English as a Foreign Language (EFL)Application Form

Please return to the International Office for processing

Personal Details
Title: / Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐
First Name(s): / Surname:
Name at 16 (if different): / Date of Birth:
Postcode: / Home Phone Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:
Emergency Contact Name: / Emergency Contact Number:
Nationality: / First Language:
Residency Details ( the correct box)
Are you registered as an Asylum Seeker or Refugee? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Are you a UK citizen or a citizen of another EU country? / Yes ☐ No ☐
How long have you lived in the UK or any other EU country? / Years / Months
Do you want this course for Citizenship or Settlement (ILR)? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Your English Course ( the correct box)
I would like to study:
Full Time ☐ Part Time ☐ / General English ☐ IELTS ☐
Sept-July ☐ Sept-Dec ☐ / Jan-July ☐
Previous English Education ( the correct box)
What English studies have you done before?
Cambridge Examination / IELTS
Entry 1 ☐
Level 1 ☐ / Entry 2☐
Level 2☐ / Entry 3 ☐

Personal Statement

You must do this without any help and without the use of a dictionary or spell checker. This will help us to assess your level of English. Please try and write a minimum of 150 words in the space below.

Please tell us a little about yourself and your home country. You may also wish to tell us:

•Why you have chosen this particular course and what you hope to gain from studying this course

•How the course fits in to your future work, study, or social plans

•Why youhave chosen to study in Cardiff

I certify that the information contained in this application is correct and that any writing provided is my own. I have read and agree to abide by the Cardiff and Vale College International Terms and Conditions as published in the prospectus and at

Signature: Date:

City Centre Campus, Dumballs Road, Cardiff CF10 5BF Tel: 0044 (0) 2920 908004 Email: