;

  • We will deliver prayer cards to homes in the parish as part of the parish


  • The GIFT programme will be added to the Year One goal for Education

and Formation to run along side the Faith Friends programme;

  • As a parish we will support and promote the John Paul II awards.


Danny O’Connor

Chairperson, Our Lady Queen

of Peace Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Plan aims to benefit everyone in the parish. In the coming weeks we will be asking parishioners to become involved with us in the work of the year one goals. There is much to do and your help and assistance would be very much appreciated.

A full version of the Pastoral Plan is available on the parish website
