Please fill in the entry form and upload your completed document at by October 15th 2015 for the first round of evaluation, and by November 15th 2015 for the second round. Innovation Grants are to be announced October 25th for the first round and November 25th for the second round.For enquiries, please send an email
Submitting companies must be current members of the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN).To become a member, please visit: Eligibility and Selection Criteria. Please seeOfficial Rulesfor complete details, as there are very specific criteria including one ONE submission per Partner or consortia of Partners.
The use of screen shots, images, graphs, etc. is admissible and not part of your word count. However, all screen shots, etc. must be incorporated into this one document – there may be NO additional documents for review.
* Answer required -if you do NOT answer a question that is required, you may lose eligibility criteria points for that question.
Submitters Name/Title*
Submitters Email Address*
Submitters Phone (incl. mobile)*
Entry/Solution Name*
Partner Organization(s) Name(s)*
Partner Contact Name/Title*
Partner Contact Email*
Partner Contact Phone (incl. mobile) *
Name of Partner Account Manager at Microsoft:*
Partner type* / Consulting & Deployment / Managed & Hosted Solutions
IP & Solution Development / Other, Please Specify
CUSTOMER CONTACT INFORMATION (entry MUST highlight a customer)
Customer/Organization Name *
Customer Contact Name/Title *
Customer Email *
Customer Phone (including mobile) *
Customer URL
Customer Segment / Mid Market Corp (200-500 PCs)
Enterprise Corp (>500 PCs) / Healthcare
Government Sector
One (1) innovation grant will be awarded to Partners in each of the following broad categories, in domains of Government Administration and related services, Healthcare, Education and Microsoft CityNext.Innovation Grant recipient companies will be required to sign the “Innovation Grant Agreement” and the associated terms and conditions.
You must select one of the categories below to enter your details. You may only select one category – the one that is most appropriate to your solution/application.
• Cloud Productivity and Business Processes
Innovations in the utilization of Cloud infrastructure and mobile technologies to support connected collaboration, empowering the -mobile- workforce to access information and to benefit from new reporting modalities.
• Cloud and Data Platform
Innovations that support the positioning of the datacenter in the public sector space, to transform governance, enable innovative applications and Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the usage of real time business intelligence and analytics.
• Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected Devices
Innovations in the delivery of government services to citizens, businesses as well as intra-government operations through the modern and secure Windows as a Services (WaaS) and emergent Line of Government (LoG) apps to deliver eServices and/or mServices.
• Open Submissions
Submissions for which the apps/solutions proposed do not fit the target categories. Open submissions may include partners moving customer workload to the Microsoft Cloud and Open Source workloads on Azure.
Competitor / HPC
VMWare / Novell
Platform Compete / Symantec
Other (list here) ______
Details about customer in public sector(government, healthcare, and education) organization, outliningnature of services provided.This information is to help theevaluation committee becomefamiliar with the customer.
Funding Request (in USD$) and Inputs*
Please provide information on the required funding. Outline in detail the nature of inputs to be utilized to complete and implement the proposed solution and/or app. Will your organization be hiring additional human resources to support project completion, or the development and implementation will rely on current in-house resources.
Key Products, Solutions or Services*
List ALL Microsoft technology being used (please specify product and versions).
Include details on % of this solution runs on
Microsoft technology.
Required Customization*
Describe the degree ofcustomization required ofMicrosoft technology:
Cloud Services*
Is the solution Cloud-based orhybrid? Please explain.
Capitalization on Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative*
Please indicate if the proposedsolution and/or App will capitalizeon the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiativeas related to Skills and/or Access.
Business Challenge *
(max. 150 words) / 10%
Describe the nature of the business challenge(s) faced by the public sector entity in the context of the nature, speed and quality of services provided to citizens and businesses.
Solution and/or App Description *
(max. 300 words) / 10%
Describe the technology solution/app being highlighted in this submission, outlining the operation in which it is being used, its primary function, purpose, and capabilities. Include in your description the main citizen and/or business support or business processes that the solution and/or app is being used to address.
Innovation* / 50%
(max. 300 words)
Please describe in details elements of innovation to be brought by the proposed solution and /or app,as well as contribution to improving efficiency and speed of delivery of government services compared with what exists on the ground.
Addressable Market and Scalability* / 20%
(max. 150 words)
Describe the degree of scalability of the proposed solution and/or App, and the addressable market (in terms of market value) in the public sector space, taking into consideration multi-lingualism and potential replicability in African markets.
Supporting Metrics and Benefits*
(max. 150 words) / 10%
Please detail qualitative and/or quantitative measurements that the implementation will yield within the public sector organization.

Please note that the overall value for funding requested is an integral consideration in the selection process.The Selection Committee will award extra points to any entry that is a cloud-based solution (can also be on premise, as long as it is also offered in cloud).