APSE Chapter NewsReport

Please answer ALL questions on this report. Any incomplete Report will NOT be accepted

Please type in your answers onto this document


APSE Chapter:

Current Chapter Board Members and current email addresses:

Name / Email / Role (President, board member, etc) / APSE Member? Y or N

Who is your Public Policy Liaison:

If you do not have a Public Policy Liaison please provide a recommendation of one of your board members for this role (please include full name and email address):

If you are a chapter in development, does the chapter board consist of at least 5 members? (Y or N or N/A)

If you are a fully chartered chapter, does the chapter board currently consist of at least 8 members? (Y or N or N/A)

If you checked NO to any questions listed above please explain:

Have you worked with or spoken to your State Chapter Delegate this past year? (Y or N)

Please provide examples of how your delegate has supported your chapter if applicable

Board Meetings:

Date of last board meeting:

How often do you hold board meetings:

Are the board meetings in person or conference calls, both, other:

Do you have Board Committees: (Y or N)

If so, what are they and when do they meet:

Committee Name: / When they meet:

Annual Training Event (Y or N)

If you held an annual training event this past year please complete:

Date of Event:

Location of Event: (including Hotel Name, City and State):


Other Chapter Events – Regional Meeting, Networking, Socials

Not applicable to your Chapter this year: (Y or N)

Location of Event (including Hotel Name, City and State):


Employment First News Update:

How is your chapter working on Employment First policies and practices?

Who is your chapter collaborating with to implement EF policies and practices?

Communication with Members

How does your chapter communicate with members (please describe):

Do you use the mass email system available for chapters on the National APSE website? (Y or N)

Date of your 2013 membership meeting:

Did your membership meeting include 20% of your members:

Do you have a chapter website? (Y or N)

Does the website include a link to the National APSE website (if applicable)? (Y or N)

Chapter Website address if applicable:

How often do you send out emails to your members:

How often does your chapter send out an electronic newsletter to your members:

Do you use social media to connect with members? (Y or N)

If you use social media, what do you use (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). Please describe:

Chapter Marketing Materials:

(Please send samples via email to )

Does your chapter have a brochure or flyer to use at events or exhibits that you attend? (Y or N)

Would you like a flyer (Sell Sheet) made for your state chapter? (Y or N)

What promotional items does your chapter give out? Please Describe:

Does your chapter need your new logo (this logo includes the new APSE name)(Y or N)

Have you updated the logo on your website, newsletter, marketing materials, etc? (Y or N)


Did your chapter file a 990 or 990N with the IRS in the past 12 months? (Y or N)

Has/have the current chapter president/co-presidents signed off on the APSE chapter bylaws and submitted these to the national office? (Y or N)

Additional information that your chapter be interested in:

Board Recruitment? (Y or N)

Membership recruitment and retention ideas?(Y or N)

Social media? (Y or N)

Website development? (Y or N)

Running Board meetings? (Y or N)

Anything not listed here, please describe:

Please list any other comments/concerns that were not addressed in this report:

Please return this to Macey Chovaz, Chapter Liaison by October 31st 2013 via email:

Please include copies of all minutes, marketing materials and other chapter publications along with this report!

416 Hungerford Drive Suite 418 | Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: 301.279.0060 |Fax: 301.279.0075