Revised 10/30/2014

CM212: Cash & Liability Balances by Fund


·  CM212 provides cash and liability data for all funds and may be adjusted to view the data in numerous ways. The default view provides month-by-month balance plus up to five years of cash history. Activity by period can be added to the report. The data can also be viewed on a quarterly basis rather than monthly.

·  CM212 excludes all P7–Z9 Fund Types and is restricted to only Cash and Liability G/L Accounts.

Default View of Report

Report Usage

CM212 should be used to identify the cash position of locally-owned funds in order to:

·  Monitor cash so a fund stays out of deficit

·  Identify a fund’s cash position when preparing an A-123 transfer. A current month’s “Subtotal” amount on this report must be greater than the amount of money requested to be transferred out of a fund.

·  Review the history of a fund’s cash to assist in budget decisions

Default Variables Entry Screen Exclusions



·  Available Cash Balance for UC’s purposes is the Subtotal amount in CM212. It is a calculation of Cash Accounts – Liabilities.

·  When running the report for the current fiscal year, all future periods will show the amounts of the current period since no changes have been posted yet in those future periods.

·  Data is available no earlier than year-end, 2005.

·  Do not adjust the structure in the Navigation Block. This controls the presence of the “Subtotal” figures.

·  Review the other available Key Figure columns. They are found in the Navigation Block. Cash activity amounts may be inserted. Quarterly amounts can be used to replace monthly amounts, if desired. A column which reflects the amount of change in the year’s balance is also available.


·  CM212 Activity!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!

·  CM212 Quarterly Cash & Liability Balance w/o Yearly History!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!

·  CM212 Periodic Cash & Liability Balance w/o Yearly History!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!

·  CM212 Five-Year Cash & Liability Balance!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!

Go To Functions Available (from the right click menu)


CM212 Relationship to Other Reports

·  CM211 provides monthly Cash Balance information but does not include Liabilities. It is organized by Fund Owner.

·  CM214 is a simplified version of CM212 and excludes the historical and quarterly-calculated totals. Data reported on both are equal.

·  FM954 fund balance and CM212 may not be equal, normally due to the presence of Accounts Receivable. They may also be out of balance during a fiscal year if a capital asset is retired, but not yet fully depreciated. FI and FM are brought back into balance at least by the close of the fiscal year.

·  GL230_T: FI Balance Sheet ties directly to amounts reported in CM211, CM212, CM214 and FM954 (Fund Balance) EXCEPT in funds with capital asset retirements as explained above.

CM212 Relationship to R/3

Since BW data is as of the previous day's business, a report for the current fiscal year & period will not include any activity that has posted today in R/3.