Application to the Leadership Fellow Fund:

Applying for an Externally-Funded Fellowship

Guidance Notes for Applicants

This Leadership Fellow Fund application is to be used in conjunction with an application for an externally-funded fellowship.

The relevant College Office should submit the form and the candidate’s CV to RSIO via .

Applications to the Leadership Fellow Fund must be made no later than three weeks ahead of the external deadline, to ensure appropriate time for formal approval.

Please contact with any questions.


1. Applicant Details (Please complete all fields)
Title, First Name(s), Surname
School / Research Institute
Institute (if not UoG)
Telephone Number
School/Institute Academic Contact
Note any previous LKAS applications (please provide details and note where funding was awarded)
2. Fellowship Details (Please complete all fields)
Fellowship Project Title
Funder Name
Funding Scheme(please provide a URL)
Funding Application Deadline
Funding Decision Deadline
Proposed Start Date of Fellowship
Duration of Fellowship (minimum of 3 years)
Total Applied for from Funder
Total Leadership Funding Requested (please provide breakdown in Section 7)
I understand that I must inform the Leadership Fellow administrator by email to of the outcome of the Fellowship application or any budgetary changes required as soon as possible after being notified.
(Please sign below to confirm acceptance of this condition)
3. Fellowship Proposal

Please use the box below to provide an overview of the Fellowship application (maximum 200 words). Include the key questions to be addressed, the methods to be used or developed, the desired outcomes and potential impacts.

4. Strategic Alignment

Please use the box below to detail the following (maximum 300 words):

  • Which School/Institute the applicant will reside in.
  • How the applicant’s research area aligns with the College’s research strategy, including noting which individuals the Fellow would be aligned with.
  • The potential benefits should the applicant join the University (e.g. potential for impact, international collaborations, additional funding, etc).
  • Where known, the likely migration opportunities for the applicant (e.g. expanding the headcount of the unit, filling the position of a retiring colleague, offering a proleptic appointment, etc). Include data on the success rates of the migration of fellows to permanent positions in the relevant unit.

5. Selected Outputs

In the tables below, please list the applicant’s four best outputs*, including an explanation of why each is important and noting the Fellow’s specific contribution to each (maximum 100 words each).

Output details
Importance & Contribution
Output details
Importance & Contribution
Output details
Importance & Contribution
Output details
Importance & Contribution

* For this purpose, the REF definition of ‘output’ (section 106, Assessment framework and guidance on submissions) will be used: ‘In addition to printed academic work, research outputs may include, but are not limited to: new materials, devices, images, artefacts, products and buildings; confidential or technical reports; intellectual property, whether in patents or other forms; performances, exhibits or events; work published in non-print media.’

6. Match Funding Requirements

Please provide an excerpt from the call relating to the matched funding requirement, if relevant.

7. Funding Requested from the Leadership Fellow Fund

Please provide a summary of the overall costs requested from the Leadership Fellow fund, using the provided headings in the box below, including a short justification of how non-salary costs will support the Fellowship.Applicants should obtain costs from their College Research Office.

Please provide the Grade and spinal point under ‘Salary’ and provide specific detail where relevant (e.g. type of equipment and planned destinations/events covered under travel costs). For any costs listed under ‘Other’, please provide an explanation of what the costs cover.


Using the box below, please describe how the request for salary and/or research costs from LKAS Leadership Fellowship funding complements and strengthens the external funding application.

In the table below, please providethe funding profileby financial year of the costs requested from the Leadership Fellow Fund.

Salary Costs / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21 / TOTAL
Salary plus on-costs
PDRA/Studentship Costs / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21 / TOTAL
PDRA/Studentship Costs
Additional Costs / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21 / TOTAL
TOTAL COSTS / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21 / TOTAL
Total across project (excluding salary costs)
Total salary plus on-costs
Total across project (including salary costs)
8. Additional College Support

If applicable, please use the box below to provide a breakdown of any additional incentives provided by the College (e.g. funding, conditions to the Fellowship, etc).

9. College Endorsement

To confirm College endorsement of the applicant, the Head of College (or designate) must sign below (electronic signatures are sufficient).

10. Next Steps

Once received by RSIO, the application will be reviewed by the VP (Research) and the Senior Vice Principal. The College Office and Head of School / Director of Institute will be notified of the outcome directly following review by the Vice Principals.

Please submit the application form and applicant’s CV to no later than three weeks ahead of the external deadline.

Leadership Fellow Fund Application: Applying for an Externally-Funded Fellowship Page 1 of 6

(18 August 2016)