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Case identifier (UNODC to complete)(Official) Name/title of case
Last updated / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember- select year -2012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024
Crime type / Offence / MiscellaneousCorruption
(Articles 15–22 CAC) / Bribery of national public officials (Article 15)
Bribery of foreign public officials/officials of public international organizations (Article 16)
Embezzlement/ misappropriation/ diversion of property by public official (Article 17)
Trading in influence (Article 18)
Abuse of functions (Article 19)
Illicit enrichment (Article 20)
Bribery in the private sector (Article 21) / Offending involves:
promising/offering/giving undue advantage
solicitation/acceptance of undue advantage
public officials
private sector
(for document fraud see smuggling of migrants and wildlife and forest crime) / Counterfeiting of products
Counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals
Counterfeiting of food
Counterfeiting of currency
Cybercrime / Illegal access to a computer system
Illegal access/interception/ acquisition of computer data
Illegal data/system interference
Production/distribution/ possession of computer misuse tools
Breach of privacy/data protection measures
Sending/controlling sending of SPAM
computer-related offences/acts involving … / fraud/forgery
identity offences
copyright/trademark violations
production/distribution/ possession of child pornography
solicitation/‘grooming’ of children
Drug offences
(Article 36 Single Convention 1961; Article 22 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances; Article3(1)(a) 1988 Vienna Convention) / Cultivation/production/ manufacture
Offering/offering for sale/sale/ brokerage
Distribution/delivery/dispatch/ transport
Importation/exportation / Narcotic drug(s)/psychotropic substance(s) involved:
Money laundering
(Article 23 CAC; Article6 CTOC; Article3(1)(b), 9(c) Vienna Convention) / Conversion/transfer of proceeds of crime
Concealment/disguise of nature/ source/location/… of proceeds of crime
Acquisition/possession/use of proceeds of crime / Offence(s) from which proceeds originate:
Obstruction of justice
(Article 25 CAC; Article23 CTOC) / Obstruction of justice occurred in proceedings relating to: - select one -corruption (Article 25 CAC)organised crime (Article 23 CTOC) / Offending involves:
physical force/threat/intimidation
promising/offering/giving undue advantage
Participation in an organized criminal group
(Article 5 CTOC) / Agreement to commit a serious crime (conspiracy)
Participation in criminal activities of organized criminal group
Participation in other activities of organized criminal group / Overt act in furtherance of agreement
Knowledge of aim or activities of the organized criminal group or its intention to commit the crimes in question
(Article 101 UNCLOS) / Piracy committed on the High Sea (UNCLOS)
Piracy (or similar offences) in the TerritorialSea(national law) / Offending involves:
Hostage taking
Use of violence/threats
Use of weapons
Destroying/endangering vessel
Theft of vessel
Plundering vessel/cargo
Smuggling of migrants
(Articles 3, 6 Smuggling of Migrants Protocol) / Enabling illegal entry
Producing a fraudulent travel or identity document in connection with migrant smuggling
Procuring, providing or possessing a fraudulent travel or identity document in connection with migrant smuggling
Enabling illegal stay
Financial or other material benefit (to smuggler) / Mode - select one -airlandsea
endangering lives or safety of smuggled migrants
inhuman or degrading treatment
other aggravations:
Related conduct:
participating as an accomplice
organizing and directing other persons
Illicit manufacturing/ trafficking in firearms/parts/ ammunition
(Article 5 Firearms Protocol) / illicit manufacturing (Article 3(d))
illicit trafficking (Article 3(e))
falsifying/illicitly obliterating/ removing/altering markings / Offending involves:
firearms (Article 3(a))
parts/components (Article 3(b))
ammunition (Article 3(c))
Firearms/parts/ammunition involved were - select one -markedunmarkedimproperly marked
Trafficking in cultural property / illicit excavation
trafficking in - select one -movableimmovable cultural property
illegal import/export
theft of cultural property
looting of archaeological sites
vandalising/destruction of archaeological sites
Trafficking in persons
(Articles 3, 5 Trafficking in Persons Protocol) / Trafficking in persons (adults)
Trafficking in children (under 18 y.o.) / Acts involved:
Means used:
Exploitative Purpose:
Wildlife and forest crime / Illegal logging or harvesting
Illegal hunting (poaching)
Illegal processing of animal and plant material
Trafficking, trade, sale or supply
Unlawful import/export
Unlawful acquisition, possession, consumption / Species involved:
Offending involved (check as applicable):
CITES protected species
protected area/habitat
undocumented/unlicensed conduct
document forgery.
Other “serious crimes” related to organized crime / Type of offence(s):
Date(s) of offending / On/from: - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTo: - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Facts / (Outline the facts of the case up to the arrest/detection.)
