South Australian Local Government

Supervisory Officers’ Association

Metro Branch Incorporated

Clive Harrington Bernie Kasza

Ph (08) 83669212 Mobile 0422001899

Mobile 0419823703 Email



Minutes of Executive Meeting

Meeting held at Alma Hotel on 13/9/17


NAME / Organisation / NAME / Organisation
D. Jones / Pipeline Technology Services / V. Manning / IR Cosset
M. Swanbury / City of Mitcham / B. Kasza / TAFE SA
S. Desmond / Retired / M. Chadwick / Retired
J. Nielson / City of Salisbury / M. Inwood / City of Salisbury


NAME / Organisation / NAME / Organisation
C. Harrington / Campbelltown City Council / K. Bruhn / Retired

Verity took the chair in the absence of Clive


C. Harrington could not attend the meeting but requested via email that the following points be raised

1 That free membership be applied to boost numbers from Local Government.

2. Combined meeting Southern Hills in February / March 2018 Possible venue the New Talem Bend Motor Sports Park

3. Next October Meeting at Integregated Waste Wingfield and Dublin sites, Meeting at Gepps Cross Ale House then bus to sites . meeting to be open to other Council members to attract new members

-  M.Swanbury raised the issue regarding membership. Financial members to date are 2 council members, 3 retired members, 12 Industry members

-  Is it viable to keep the metro branch going

-  Different roles for supervisors in the industry

-  Systems have changed

-  Contracts are over 3 + years

-  Information is now available over the internet

-  IPWEA have 500 members but at last meeting only 20 members showed

-  Are we competing with IPWEA

-  Free membership doesa not make any difference

-  Open membership to other sections of LGA

-  Meetings to be held on weekends, consensus is that this would not work

-  Industry members have involvement in all branches and groups

-  Fall in membership is not new to the association

-  Have more dinners such as Christmas in July

-  If the association was to dissolve due to lack of membership the constitution require that the executive committee needs to make the decision to dissolve or hiatus and also to decide what to do with the funds

-  Still have meeting in October as per Clive’s suggestion. The Secretary to get in touch with Clive and determine if the details of meeting are happening. If not happening perhaps a dinner in November open to financial members and their partners. Darren to look into possible venues for dinner on 11th November 2017

-  Invitation to members to include lack of membership and the need to recruit more members to keep the association viable

-  Treasure to resend invoices to non financial members

-  Start to look into the Study tour 2018. Secretary to send out flyer for expression of interest for the KI option

Meeting Closed 7.30pm

Next Meeting


-  9th June 2017

-  President, Treasurer and committee members are up for election

-  To be held at PPS Marleston . BBQ lunch at 1.30pm

-  Membership fees to remain the same $50 LGA members $250 Industry members

Study Tour

-  Kangaroo Island

-  Expression of Interest . Secretary to send out flyer

-  Require 12 Sponsors at $1000 each, 28 Members at $250 each, $100 deposits will be required to secure position

-  Preferential treatment to members

-  To be held in the last Friday in July 28 to 30 July

-  Notify Southern and Hills Branch and CCB branch

-  Possible itinerary to include Gin distillery tour, Honey Farm, airport project, desal plant

If Study tour does not go ahead other alternatives are

-  Dinner with a guest speaker

-  Christmas in July dinner