Say “Hi – how are you?” to five people at school that you don’t normally talk to. One of them has to be a staff member. / Measure the length of an object and report the measure in metres, decimetres, centimetres and millimetres. / Think about what it means to be “Noble”
( our Falcon Feat). Name one person that you think is noble and why. / Choose your favourite meal. Could you make a healthier version of it? Write a recipe using your healthier choices. / How do you deal with ‘stress’ and ‘worries’. List five things you can do to manage stress in your life.
Find a piece of art ( in reality or online). Discuss the elements and principles of design that contribute to the message of this piece of art. / Go to Special Interest and click on “News for Kids” Find an article that interests you and write three connections ( text to self, text to text, text to world ) to the article. / Listen to your favourite song. What is its meaning? What does it mean to you? / Write an explanation on how to make your favourite meal. Use these transition words
( next, then, after than, finally, first) / How are the number 3.005 and 5.003 alike? How are they different?
Make a list of 10 synonyms you can use for “said”. / Add three words to our “Awesome Words” wall to extend our classroom vocabulary! / Look through newspapers, magazines or online data. Find five examples of numbers written in decimal form. / Ask a parent/sibling/friend to do a Blind Sort with your Word Work words. Then, have them pick three words for you to use in a sentence! / Write a paragraph that tells what you liked and disliked about the last movie you saw. Remember to organize your writing with a topic sentence, three main points, and a closing statement.
Research “Pancake Tuesday” (Shrove Tuesday ). Why do we eat pancakes on this day? / 4 is a factor of two different numbers. What else might be true about the numbers? What could the numbers be? / Write down all of the vocabulary words from Literacy in Action ( Space unit). Explain them to a peer, parent, sibling or write down their definitions. / Read a picture book to a sibling, parent or your reading buddy. Complete an oral summary using 5W’s and an H. / Go for a walk. Look at all of God’s beautiful creations. Take a moment to really appreciate our world. Use your five senses. What did you see? Hear? Feel? Taste? Smell?
Go shopping! Estimate the cost of three items under fifty dollars. Pretend you had $200 cash. Estimate how much change you would receive! / Imagine you could visit any planet in our solar system. Write a paragraph about your experience using three of your word work words! / Work on your “SMART” goal that you wrote in January. / Research one of Canada’s Trading Partners. Describe the relationship ( what does Canada import/export with this country ) / God created us to live in relationship with others. Name three very important relationships in your life. Tell something you have learned about yourself or other people from your relationships.

How to Play:

1. When you complete an activity, colour in the box.

2. By the end of the month, complete 3 rows of activities across, down, or diagonally.

3. Hand it in to Mrs. Gallant’s inbox for a prize! Remember to attach any work that you completed.

Student Name:______Parent Signature:______