US Organizing Committee

Barry Lin, Ph.D.



10176 Mc Laren Place

Cupertino, CA 95014

(O) 408-577-6305

(C) 510-468-7733

Thomas Wu, MS/MBA


Vice Chair

4431 Cedar Elm Circle

Richardson, TX 75082

(O) 972-952-6421

(C) 214-263-5059

Jiin Chen Ph. D.



14211 SE 83rd St.,

Newcastle, WA 98059

(O) 425-266-6955

Yung-sung Cheng, Ph.D.

鄭永松 博士

Executive Secretary

4431 Cedar Elm Cir., Richardson, TX 75082

(O) 505-348-9410


David Y. Fong, Ph.D

方玉山 博士

3777 Stevens Creek Blvd.

Suite 250

Santa Clara, CA 95051

408-236-6680 (O)

408-296-6628 (Ofax)

Tim C. S. Chen, Ph.D.

陳啓雄 博士

65-08 182 Street

Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

973-581-6870 (O)

973-386-7379 (Ofax)

917-517-0585 (M)


22nd Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar 2008

(METS 2008)

November 17-19, 2008

Taipei, Taiwan

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, USA (CIE/USA), we would like to solicit qualified session speakers for the 22nd Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar (METS) scheduled for November 17-9, 2008, in Taipei, Taiwan.

First established in 1966 jointly by CIE/USA and CIE/Taiwan, METS is a once every two-year event that invites engineers and scientists in the US and Taiwan together for a weeklong seminar in Taipei. These series of seminars and workshops have successfully promoted technology exchanges between the US and Taiwan, and mutually benefited members of the technical societies on both sides.

CIE/USA is a professional non-profit and non-political organization founded in 1917 in New York by a group of Chinese engineers who were educated in the US and worked at various US industries. During the past decades, CIE/USA has grown into a 10000-member technical society includes six local chapters throughout the USA.

Based on the 40-year tradition of METS, CIE/USA is collaborating again with CIE/Taiwan this year to organize “METS 2008”. This program includes seminar sessions, and panel discussions. The overall goal is to facilitate interactions among scientists and engineers from US and Taiwan.

The METS 2008 US Organizing Committee would like to officially announce the call for papers and US session speakers for the following five(5) major sessions (Please see Page 3 for session subtopics):

1.  Clean Energy Technologies for Low Carbon Society

2.  Transportation faces High Oil Price Challenges

3.  Innovative Information and Communication Technologies for Integration (創新整合的資通訊科技)

4.  Entertainment & Educational Technologies with Internet World


5.  Humanized Security Technologies for Community Safety and Wellbeing (人性化的社區安全防護)



22nd Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar 2008

(METS 2008)

November 17-19, 2008

Taipei, Taiwan


Each Session will have one session chair plus 2 speakers. The session chair is also required to deliver a paper. All technical papers shall be prepared and published in English, but oral presentations and discussions are to be conducted in either Mandarin or English. Round-trip airfare and accommodation during the conference period in Taiwan are fully reimbursed.

If you are experts in the areas indicated in the list of sessions, are willing to share your experience, and can participate the full event, please submit a one-page abstract of your proposed paper and one-page brief biography in English for the session you are interested in before June 20, 2008 to Dr. Jinn Chen, METS2008 Administrator and copy to both the Committee Chair and Vice Chair by E-mail. The selected speakers will be informed by July 10, 2008 and a full paper of 6-8 pages long is due by August 15, 2008. For any further questions, please contact one of the METS2008 committee members.

Your submission materials shall be in Microsoft Word format with letter size paper (8.5”x11”), 1.375” margin from all sides, font size of 16 for title and of 12 for the rest. If you are selected, we will later request a full paper of 6-8 pages from you, which requires to be approved by your company/organization for publication. A release form will be provided for you in completing such company approval process. Also, to attend the METS meetings, any form of commercial and product promotional activities are strictly prohibited. Attached for your reference are two(2) documents containing the sample paper topic abstract and speaker’s biography.

Your assistance in sharing this announcement with your colleagues is greatly appreciated. METS 2008 U.S. Organizing Committee looks forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Barry Lin (林嘉孚)
METS2008 Chair10176 Mc Laren Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
(O) 408-577-6305
(C) 510-468-7733
/ Mr. Thomas Wu (吳同慶)
METS2008 Vice Chair
4431 Cedar Elm Circle
Richardson, TX 75082
(O) 972-952-6421
(C) 214-263-5059


1.  Clean Energy Technologies for Low Carbon Society
(1) Smart Grid
(2) Nuclear Energy
(3) Clean Coal

2.  Transportation faces High Oil Price Challenges
(1) Intelligent Transportation System Development Directions and Areas of Emphases
(2) The Development of Alternative Energy Vehicle Over the World
(3) The Development Tendency of Efficiency Improving and Emission Reducing Technologies and the Promotion of Eco-driving

3.  Innovative Information and Communication Technologies for Integration
(1) WiMax and 4G Communication
(2) Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
(3) ITeS-IT-enabled Services or SaaS- Software as a service

4.  Entertainment & Educational Technologies with Internet World

(1) Telecare (Medical care through Internet)

(2) Information and Entertainment Services with Mobile Wide Band
(3) Intelligent Vehicle-born Information and Communication Systems

5.  Humanized Security Technologies for Community Safety and Wellbeing
(1) Future Perspective of Intelligent Community Security System
(2) Near Real-time Situation Awareness Technology
(3) An Open Platform for Intelligent Surveillance System