Math 10 – Track A & Track B

Course Information

Fall 2014



Math 10 places students in one of two tracks, which will address the appropriate prerequisite material needed for specific entry level mathematics courses. Both levels are four- hour non-credit courses with a grading system of satisfactory or fail.

All students initially enrolled in Math 10 are in the algebra course. Based on the result of a placement/scanner (NOT the same as the Mathematics placement exam (ALEKS) taken before orientation), Math 10 students will be placed in a track appropriate for their ability and the future math courses they need to take.

Track A is designed to:

  1. Teach the material found in approximately the first year of high school algebra – needed by some students to meet ISU admission requirements.
  2. Prepare students for Math 104, 105, 195, and Stat 101, and
  3. Prepare students for Track B.

Track B is designed:

  1. Teach the material from approximately the second year of high school algebra – needed by some students to meet ISU admission requirements, and
  2. Prepare students for Math 140, 143X, 145X, 150, and 151.


The placement/scanner exam was given only to those students who have not taken it previously. It was given during regular class hours on Monday,August25th in the classrooms assigned by the University. Students will not be assigned to a Math 10 track until this exam has been completed


The Math 10 office is located in Room380 Carver. The office phone number is 294 – 4003. The email there is . Office hours are listed on the course syllabus. All administrative decisions for Math 10, such as late placement/scanner testing, changes in enrollment, signing of add/drop slips, arrangements for retake/make-up exams, and clarification of course content and/or requirements are handled here. A help room will also be available in Room 379 Carver. The time this room will be open will be announced at a later date. Instructors and others knowledgeable in the material of this course will be present to answer homework questions and review quizzes and exams. Help can also be found in Carver 385 from 9-4 daily.


The text for both Track A and Track B will be Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students Custom Edition for ISU by Blitzer. This text will be used for in-class practice. Both tracks will also need the MyMathLab, which was packed with your text if purchased at the local book store. A basic function calculator like the one found on MyMathLab will be helpfuland will be allowed for both homework and exams. No graphing calculators may be used.

Math 10 – Course Information

Fall 2014


Doing the required homework and attending class regularly are important parts of Math 10. There will be 150 points during the semester (10 per week) determined by homework done on MyMathLab. Your expected score for Homework is 100% since you can always do a Similar Exercise. There will be 75 points from attendance, mini-quizzes, and other special assignments. Each instructor will determine how these points will be assigned. These 75 points are designated as Classwork in the grading program.


Every Fridaythere will be either an exam or a quiz. (See your Syllabus.)

Quizzes will be taken on the computers in Carver Lab 250 or 449. They will be timed to be taken between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. You must be present in Lab 250/449 to take them. There will be 12 quizzes given during the semester and only the best 9 will be counted. Each quiz will be worth 25 points and the total points on all 9 quizzes will be 225. NO early or late quizzes will be given.

Examswill be taken on the computers in the computer lab. There will be an option for a paper/pencil exam also but you must communicate with your instructor ahead of the exam. The exams will be timed to be taken during your scheduled class time in Lab 250/449. Three exams will be given during the semester and the fourth exam will be given during final week at an assigned time and in the computer labs. Each exam of the first three exams is worth 100 points each. The fourth exam taken during finals week will be worth 150 points. That makes the four exams worth a total of 450 points. If an exam is missed, it may be taken as a retake for a maximum value of 72 %.


To earn a satisfactory grade in Math 10, and average of 72% (or 644 points of the 900 possible) must be attainedon all the class work, home work, quizzes, and exams. In addition each exammust have a score of 50% or above. A student may retake each exam if (1) he/she missed the exam the first time it was given, or (2) the score achieved on the attempt was below 72%. A maximum score of 72% may be earned on any retake. “Overall Score” will show your percentage in Gradebook of MyMathLab as you are working each week.

Students in Track A will receive an S or F in Math 25. Students in Track B will receive as S or F in Math 30. Any question or conflicts that arise regarding the grading and testing policies of the Math 10 programs must be addressed through Chris Schultz in the Math 10 Office in 380 Carver and not with individual instructors.

Grade Summary:Homework15 weeks at 10 pts/week= 150

Quizzesbest 9 quizzes at 25 pts/quiz= 225

Class Points15 weeks at 5 pts /week= 75

Exams3 exams at 100 pts each= 300

Final Exam150 points= 150

Total Points= 900


Please address any special needs or special accommodations with Chris Schultz this week or as soon as you become aware of the need. Those seeking accommodations based on disabilities should obtain a Students Academic Accommodation Request (SAAR) form from the Disability Resources (DR) Office (515 – 294 –7220). DR is located on the main floor of the StudentServicesBuilding, Room 1076.


A syllabus that lists all quiz and exam dates for Math 10 will be available on Wednesday, August 27 between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in Carver 379. Directions for MyMathLab will also be available at that time.