Kilkenny Borough CouncilComhairle Buirge Chill Chainnigh

City HallHalla na Cathrach

High StreetSráid Ard

KilkennyCill Chainnigh



1. Name of Applicant Body ______

Tel. No. ______

2. Description of Project ______



3. Location ______

4. Approximate Estimated Cost ______

5. Date of Commencement (Actual/Anticipated) ______

6. Date of expected completion ______

7. Name and Address to which correspondence is to be sent ______


8. (a) Will the amenity be available free of charge for the use and enjoyment of the public


(b) If not, give full particulars of how it is proposed to regulate access to or use of

the amenity. ______

9. (a) Have previous Amenity Grant allocations been made? ______

(b)If so, please give details ______

10. (a) Has grant assistance been received or sought for this proposal from any other source? ______

(b) If so, give details______

11. Have you obtained planning approval to the scheme? ______

12. Amount of Grant sought ______

13. Please advise as to how you propose to publicly acknowledge receipt of grant from
Kilkenny Borough Council: ______


Explicit recognition must be given to Kilkenny Borough Council in any promotional material associated with the Project.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Position Held ______

Footnotes:All receipts relating to application will be requested when allocations are made.

Please read attached notes carefully.



Tel: 056 779 4534

Grants for Works of Public Amenity

Memorandum for Information of Voluntary Bodies Etc.


For a project to qualify under the scheme, the facilities to be provided must be available for the use and enjoyment of the general public or particular age-groups (e.g. a children’s playground) at all reasonable times, either free of charge or subject to moderate charges to cover management and maintenance costs and in appropriate cases, to build up funds for further amenity development.

Satisfactory arrangements for future management and maintenance must be made.


Any project may be considered provided that it does not form part of a housing estate being constructed by a local authority or private persons and is designed to improve community facilities for recreation and leisure pursuits, for the protection or improvement of natural or man-made amenities, or for the enhancement of the appearance of the area concerned. Works that will qualify include:

- Parks and open spaces

- Playgrounds, playing fields, pitch-and-putt courses, tennis and basketball courts.

- Facilities for or in connection with boating, fishing, outdoor swimming.

- Means to access to lakes, rivers, beaches or other areas of recreational or amenity value.

- Works for the conservation or protection of natural or manmade amenities, or sites or areas of special scientific interest.

- Opening up of views and prospects.

- Scenic walks, mountain paths, nature trails etc.

- Planting of trees, shrubs, etc.

- Local museums

- Car-parks in areas of scenic attractions, special tourist interest or recreational utility, or car-parks which forms part of and are incidental to a general scheme of amenity works.

- Community or recreation centres in new or existing buildings.


Applications for grant assistance by voluntary bodies etc., should be sent to the local authority for the area. Application forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Local Authority. The application should be accompanied by the following:-

(1)A detailed estimate of the cost of the works proposed; where tenders have been invited, details should be supplied.

(2)A map or tracing showing the location and extent of the work.

(3)Where structural works are involved – scale drawing and brief specification.

The Local Authority will require to be satisfied as to the eligibility and suitability of the scheme generally, with particular reference to lay-out and design, the accuracy of cost estimates, arrangements for management and maintenance and the ownership or effective control of the land affected by the sponsoring body, where it is intended that work on a scheme will be spread over a number of years, it is desirable that the work should be broken into definite phases for execution in successive years and that theapplication to the Local Authority should indicate the phasing proposed and the estimated cost of each phase. Detailed plans, estimates, etc., need only be supplied for the first phase when the initial application is being sent to the Local Authority. Details of further phases can be submitted later as the scheme progresses.

N.B.In some cases a local group may wish to be satisfied about the eligibility of a project before detailed plans, estimates etc., are prepared. Where this question arises it is open to the group to seek approval in principle to the project from the Local Authority before going any further.


It is important that cost estimates should be as accurate and realistic as possible. If a local group have not got professional assistance to enable them to prepare such estimates, the local authority may be prepared to help. The Local Authority will also consider assisting local groups in the layout and design of works, and, in important scenic or amenity areas, they may recommend that consultant’s fee can be included in estimates for grant purposes. In some cases, Local Authorities may be prepared to assume direct responsibility for a scheme promoted by a local group, with assistance in cash or in kind from the group.


The Local Authority will have to be satisfied about arrangement for the future maintenance of schemes carried out with grant assistance. Promoting bodies will be expected to have ownership or effective control of the land and/or building affected and to be legally constituted to ensure continuity of responsibility. In some cases, the Local Authority may, as a condition of grant assistance, require the promoting body to enter into a covenant or agreement to ensure future maintenance and management of the amenity for the purposes for which the grant is paid.


Applicant bodies are reminded that where planning permission is required for any project proposed to be carried out under the scheme, such permission must be obtained before the work can be legally commenced. The Local Authority will advise on the procedure to be followed.


Before applying, you are advised to consult with your City Engineer – Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald, Senior Engineer, Kilkenny Borough Council, City Hall, High St, Kilkenny – 056 7794516.


In relation to any works proposed, in a graveyard, you are advised to consult with the City Engineer and the Office of Public Works before the commencement of work