2016Reunion Registration Form

August 10-14, West River Center

Director: Susan Naylor


Please note: Registration is not complete until payment is received.

Family Name:
Home Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone #:
Home Congregation
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact #:

Please provide the name of each person attending and check each meal and overnight stay that person will need while at West River. If you plan to attend the full reunion, just check “All.”


B=Breakfast / L=Lunch / D=Dinner / N=Overnight
Name(s) of Adults / All / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun
D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L


B=Breakfast / L=Lunch / D=Dinner / N=Overnight
Name(s) of Youth / All / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun
D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L / D / N / B / L
Grade in Fall
Grade in Fall
Grade in Fall
Grade in Fall
The lodging accommodations at West River are mostly two bunk beds per room. We expect to average about 3 persons per room. We will do our best to make the lodging comfortable for every attendee, but cannot guarantee a private room. Some special lodging (located off-site, however) is available for those with physical limitations; the deadline for registering for these accommodations is July 10. Please list your roommate preferences, and any other lodging needs to help us find the best space for you and your family.
SPECIAL NEEDS/COMMENTS: Please describe any special physical or dietary needs that you would like accommodated at reunion. Every effort will be made to accommodate these needs. Please include any food allergies.
Photo Release: I give consent to and authorize the taking of photographs or video in which I/my family may appear. I waive all right of privacy in and to any said photographs or videos.(If submitting electronically, you can sign at reunion.)
Signature: / Date:

Minors Attending Reunion: All attendees under the age of 18 not with their parents must have an adult sponsor present who is responsible for their supervision and conduct at all times. Please contact George Walton at or (301)845-2368 for required paperwork.

VERY IMPORTANT: List ALL People Attending. The registration fee applies to all, whether staying overnight or commuting.

Total Registration fee / # adults (ages 13+) / x $50 = / $
# children (ages 4-12) / x $35 = / $
# children (younger than 4) / Free / $ 0
Total / $
OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL DONATION of GENEROSITY* (to cover the actual reunion costs) / $
Grand Total / $

*Please also consider other opportunities to donate to cover actual reunion costs such as through your offertory envelopes and free will offerings at the reunion and family camp.

Registration and Payment Options:

Option I:Mail the completed form and total registration fee no later than Wednesday, July 29thto:

George Walton, 62 Hampton Place, Walkersville, MD 21793, Tel: (301) 845-2368

Checks should be made out to Community of Christ

Option II:Electronic Registration and Payment.

Email your registration form to George Walton at

Make your payment online at:

Note: You will need to add the adults, children, and any donations to your shopping cart individually, and then will be able to pay online.