Mr. Driscoll

Advanced American Government

Political Interview

Part 1: Interview (10 Points)

Use the following questions to interview a family member or other community member about his/her involvement in politics (the person must be 18 or older). Record their responses on the questions guide as thoroughly as possible.

After completing the sheet, you must have at least 5 follow up questions. You may have a few in mind, but try to base them on responses that were given. The follow ups could be to further clarify one of their responses, or ask an entirely different question that you were thinking of based on a response. Make sure to record these as well

***You may want to take quick notes during the interview, then record the responses in sentence form later.

Part 2: Reflection (10 Points)

Consider the following questions. Then, write a 1-2 page reflection based upon the interview. Towards the end of the analysis, do not hesitate to state your opinion regarding the stances taken during the interview. The reflection is open-ended, but make sure you do touch upon the idea of how America’s political system could be improved.

Questions to consider during Reflection.

·  Is the general feeling about American Politics positive or negative?

·  How did age/generation seem to play a role in their opinions?

·  What were some contributing factors to their onions on politics? (ex. War veteran)

·  How does out political system need to change, according to the responses?

·  Which points to you mostly agree with? Why?

·  Which points to you mostly disagree with? Why?

Total Points: 20

Due: Friday, September 19th

Political Interview

Scoring Guide

Category / Points Available / Points Earned
Interview / 10
Reflection / 10

Total Score: ______


Mr. Driscoll

American Government

Political Interview Question Guide

1.  How would you describe “politics?”

2.  In what ways are you involved in politics, if any?

3.  How would you describe your political ideology? (ex. Liberal, moderate, conservative, etc.) Why?

4.  Do you typically vote Democrat, Republican, or other? Why?

5.  Do you usually vote strictly along party lines? Why?

6.  Do you feel our country is more polarized / divided than in the past? Explain.

7.  Have you ever written a representative or joined an interest group? If so, what was the issue and your stance?

8.  Finish this statement. “I wish politicians were…”

9.  How could we increase public participation in politics?

10.  How would you change our political system for the better?

Follow up Responses

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5.  ______