Liability(check as applicable) / Liability for completed offence attempt
Liability based on criminal intent no criminal intent
Liability as/involves principal offender(s) participant, facilitator, accessory organiser/director financier legal persons {corporations)
(check as applicable) / involved an organized criminal group (Article 2(a) CTOC)
occurred across one (or more) international borders (transnationally)
if yes, list countries involved:
Investigation / Agency(ies) involved in investigation:
(check as applicable) / Special investigative techniques (Article 20 CTOC)
Including: controlled delivery (Article 20(1) CTOC)
electronic or other forms of surveillance (Article 20(1) CTOC)
undercover operation(s) (Article 20(1) CTOC)
other (please specify):
Joint investigative teams (Article 19 CTOC)
Further comments/additional information relating to the investigation:
Seizure and Confiscation / Money: currency: amount:
(if multiple currencies, convert into one)
Legal basis of confiscation:
Further comments/additional information:
International Cooperation / Countries involved: (list all)
Legal basis of international cooperation (check all applicable):
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Bilateral treaty (please specify):
Other multilateral treaty (please specify):
Cooperation measures involved (check as applicable) / Extradition
Mutual legal assistance
International cooperation for confiscation/asset recovery
Transfer of criminal proceedings
Transfer of sentenced person(s)
International law enforcement cooperation (including INTERPOL)
Briefly outline the international cooperation in this case (if any):
> Accused #1Name
Gender / -select gender -MaleFemale
Age / Date of birth: / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
> Charge (1) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (2) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (3) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (4) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (5) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
Other background / (Include information about prior offending or other relevant information about the accused.)
> Accused #2
Gender / -select gender -MaleFemale
Age / Date of birth: / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
> Charge (1) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (2) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (3) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (4) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
> Charge (5) / Statute
Name/title of offence:
Other background / (Include information about prior offending or other relevant information about the accused.)
> Accused not further identified
Number of other accused
Acronyms/other information
Legal System & Procedural InformationLegal system / -select one -Civil lawCommon lawMixed system
Accused were tried / - select one -together (single trial)separately (parallel trials)
if tried separately, identify related case:
> Judicial Proceedings #1
Stage of proceedings / - select one -first trialappealre-trialother if other please specify:
Official case reference
Date of decision / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Title of court / in local language:
in English:
Location of court / City/town
Province/state / [if applicable]
Type of court / - select one -administrativecivilcriminallabourinternationalother
if other please specify:
Description of proceedings
Outcome / -select one -guilty verdictacquittalupheldreversalother
if other please specify:
Defendant #1 / Imprisonment / years months
Fine / Currency: / Amount:
Other sanctions
Defendant #2 / Imprisonment / years months
Fine / Currency: / Amount:
Other sanctions
> Judicial Proceedings #2
Stage of proceedings / - select one -first trialappealre-trialupheldreversalother if other please specify:
Official case reference
Date of decision / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Title of court / in local language:
in English:
Location of court / City/town
Province/state / [if applicable]
Type of court / - select one -administrativecivilcriminallabourinternationalother
if other please specify:
Description of proceedings
Outcome / -select one -guilty verdictacquittalupheldreversalother
if other please specify:
Defendant #1 / Imprisonment / years months
Fine / Currency: / Amount:
Other sanctions
Defendant #2 / Imprisonment / years months
Fine / Currency: / Amount:
Other sanctions
Note: for the purpose of offences relating to smuggling of migrants, replace ‘victm(s)’ with ‘smuggled migrant(s)’.
Total number of victims:- including / adult female / adult male
children (aged17 or under; regardless of gender)
Nationalities (list all)
Other information about victims / (e.g. special vulnerabilities, participation in criminal proceedings, victim assistance, …)
Witness Protection
(Article 24 CTOC) / Physical protection
Video testimony or other measures to protect identity of witness
Other protection measures (please specify):
Further information:
Compensation / Did the case involve victim compensation? -select one -Yes
Financial compensation paid: Currency: Amount:
Other compensation:
Further comments:
NOTE: Complainant (or plaintiff) refers to persons initiating legal action. It does not include victims or other persons merely participating in criminal proceedings.
> Complainant #1Name
Gender / -select gender -MaleFemale
Age / Date of birth: / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Type of claim / - select one -
> Complainant #2
Gender / -select gender -MaleFemale
Age / Date of birth: / - select month -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Type of claim / - select one -
Comments & Analysis / Highlight the significance of the case, lessons learned, and other relevant features not already covered elsewhere in this entry.Sources + REFERENCES
Official case reportsSecondary sources
Attachments / [add instructions what to do]