/ Student’s Application for ESRC
Difficult Language Training Expenses (Overseas Travel)

Student Surname

Student First Name

Academic Institution

Please read the following notes before completing this form

To be completed for any Difficult Language Training which requires overseas travel.
Form should be submitted at least 3 months before the proposed date of travel.

The ESRC South East Doctoral Training Centre (SEDTC) is prepared to consider the application below for a contribution towards extra support if the student needs to acquire or develop a working ability with a difficult language in order to carry out fieldwork or other parts of their research, subject to the regulations indicated in the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide.

Please note that applications for shorter periods of Difficult Language Training where overseas travel is not required should be simply for an extension to the submission date. In such cases the costs of any additional training should be paid for from the RTSG.

Applications must be supported by a full case from the student’s supervisor and must have been declared in the student’s original studentship application. Multiple trips must be itemised individually on this form.

If a student wishes to develop a working ability with a difficult language in order to carry out fieldwork or other parts of their research they may apply for extra support providing:

-They are in the +3 element of their award

-The difficult language training was mentioned in the student’s original proposal

-They have their supervisor’s support to conduct their language training during the period specified

-No more than 12 months are being applied for[1]

-The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises that it is safe to visit the country concerned

If the difficult language training was not mentioned in the original proposal then the student and his/her supervisor will need to make a very strong case explaining why difficult language training is now required.

The length of difficult language training granted will depend upon:

-The language that the student wishes to learn

-The amount of training/experience the student has already had in that language

-How long the supervisor recommends

Extensions beyond 6 months should only be allowed if the student needs to spend an extended period of time overseas in order to obtain these language skills.

Only one claim for difficult language training can be considered during the lifetime of the studentship. It is therefore essential that at the point of application all proposed difficult language training is detailed by the student.

Difficult Language expenses are calculated according to the same chart as Overseas fieldwork. This chart was originally released by the ESRC and has been increased w.r.t inflation. . Expenses fluctuate based on the country to be visited and the length of time the student will be abroad. Please use this chart to calculate your budget below.

If a student intends to conduct both difficult language training and overseas fieldwork, please refer to the SEDTC Policy on Difficult Language Training for more information. This policy is available by request through your institutional administrator.

It is strongly recommended that students take out insurance to cover their period of difficult language training.

Please note that up to one year’s support can be granted to a student who qualifies for Difficult Language Training through a funded extension.However, such an extension will not automatically warrant overseas fieldwork costs.


Time Period / Country/ies / Language / Number of Weeks
From / To

SUPPORTING CASE (to be completed by the Supervisor)

Please state why it is essential to the student’s training for them to develop a working ability with a difficult language.

The ESRC South East DTC will contribute only in respect of difficult language training, which has to be undertaken for completion of the project. The ESRC South East DTC must be convinced that such training is NOT available in the UK.


Please set out a detailed timetable of the trip including itinerary and dates.


Please detail the expected budget for the trip and complete the table with the relevant country/ies and total number of weeks requested.

Number of weeks
Front End Element / £
Weekly rate / £ x number of weeks = £
Total Cost / £

Signature of Supervisor Date

Name (block capitals) Title

Signature of Student


Kent: Ros Beeching -

Reading: Chris Robson -

Royal Holloway: Jane Gawthrope -

Surrey: Emma Dewhirst/Christine Espitalier-Noel -

[1] Please note that the total amount of extension on a studentship cannot exceed a 12 months. This includes Difficult Language Training, so please acknowledge any past accumulated extensions or foreseeable extensions when applying.