Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation

And First Communion 2018

PLEASE RETURN by January 15, 2018

Please PRINT and use full, proper names.

Child’s name ______Date of Birth____/____/___

(First) (Last)

Faith Formation Information Attendance: Please circle all that apply.

Weekly Religious Ed. Class / or Home study / or Catholic School

Name and Address of Catholic School ______

Parish Information

Home Parish ______Usual Mass time ______

Family Information

Family name, if different ______


City/Town ______Zip______

Best phone # to reach you______


Father’s Name______Last Name ______

Mother’s first name ______Maiden name______


Recognizing that my involvement as a parent is of special importance in helping to prepare my child for First Penance and Reconciliation:

+ I commit to fully participating in Mass with my child

+ I commit to attending all sessions with my child

+ I commit to prepare my child for this sacrament by completing the materials with them.

+ I commit to teaching my child the basic prayers and responses for the celebration

of this sacrament.

+ I commit to pray for my child.

+ I commit to being involved in the sacramental life of the parish, to the degree that I am able, as a witness to my child

+ I commit, with God’s help, to continue sharing the gift of myself and the gift of faith with my child, with our family, and with the parish community after this sacramental preparation has ended.

+ I commit to continue fostering my child’s growth in the faith through participation in

Catholic school and/or parish faith formation programs for children and youth.

______Date ______

Signature of Parent(s)

The fee to cover preparation books and retreat supplies is $70.00 per child, this covers both First Penance and First Communion. Feel free to make payment in two increments of $35.00 due in January and March. Please make check out to: St. Marianne Cope Parish.

No one is ever refused a sacrament because of an inability to pay the fee. If this fee presents a hardship to your family please let us know.

3318 E. Henrietta Rd. Henrietta, NT 14467 585-334-3518