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Tuesday 18 July / 4.00-5.30 / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / Trinity Anglican School Cairns
Wednesday 19 July / 10.00-12.30 / Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism and
Nazi Germany: Lessons from a Dark Past / Modern History Student Seminar / Trinity Anglican SchoolCairns
Thursday 20 July / 4.00-5.30 / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / Calvary Christian College Townsville
Friday 21 July / 10.00-12.30 / Presenters:
Dr Andrew Bonnell
Life in Nazi Germany
Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism / Modern History Student Seminar / Calvary Christian CollegeTownsville
Monday 24 July / 4.00-5.30 / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / Whitsunday Anglican, Mackay
Tuesday 25 July / 10.00-12.30 / Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism and
Nazi Germany: Lessons from a Dark Past / Modern History Student Seminar / Whitsunday Anglican, Mackay
Wednesday 26 July / 10.00-12.30 / Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism and
Nazi Germany: Lessons from a Dark Past / Modern History Student seminar / St Ursula’s College, Yeppoon
Wednesday 26 July / 4.00 5.30 pm / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / St Ursula’s College
Thursday 27 July / 4.00-5.30 / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / Shalom College, Bundaberg
Friday 28 July / 10.00-12.30 / Presenters:
Dr Andrew Bonnell
Life in Nazi Germany
Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism / Modern History Student Seminar / Shalom College
Monday 31 July / 4.00-5.30 / Teacher PD
Secondary: Dr Brian Hoepper
Primary: Kathleen Gordon / Teacher PD
Secondary Workshop and Primary Workshop / Hervey Bay State High School
Hervey Bay
Tuesday 1 August / 10.00-12.30 / Dr Brian Hoepper
Terrorism and
Nazi Germany: Lessons from a Dark Past / Modern History Student Seminar / Hervey Bay State High School
Hervey Bay

Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell

Life in Nazi Germany

Andrew's presentation will focus on the historical conditions and human factors that made Nazism possible. He will consider the question of to what extent the Nazi regime maintained its rule by terror (e.g. use of the Gestapo, concentration camps) and to what extent it enjoyed mass popular support from Germans. This will lead to reflections on how people behave in what we see as extreme conditions and what kind of decisions “ordinary people” make under these circumstances.

Dr Andrew Bonnell is currently Associate Professor in History at UQ. Assoc. His research interests include: Modern German and European history. German cultural and intellectual history in social and political context. History of German Social Democracy.

Dr Brian Hoepper


Today, terrorism is producing fear and uncertainty in societies around the world. This is unprecedented in scale and intensity, but terrorism is not a new phenomenon historically. In this presentation, Brian will highlight dramatic episodes in the history of terrorism, stretching back over two thousand years. These episodes will reveal the diverse motivations, methods and effects of terrorist activity. A brief treatment of research into the ‘psychology of terrorism’ will lead into a major focus on radical Islamist activity, ranging from the political and military aspirations of ‘Islamic State’ to the local activities of ‘lone wolf’ terrorists – often ‘cyber-jihadists’ radicalized and encouraged through internet sites. The presentation will conclude with an evaluation of the threat posed by such activity to Australians and others, and the steps that might be taken by states, organizations and individuals to respond to that threat.

Brian has taught history and history curriculum at secondary and tertiary levels, and published textbooks in both fields. He has been involved in curriculum development at state and national levels, and has presented sessions at conferences and workshops. Most recently he has advised the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority on the development of the senior modern history syllabus. Brian’s most current publication is ‘Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences’ (Cengage 2017), co-edited with Prof. Rob Gilbert.

Dr Brian Hoepper (when presenting Student Seminars alone)

Nazi Germany: Lessons from a dark past?

Today, the Nazi experience continues to intrigue, horrify and puzzle people. In this presentation, Brian begins with some of the ‘puzzles’ that arise when people study this barbaric regime that emerged in a nation at the centre of European civilization. The focus is broad, focusing on politics, schools, media, popular culture, youth groups and concentration camps. The emergence and growth of Nazism is traced through a range of factors, including Germany’s political heritage, the aftermath of World War 1, economic conditions and the appeal of the Nazi message. Post-1945 research into authoritarianism, group behaviour and obedience is introduced. Finally, Brian poses questions about the possible ‘lessons’ for us in today’s politically turbulent times.

Brian has taught history and history curriculum at secondary and tertiary levels, and published textbooks in both fields. He has been involved in curriculum development at state and national levels, and has presented sessions at conferences and workshops. Most recently he has advised the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority on the development of the senior modern history syllabus. Brian’s most current publication is ‘Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences’ (Cengage 2017), co-edited with Prof. Rob Gilbert.


