Colchester & Tendring Open Studios 2017

Please readnotes before Completing.

Fill Blue sections for membership only /

Fill all sections for participation

Deadline Monday26June 2017

Tick for membership only

Artist Name

Title in brochure if different from above

Studio Address (included in Brochure)


Telephone + STD (included in Brochure)

Email (included in Brochure)

Website (included in Brochure)

Mailing Address (if different from above)


Art form (please click on)

Painting / Ceramics
Sculpture / Textiles
Printmaking / Multi-media
Photography / Gallery

Brochure Statement (Approx 16 Words )

Brochure / web entry (click on)

Do you take commissions
Do you give private tuition
Do you sell your work

Twitter Username

Facebook Username

Click on date and time you will be opening

AM (11-2) / PM (2-6) / Evening (6-8)

Other for special instructions

Date / AM / PM / Eve / Other
Saturday 9 Sept.
Sunday10 Sept.
Saturday 16Sept.
Sunday 17 Sept.
Saturday 23 Sept.
Sunday 24 Sept.
Saturday 30Sept.
Sunday 1Oct.

Please click on if appropriate

Also by Appointment
By Appointment only

Brochure Image: Please email 1 image for your entry, title this attached image with your First name and Surname separated with an underscore e.g peter_jones.jpg

Digital min 150dpi – jpeg or tiff file)

Photo’s and slides are welcome please send with payment.

If you are new to open studios or in a hard to find location please include a map or instructions to help locate your studio.

Can you help with the event by (click on)

Distribution of brochure etc
Social media (face book/twitter etc)
Local Organiser.

Web details and images will be updateable by participants themselves

By emailing/sending this form you are confirming your permission for us to use your images/info for publicity relating to this event.

Please change name of file for this form if sending digitally to include your name.

Return to

Deadline Monday 26 June 17

Colchester & Tendring Open Studios 2017

Welcome to Colchester and Tendring Open Studios 2017.

Please find the attached application form for participation in the 20th Colchester and Tendring Open Studios.

Yes, you read that right, 2017 is the 20thColchester and Tendring Open Studio’s, some of you reading this will have participated in all of them, others will be relatively new and for some of course this may well be the first time.

I hope we can make this year a special and I look forward to working with you over the next months to make a successful event.

Can I ask everybody, both new and old to read the notes below before filling in the application form.

Ideally digital forms and images emailed to me make life easier in terms of organisation, we can only receive cheques for payment which need to be posted. Of course, I am still happy to receive paper applications and photos, but please try to make images you send the best quality possible, printouts are not ideal.

I am hoping for a quick turnaround this year of applicants and aim to get ahead, so we can get the brochures out as soon as possible. I know people who participated were disappointed that the time between brochure publication and event was too tight, I completely acknowledge this and am really pushing this year to get those timings right. As part of that I also want to reach out to you and ask for help, I think if 2 or 3 people are up for working with me in terms of marketing and publicity this would be very useful. If this is something that you would like to get involved in do contact me separately and we can organise a chat.

NOTES 2017 CATOS application notes

Participation £50: This includes an entry in the open studios Brochure (1 image and CATOS membership to the website for a year including the OS event directory / unlimited images)

Membership £20: Membership gives you a page in the main artist directory in the CATOS website for a year.

Please note Cuckoo Farm Studio Associate artist are already members so only need to pay £30

All participants must be in the Colchester and Tendring area (CO postcode), artists who have previously participated who are outside this area can participate, but new artists outside the CO postal area cannot.Open Studios in all cases should mean Open Studios – that is the artist is there at the allotted time available to meet the visitors and talk to them about their work.

In some cases artist’s work together to take on a space specifically for the event. In these cases, we need to be explicit in what is on offer and it is the artist’s responsibility to be there at the published times. Galleries can be included in the main brochure for the participation fee but again it must be clearly stated. We also have a gallery only section on our website

It is always better if areas can co-ordinate openings; this helps the marketing to visitors. Talk to other artists that are participating locally and plan together, there is always time for final adjustments before the brochure goes to print.

Be realistic when setting your opening times, remember once these are published you are bound by them. There is no minimum or maximum time you are expected to be open, just to be open when you have said.

Please mark email with the subject CATOS 2017, email me to discuss any points or things that you would like to clarify.

Send cheque’s payable to Open Studios to Peter Jones CATOS Cuckoo Farm Studios, Boxted Road, Colchester CO4 5HH

Deadline for Applications Monday 26 June 2017