Construction Scotland, in Partnership with Scottish Planning & Architecture Unit and Architecture Design Scotland

Construction Scotland Open Meeting – on two areas of work

  1. Aligning Roads and Planning Consents
  2. Place Standard

8th July – AD+S Workshop, Level 2, The Lighthouse, Mitchell Lane, Glasgow

Purpose of Meeting

To engage with key industry organisations, individuals and stakeholders, informing them of progress on work around aligning consents and the emerging voluntary frameworks and the development of an assessment tool, to support the future introduction of the Places Standard. By collective review, collaboration and taking a wider perspective, organisations will be better informed, whilst acting as a sound board, to develop a wider industry engagement strategy going forward. Construction Scotland will broker attendance and facilitate collaboration at the meeting



9:30 Meet & Greet

Welcome – Stewart Dalgarno – Construction Scotland ILG

9:45 – 11.00Aligning Consents

Background : As part of work to implement Designing Streets, Scottish Government developed a structured approach to align roads construction consent (RCC) with planning permission. Testing the approach against live cases indicates that it can provide consistency, earlier certainty for applicants and allow flexibility to suit local practices. We intend to publish this approach as good practice in support of Designing Streets. Then as a further step, propose that the time periods between validation (confirmed as meeting minimum requirements) to determination of RCC (stage 1) should mirror those in planning. As a means to achieve this, processing agreements could be used to set agreed timescales for planning and roads.

1.Scene setting presentations – 2 x 15 minutes done to date + emerging proposals – Stuart Wilson, Scottish Planning

+ Architecture Unit

b.Roads Design Guide – John Thomson, SCOTS

2.Open discussion

3.Key actions

11:00 – 11:15 Break

11:15 – 12:30Places Standard

Background: The Place Standard is being developed and delivered through a partnership between Scottish Government, Architecture + Design Scotland and NHS Health Scotland. More explanation can be found at Work is continuing to make the Place Standard an easy to use tool, framed around a set of themes and key questions. During 2015 there has been wide consultation with stakeholders from all sectors. We are now refining and testing the tool. In the coming months we wish to work with Industry to trial the Place Standard.

1.Scene setting presentations – 2 x 15 minutes done to date + emerging proposals – Sandy Robinson, Scottish

Planning + Architecture Unit

b.Assessment Tool + Trials – Johnny Cadell – Architecture + Design Scotland

2.Open discussion

3.Key actions

12:30 – 12:45 Networking & Depart