YE: (Don’t) buy it!

August 10-18.2017, Leskovac, Serbia

Application form
Dear applicant, thank you for your interest in the topic of our youth exchange. The application form is a very valuable resource for us in preparations. Please, fill out the application in such manner which will provide us with some idea of who you are, what you do and how much you are committed to active participation in this youth exchange, and in the post exchange period.
It doesn’t have to be an essay, but please, do make an effort.
We’re looking forward to our cooperation, learning and practicing process 
Personal information
First and last name (in that order):
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Place and country of birth:
Gender (double click to check the box): / Male / Female
Passport /ID number (also write down when it will expire):
Street address and place/town where you live now:
Home and/or cell phone number (please include country codes):
E-mail address:
Facebook profile:
What is your knowledge of English language? (check the box) / Basic level / Intermediate / Advanced
Emergency contact person. Please provide a name, phone number and e-mail of your emergency contact. Include the country code
Your organisation supporting you to participate in this activity (if you are an activist in an organisation. If not, please skip this and the next question)?Please write down purpose and main activities of your organisation.
What is your role/position in your organisation?
Have you ever participated in a non-formal education activity (training course, youth exchange, workshops etc.?). Please shortly describe your experience.
How much time you spend on the Internet daily?
What is (in your opinion) the best and the worst thing about Internet use today? (max 3 things for both options)
Do you actively use social media? Which ones?
Why did you apply for thisyouth exchange? What do you expect from this youth exchange?
Why is the topic (media literacy) important for you?
In your opinion, how much Web affects media? Please explain.
How can you contribute to the youth exchange?
What is your superpower?
Do you have any special needs? Such as: dietary, medical or mobility needs, allergies etc? If yes, please let us know and describe what kind of assistance you might need.
This is your space  If there is anything you would like to share, but we haven’t asked you yet, go for it.

Please send the filled application form to

Disclaimers and agreements

Please take note of the following conditions that will apply if you are selected to take part in the youth exchange.

I hereby commit myself to participate in the whole process of this exchange including remote preparation and activities in the post-exchange period.

I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.

I authorise Association People’s Parliament, Tempus Foundation, SALTO RC and the EC to publish, in whatever form and by whatever medium, including the Internet, information about my organisation and work and pictures taken at the exchange.

Project “(Don’t) buy it!” is implemented with the support of the

Erasmus+ programme of the European Union