Regional Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

Primary workshop: Developing Literacy Skills Through History

This practical workshop introduces and demonstrates three ways to enhance the teaching and learning of History in primary classrooms.

  1. Integrating: Ways to easily and meaningfully integrate History with English in particular. The benefits include increased time, deeper learning and greater engagement.
  2. Matching research organisers to a key text: Choosing a key non-fiction text and creating matching organisers (based on research questions) that students want to use and can use independently. The benefit is better student research.
  3. Targeting specific vocabulary: Using tier two and tier three vocabulary from historical fiction (read during morning read-alouds) and building student understanding through a range of strategies including using props. The benefit is improved student writing.

Workshop Leader:

Kathleen Gordon

Kathleen is an experienced primary school teacher who has coordinated HASS in her own school (Peregian Springs State School). She was a member of the original ACARA History advisory group and has worked for NGOs - Global Learning Centre and Together for Humanity. Kathleen is an experienced curriculum developer and has contributed to many publications. Most recently, she has written the chapter on 'Integration' in the forthcoming tertiary education text Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences.

Secondary Workshop

Workshop Leader:

Dr Brian Hoepper

Teaching historical inquiry: The basics and beyond

The phasing in of the Australian Curriculum: History has resulted in increased numbers of history classes in Years 7-10, with many being taught by teachers without a strong background in history curriculum. This workshop will be particularly valuable for those teachers, while inviting more experienced teachers to reflect on their practices.

Historical inquiry is the key feature of classroom practice. Initially, the workshop will explore what it means to teach using an inquiry approach, and how that approach produces the most valuable learning by students. Basic principles and practices will be explained and demonstrated. But the workshop will then highlight how the inquiry approach becomes deep, rich and more interesting using particular elements of the Australian Curriculum: History – core concepts, critical thinking and key values. In these ways, the workshop will demonstrate how an inquiry approach develops essential ‘tools’ that students can use in understanding and responding to the opportunities and challenges of their rapidly changing world.


Brian Hoepper has been involved in history education as a secondary teacher, university lecturer, syllabus writer, textbook author and provider of professional development. He worked for the National Centre for History Education and was contracted by ACARA to help develop the Australian Curriculum: History. Brian’s most recent publication is Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences (Cengage 2017), a tertiary text co-edited with Prof. Rob Gilbert.

QHTA Student Seminars 2017
BOOKING FORM Venue……………………………….Date…………………….

Modern History or Ancient History…………………………..

COST: $7.70 per student including GST

Successful and unsuccessful applicants are notified. Refunds will not be provided to those schools that fail to attend. Bookings will be recorded in order of receipt of this Booking Form and confirmed on payment. If bookings are unpaid two weeks before the Seminar, the places will be offered to the next school on the list. Thank you for your cooperation.




NO OF STUDENTS ATTENDING: TOTAL FEE @ $7.70 including GST/student: $

Please return Booking Form to: QHTA, PO BOX 1029, NEW FARM QLD 4005 OR Telephone enquiries 0418 764 574

A Tax Invoice will be issued on receipt of this booking form so that payment can then be organised OR

If wanting to pay with the Booking Form:

I have enclosed a cheque to QHTA  OR

Credit Card details are:  MasterCard OR  VISA 

Card Number ______Expiry Date _____ / ______

CSC Code______

Cardholder’s Name: ______Signature ______OR

Direct Deposits to QHTA BSB 064 106 Account 0090 1622 Commonwealth Bank. Please indicate whether MH (Modern History) or AH (Ancient History) and school name.

QHTA Professional Development Workshops for Teachers - 2017
BOOKING FORM Venue……………………………….Date…………………….

Secondary or Primary…………………………..


QHTA Members: $55.00 including GST

Non Members:$77.00






NAMES OF TEACHERS: (for Certificate to be issued)


Please return Booking Form to: QHTA, PO BOX 1029, NEW FARM QLD 4005 OR Telephone enquiries 0418 764 574

A Tax Invoice will be issued on receipt of this booking form so that payment can then be organised OR

If wanting to pay with the Booking Form:

I have enclosed a cheque to QHTA  OR

Credit Card details are:  MasterCard OR  VISA 

Card Number ______Expiry Date _____ / ______

CSC Code______

Cardholder’s Name: ______Signature ______OR

Direct Deposits to QHTA BSB 064 106 Account 0090 1622 Commonwealth Bank. Please indicate PD location.