NASW-Missouri Chapter
Advocacy Day Tips
1. Do learn your Legislator’s committee assignments and their particular specialties. / 1. Don’t overload the visit with too many issues.2. Do present the need for what you are asking the Legislator to do. Use data or professional/personal cases. / 2. Don’t confront, threaten, pressure or beg.
3. Do relate situations in his/her home district. / 3. Don’t be argumentative. Speak with calmness and commitment to avoid placing him/her on the defensive.
4. Do ask the Representative’s or Senator’s position and reasons. / 4. Don’t overstate the case. Members are very busy and you’re apt to lose their attention if too wordy.
5. Do-in the case of voting records-ask why he/she voted a particular way. / 5. Don’t expect Members of the General Assembly to be specialists. Their schedules and work loads tend to make them generalists.
6. Do show openness to counterarguments and respond to them. / 6. Don’t be put off by smokescreens or long-winded answers. Bring Members back to the point. Maintain control of the meeting.
7. Do admit you don’t know. Offer to try to find out the answer and send information back to the office. / 7. Don’t make promises you can’t deliver.
8. Do spend time with a Member whose position is against yours. You can lessen the intensity of the opposition and perhaps change it. / 8. Don’t be afraid to take a stand on the issues.
9. Do spend time in developing relationships with legislative staff. / 9. Don’t shy away from meetings with legislators with views opposing your own.
10. Do thank them for actions the Legislator has taken which you support. / 10. Don’t be offended if a legislator is unable to meet and requests that you meet with his/her staff.
NASW-Missouri Chapter
Advocacy Day Tips
During the visit
Introduce yourself.
Start on a positive note by finding common ground. For example, if your legislators recently voted in support of a NASW-Missouri issue, thank them.
Clearly state the position of NASW-Missouri. This is key if your meeting is cut short.
Use personal anecdotes. Explain your position with facts, but also use personal stories when possible. Legislation affects you and your clients; make sure your legislators understand the personal ramifications or benefits resulting from their actions.
Have them clarify their position on the issue.
Ask them to take some specific actions such as sponsoring a bill, voting for or against a pending measure, or scheduling a meeting with the Missouri Chapter’s Executive Director, Lobbyist, or Government Relations Representative to discuss these issues further.
If you don’t understand something, ask for an explanation.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so, but offer to get an answer.
Thank them as you leave.
After the Visit
Complete and return the lobby report form. Note any unanswered questions or information.
Use the enclosed sample as a guide to write a thank-you letter to the member of the General Assembly summarizing your priority points.
Share the results of your visits with your colleagues. Write an article for the NASW-Missouri Chapter newsletter, including insights about your legislator’s concerns. Ask others to join you in lobbying at the next Legislative Summit of the NASW-Missouri Chapter.
Maintain ongoing communication with legislators and their staff through letters, calls, and visits.
Find out when legislators will be home in the district and organize a local visit.