During the past few months’ 212 family updates, (births, deaths, marriages, etc) have been made using Ancestry .Com Family Tree Maker software. Most of the updates came from emails sent to kerri over the past year and from family representatives.

As of June 1st 2010, we have 1094 members of the Luby Association, 355 marriages, 9 generations of William and Mary Luby descendants in America, and 316 surnames. The oldest birth recorded is about 1798 with William Luby and the newest birth record is John Otto Lemke April 2010.

David Crotty uploaded a recent copy of the William Luby Descendant Chart to the Luby Family Reunion web site and is available for you. In addition, if you would like a copy of your individual family tree and or family fact sheet send me a request, email works best, with the name of the head of family and I will get it to you as an attachment to an email.

As Genealogist my focus is to assist Kerri in making updates to the family data base, research missing family data, and continue to research our family roots.

0 In regards to the missing family data, I would like to send a descendant chart

To each head of family in attendance hear today as an attachment to an email

For you to update then return to me so I can add the information to the database.

0 In regards to researching our family roots, I would like to report on some of the

More interesting items found to date.

1 Correspondence with the LaSalle County Genealogy Guild

Marriage record from St Patrick’s Church, LaSalle Ottawa IL.

“ 26 October 1843 Marriage of William Connelly and Helena Luby

I enrolled in marriage William Connelly, son of Henry Connelly

And Joann? Born about 25 years ago with Helen Luby, daughter of

William Luby and Marie Luby, born 19 years ago. Witnesses are

Edward Fanning (sp) and Marie Wafer.

Alphonsus Plantiova (sp)”

Most of this was written in Latin and was interpreted by a friend Father

Frank Kelley.

NOTE: We have no record of a Helen Luby born about 1824.

William and Mary Luby had one daughter Ann Theresa Luby born in

Ottawa, IL 8/7/1837 and they all left Il. In 1840 to head back to Ireland.

I believe the chances of another Luby family living in LaSalle County

In 1843 is very slim. Ottawa IL had less than 500 people living there

At that time. It is possible that Helen was a daughter of William from

A previous marriage or was William’s brother’s child that William

And Mary raised as their own. Needs more research.

2 Correspondences with County Sligo Heritage and Genealogy Society

They did a detail search of available records in county Sligo on William

And Mary Luby.for me

1 Baptismal record of John Luby 12/23 1845

Roman Catholic

Parish of Riverstown,County Sligo

Father: William

Mother: Maria Dignan

Sponsor: Thomas Mullany and Bridget Dowd

NOTE: I am confident that this is our John William Luby.

The birth date is off by 1 day from what we have on file.

2 Marriage notice” Marian Dignan 6/5/1826 sponsors

Thomas Mullany and Bridget Dowd

NOTE: based on our records this would place Mary at 16 yr

In 1826. This could be our Mary. The notice was made

In the village of Laughlin Rosecommon . Look at the

Sponsors Thomas and Bridget the same for John Luby

Baptismal record.

3 Other research

1 No record of Suey Sligo but there is a Sooey village in

Riverstown County Sligo Ireland.

- Sooey is town land

- Major church is Church of the Assumption

- Town land known as Carrowkeel

- Church built by Fr. Luke Cullinan 1837

- Replaced earlier thatched chapel on the old road to Sligo town land of Sooey

- Sooey is in the Barony of Carbury

- Church of the Assumption is in the Diocese of Elphin parish of Riverstown .

2 Riverstown and Sooey are on the Map of County Sligo.

3 No record of a village or town called Luray unless you go to


4 County Sligo is one of the oldest areas in Ireland and has been

Settled continuous for 6000 years. Note Sligo Abbey.

5 Mary Degnan Christening record 6/9/1810 from the town of

Taunagh County Sligo

Father: Dominici Dignan

Mother: mariae Conlan

NOTE: This could be our Mary dates look good need more research.

6 Correspondence with NE Historic Genealogy Society requesting a copy of the William and Mary Luby Descendant chart on disk. If their are no objections, I would like to send it to them.

7 Have received access to “Flax Growers of Ireland 1796 County

Sligo” This shows free land holders in Sligo at that time.

Found the following;

Dominick Looby Killvarnet

James Looby Killvarnet

Owen Looby Killadoon

William Looby Killadoon

NOTE: this is significant, wecan confirm that the L00by family did own land, and that William could very well be our William

Luby’s father.

Other names of interest,

James Dowd Kilmorgan

Matthew Dowd Kilmorgan

Stephen Dowd Kilmorgan

Dennis Mullany Kilmctranny

Patrick Mullany Kilmctranny

Owen Mullany Kilfree

NOTE: Dowd and Mullany show up a few times when reference is made to a baptism or marriage when associated with William Luby and Mary Degnan.

No one by name of Degnan are on the list, Mary’s father was not a land owner.
