Please Return to Your Respective K9kare Direct Point of Contact Or To

K9Kare Adoption Survey Form

This form may be completed by hand or type. Detailed responses are appreciated.

Please return to your respective K9Kare direct point of contact or to


Second choice if applicable: ______

Contact Information

Full names of adults in the home:
Full Address:
Best Phone Number(s) to Reach You: / Best Time to Call:
Email address:

Family & Housing

How many adults are there in your family (and relationship to you)?
Number of children and ages:
What type of home do you live in? single family, town home, apartment, farm, etc.
How long at this address?
If you rent, please give the rules governing pets and the landlord’s name and number. (By providing this information you are allowing K9Kare to contact your landlord. Please inform them of this call so they will speak with us)
Please describe your household mood, activity level, etc.:
Does anyone in the family have a known allergy to dogs/cats?
Is everyone in agreement with the decision to adopt a dog/cat?
Do you have time to provide adequate love and attention?

Other Pets

What other pets do you currently have (specify type, number, and age please)?
Are these pets up to date on vaccines?
Are these pets spayed/neutered? If not, why?
If you do not have current pets, have you owned a dog/cat before? Please elaborate when in your life, type, etc.
Have you ever surrendered a pet? If so, why?
Have you ever had a pet euthanized? If so, why?
Have you ever lost a pet to an accident?
How do you discipline/correct your pets?
Have you ever had to seek out training for an animal? How did that go?
Are you willing to invest in training, doggy daycare, and a dog walker if ever necessary?
If you are applying for a puppy, have you ever survived puppyhood before?

About the Dog/Cat You Wish to Adopt

Please describe what drew you to this particular animal that you are applying for and why you want this animal:
What is your idea of an ideal dog/cat with respect to personality?
Desired Age and Sex: / Desired Size:
Desired Breed(s):
Breed you would not adopt & why?
Are you willing to adopt an animal that may need training, or medication, or grooming at some point?
Where will the dog/cat spend the day?
Where will the dog/cat sleep?
Number of hours (average) dog/cat will spend alone and where?
Who will have primary responsibility for this dog’s/cat’s daily care?
Who will have financial responsibility for this dog/cat?
Do you agree to provide regular health care by a
Licensed Veterinarian? / Yes / No
Do you agree to keep the dog/cat as an indoor pet? / Yes / No
When the dog goes out, how do you plan to supervise it?
Do you agree to contact K9Kare if you can no longer keep this dog/cat? / Yes / No
Are you willing to let a representative of K9Kare visit your home by appointment? / Yes / No
Would you be open to fostering for K9Kare in the future? / Yes / No

Veterinarian: please provide info for your current veterinarian or previously seen.

Veterinarian Name:
Clinic Name:
Clinic Phone Number:
(By providing K9Kare with this information you are allowing K9Kare to call your vet. Please call your vet and ask them to authorize the release of information to K9Kare.)

Personal References Please list someone familiar with you and your pets.

Reference #1
Name, Phone Number
Relationship (relative, neighbor, friend)
Reference #2
Name, Phone Number
Relationship (relative, neighbor, friend)

All of the information I have given is true and complete. This dog /cat will reside in my home as a pet. I will provide it with quality dog/cat food, plenty of fresh water, indoor shelter, affection, annual physical examination and vaccinations under the supervision of a licensed Veterinarian.

Signature (type is acceptable) / Date