- Enclosed -
Please review in order … to see subjects in context
- Side A: Continuity of the Catholic Church … list of Popes from 33 A.D.
Side B: Selected citations against heresy and heretics.
- Page 1: Proof that the vatican-2 heretic cult (founded on 8 December 1965 at the Vatican) … cannot possibly be the Catholic Church, as it completely rejects the Catholic Dogma. The v-2 cult controls our formerly Catholic properties.
Page 2: Selected heresies of thevatican-2 cult group leaders … who have been calling themselves Popes since 1965.
- Side A: Chronology of when various heresies (“lutheran”, “methodiist”, “evangelical”, “pentecostal”, etc.) started and by whom … “How old is your Church or your heretic cult”.
Side B: Salvation (getting to Heaven) - Unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma … rejected by the Vatican-2 cult.
- Side A: Automatic Excommunication from Christianity … for heresy or for physical participation in a heretic cult ... Unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma.
Side B: Formal Abjuration to re-enter Christianity (the Catholic Church, which has no buildings at this time) ... Unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma.
- Side A: The Saint Matthew 16:18 … “Gates of Hell” scripture is not about the Papacy, it is about the Church.
Side B: Citations foretelling and verifying the fact that the Catholic Church has lost it’s physical properties around
the world.
- Side A: Chronology starting in the year 1846 … leading up to the Catholic Church losing it’s properties in 1965.
Side B: Chronology, continued.
- Side A: Catholic authored scriptures that the Church is the authority on faith and morals … and Doctrine scriptures.
Side B: Citations authored scriptures that works of charity are required to get to Heaven.
- Side A: Catholic corrections of common heresies in these times.
Side B: Continued - Catholic corrections of common heresies.
- Side A: Water Baptism ... Unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma… this Dogma is completely rejected by the Vatican-2 heretic cult.
Side B: Continued - Water Baptism Dogma.
- Side A: Catholic citations … on the fewness of the saved … in other words, on the fewness of those who cooperate with received graces to escape Hell.
Side B: Jurisdiction and Governance … additional Dogma which proves that the Catholic Church has lost its properties around the world ... Unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma.
- Side A: Jesus Christ was an Israelite ... He was not a jew.A significant roadblock to accepting the Catholic Dogmas … the pervasive everywhere lie in these times … the lie that “Jesus was a jew”.
Side B: Continued – Jesus Christ was an Israelite ... He was not a jew.
- Side A: Against the “ignorance loophole” (everyone’s favorite loophole) … it does not get you to Heaven … ignoring the Catholic eternal realitites causes the loss of your soul.
Side B: Continued - Unchangeable Dogma and citations … against the “ignorance loophole”.
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Please forward these facts and truths to your family and friends … as a spiritual work of mercy
Saint Sebastian, died 288 A.D.
"The devil strains every nerve to secure the souls which belong to Christ. We should not grudge our toil in wresting them from Satan, and giving them back to God."
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, Pope Leo X, 1513 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false … thus sowing heresies which … should be avoided in every way."