Who is the mysterious ‘Fat Boy’?!?
A Clowne RR member, known only as ‘Fat Boy’ has announced that he is to run a marathon on Saturday 16 May. Shy and not seeking publicity (he has recently submitted some dodgy expense claims), ‘Fat Boy’ took time out from training to answer a few questions…..
How are you approaching this marathon?
In the car, along the A6.
Has the training gone well?
Well, the free advice from club members has been invaluable. And as I can’t drink whilst I run, my beer consumption has fallen (mm, that’s why all the pubs are shutting).
How long do you think it will take?
Realistically? Four hours 20, maybe 30 minutes. (he doesn’t really know as it is his first marathon).
Do you run in tight red shorts?
No, it’s not my style
Are you running for a cause?
Certainly am – Edale Mountain Rescue - a fine bunch of people.
Can friends sponsor you?
Friends, what friends?
Ok, anyone who has had the misfortune of knowing you..
Well that’s a lot of people, and I would invite them to visit the following page in cyberspace:
Warning – Fat Boy may reveal himself to you on this page…steer clear if you are of a nervous disposition.
Do you accept cash?
Do pubs serve beer? Oh I see, as sponsorship! Well I don’t have a paper sponsorship form but please see me and we’ll work something out.
But we don’t know who you are.?
Good point. Just leave the cash on the bar at Clowne Community Centre…
What will you be thinking of as you cross the finish line?
I doubt it will be “blinking heck, I only set of 2 hours 30 minutes ago”. More likely “that’s the last bl**dy time. Grow up and get sensible”. And of course, I’ll think of all those dear people who have so generously sponsored me. Fine people, all of them.
Fat Boy was interviewed by himself and did not accept payment for this interview.