Lector Schedule
Advent through Winter Ordinary Time – 2017-2018
4:00pm / 9:00am / 11:00amDecember 3
First Sunday of Advent / Paul Marrero
Maryanne Cukr
Fran Badalamente / Bev Lanni
Nancy McAleer
John Kavalick / Vivian Lozon
Teresa Stawinski
Marybeth Rudzinski
December 10
Second Sunday of Advent / Mark Czanecki
Darlene Preston
Kathy Tate / Anthony Howell
Dave Cadez
Mike Krotche / Wendy Weimert
Neville D’Souza
Judy Holmes
December 17
Third Sunday of Advent / Flo Tyll
Madeline Schornak
Jillian Francis / Genie Palmer
Barb Ziarko
Andrea Byrne / Bill Sikora
Paige Sakorafos
Nancy McAleer
December 24
Fourth Sunday of Advent / Barb Francis
Lauren Flores
Mark Czarnecki / Larry Jadach
Ed Jozefczyk
Kathy McGrath / No Mass
December 24/25
Solemnity of the Nativity
of the Lord / 4:00pm
Diane Fisher
Mark Fisher
Jennifer Mathis / 10:00pm
Call to Worship: Claire Orlando
Jayne Thomas
Jim Thomas
Madeline Brender / 9:00am
Dave Wisneski
Ellie VanCoillie
Jeff Ray / 11:00am
Marie Giasson
Pat Boland Saoud
Bill Saoud
Please sign up in the sacristy for Masses for
The celebration of the Immaculate Conception is on Friday, December 8.
It is a Holy of Obligation. Masses are at Noon and 7pm.
The readings for all Christmas Masses are
found on pages 32-33 in your workbook,Mass During the Day:
Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6
4:00pm / 9:00am / 11:00amDecember 31
Feast of the
Holy Family / Dick Fuhrman
Betty Nawrocki
Bob Mackstaller / Genie Palmer
Lily Ambrosio Ylen
Madeline Brender / Judy Holmes
Melissa Willman
Wendy Weimert
January 7
Solemnity of the Epiphany / Mary Anne Barczak
Kathy Tate
Jerry Meagher / Kathy McGrath
Bev Lanni
Ed Jozefczyk / Neville D’Spuza
Vivian Lozon
Dave Cadez
January 14
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time / Darlene Preston
Flo Tyll
Madeline Schornak / Jeff Ray
Barb Ziarko
Larry Jadach / Marybeth Rudzinski
Marie Giasson
Paige Sakorafos
January 21
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time / Lauren Flores
Jillian Francis
Barb Francis / Mike Krotche
Andrea Byren
Anthony Howell / Teresa Stawinski
Mark Fisher
Diane Fisher
January 28
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Fran Badalamente
Paul Marrero
Lily Ambrosio Ylen / Jim Thomas
Jayne Thomas
Bill Sikora / Bill Saoud
Pat Boland Saoud
Melissa Willman
February 4
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Betty Nawrocki
Mark Czarnecki
Ellie Van Coillie / John Kavalick
Dave Wisneski
Dick Fuhrman / Bob Mackstaller
Jennifer Mathis
Paige Sakorafos
February 11
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Maryanne Cukr
Mary Anne Barczak
Madeline Schornak / Genie Palmer
Bev Lanni
Katy McGrath / Teresa Stawinski
Vivian Lozon
Judy Holmes
The first name listed is commentator. The next two names are the lectors.
Please submit any possible schedule conflicts to Mary by January 7, The Solemnity of the Epiphany.
The next schedule will be Lent/ Easter