Name: ______Date: ______Pr. ______

Chapter 4 Rocks

Please read for understanding pg’s 94-116. Then complete the study guide.

Classifying Rocks Section 1: Objectives-After reading this section and completing the study guide you should be able to: List the characteristics used to identify rocks and be able to identify and describe three major groups of rocks.

  1. Why must scientists who study rocks look at the inside of them? The outside surfaces have been exposed to the effects of ice, water, and weather (erosion).______


Mineral composition and color

  1. What three important things do scientists observe when studying rocks? Mineral composition, color and texture


  1. What are rock-forming minerals? About 20 minerals that are found in the E’s crust that make up rocks.______


3a. Name one mineral from each group in appendix B 1)______2) ______3)______

4. What minerals are found in granite? Quartz, horneblende, mica, feldspar. ______

5. What are some other ways scientists study rocks? Shape and color of crystals, mineral content, and some of the same tests used to ID minerals.______


Grains- Give the rock texture______


Texture- The look and feel of the rocks surface ______


6.Name the three grain sizes: 1) Fine 2)Coarse ______3)No visible ______

7. Name the grain shapes: Round and jagged______

8. Name the grain patterns: Banded and non-banded______

How Rocks Form

1. What are the three main groups of rocks? Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary

2. Igneous- Forms from the cooling of lava or magma______


3. Sedimentary- Forms when particles of other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together.______


4. Metamorphic- Forms when an existing rock is changed by heat, pressure, or a chemical reaction. ______


Igneous RocksPage 98. Section 2 Igneous Rocks: Objectives- After reading this section and completing the study guide, you should be able to: identify the characteristics used to classify igneous rocks and describe ways in which igneous rocks are used.

1. How are igneous rocks classified? According to their origin, mineral composition, and texture.______


2. Where do igneous rocks come from? Deep within the E’s surface. ______


3. Extrusive rock- Formed from lava that erupted ontop of E’s surface. ______



4. Intrusive rock- Formed when magma hardened beneath the surface. ______



5. The texture of a rock depends on the __Size___ and __shape___ of the minerals crystals.

6. Fine- grained forms when… Magma cools rapidly______

7. Coarse- grained forms when… Magma cools slowly______

8. Name two igneous rocks: __Rhyolite, porphyry, pegmatite, granite______

Mineral Composition

1. Most of Earth’s rocks (the book says minerals, typo), contain the mineral ___Silica_____.

2. Silica content can affect the ____color____ of the rock.

Sedimentary Rockpage 102: Section 3 Objectives- After reading this section and completing the study guide you should be able to: Describe how sedimentary rock forms; list and describe the three types of sedimentary rock; and explain how sedimentary rocks are used.

Sediment- __Small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or living things. (Can include shells, bones, leaves, etc.) ______

1. What is the process by which sediment is formed?

1._Erosion___ 2.__Deposition_____


2. Erosion- _Destructive forces including: heat, cold, rain, waves, grinding ice. Running water, wind and ice loosen and carry away fragments of rock.______


3. Deposition- __The process by which sediment settles out of the water carrying it. ______


4. Compaction- ______


5. Cementation- ______


6.What are the three types of sedimentary rock? 1)_Clastic__2)___Organic____3)____Chemical____

7. Describe clastic rock: __Formed when materials are squeezed together.______

Name some common clastic rocks: _Sandstone, conglomerate, breccia______

8. Describe organic Rocks: ____form whre the remains of plants and animals are deposited in thick layers. ______

Name two important organic rocks: 1)____coal ______2)___Limestone______

9. What are some uses of sedimentary rocks? __coal for fuel, arrowheads- flint, sandstone and limestone for building materials, cement, ______

10. Name some sedimentary rocks: __conglomerate, limestone, sandstone______

Chemical Rocks

1. Describe chemical rocks: __Minerals that are dissolved in a solution crystalize ______


Rocks From Reefspage 107. Section 4: Objectives- After reading this section and completing the study guide you should be able to: Describe the formation of coral reefs; and explain how limestone deposits provide information about the earth’s history.

1. What is a coral reef made from? __The exoskeletons of coral animals ______2. Why does life only live within the first 40 meters below the surface of the ocean? __There is only enough light within the first 40 meters to sustain life. ______

  1. What is the skeleton of coral animals made out of? ___Calcium/ Calcite______

4. How does a coral reef form? __When organisms die their remains are left behind building up over time _____


5.What must the water conditions be like in order for a reef to grow? __It must be warm ______

6. How do the limestone deposits of coral reefs provide us with evidence about how the Earth’s surface has changed over time? __There must have been an ancient sea or ocean there at some point in the past ______


Metamorphic Rockspage 110. Section 5 Objectives- After reading this section and completing the study guide you should be able to: Describe the conditions under which metamorphic rocks form; Identify the ways in which geologists classify these rocks; and explain how metamorphic rocks are formed.

1. What can change one rock from to another? __Heat and pressure deep beneath the earth ______

2. How do geologists and petrologists classify metamorphic rocks? ___According to the arrangement of the grains that make up the rock ______

3. Foliated rocks- __Grains arranged in parallel layers ______


4. Non- foliated rocks- __Have minerals and grains arranged that are arranged randomly ______

5. Name some uses of metamorphic rocks: __Building and statues ______

6. Name two metamorphic rocks: __Marble, slate ______

The Rock Cyclepage 114. Section 6 Objectives- After reading this section and completing the study guide you should be able to: describe the rock cycle.

1. In your own words, describe in detail the rock cycle: __Forces deep within the earth and at the surface produce a slow cycle that builds, destroys, and changes the rock in the crust. ______


2. Describe the different paths a rock may take within the rock cycle. You can use sentences, a diagram, or pictures:

Grain Size- Please draw the three grain sizes here:

Fine Grain / Coarse Grain / No visible grain
How are you going to draw this one?!

Please draw the two grain shapes here:

Rounded / Jagged

Draw the two grain patterns here:

Non-banded / Banded

Please copy the drawing showing foliated and non-foliated rocks from page 111 here:

Now that you have completed this study guide you should begin learning the material by making note cards, outlines, re-reading the text, asking your parents to quiz you, looking things up online, and asking questions in class.

By the end of all this, you should feel like a rock star.