Minutes of MEA Executive Meeting – 16/12/2013
Pete Fraser
Ian Wall
Jenny Graham
John Potter
Melissa Lowndes
Julian McDougall
Kate Domaille
- Film Education Website
IW still in negotiations for MEA to host for free but it seems we will not be able to amend the site and therefore we will not be able to add our branding. PF suggested we could highlight our connection through the link to it on our website. Some sections are missing and some are not working as it is currently read only.
IW to keep us informed of any developments
- MEA November Conference Feedback
Attendees from the executive felt it was a collegiate atmosphere with good attendance. Some speakers felt the sessions should be longer. PF suggested that we emphasise to workshop leaders that they should only try to do what is possible in the timeframe. Nicky North has requested that conference arrangements begin in July (date and putting the call out to speakers) ML felt this might draw more attendees as this is when inset budgets are being spent and more teachers might put themselves forward to lead sessions. The executive wanted to commend Jon Wardle for running a succinct AGM under pressure to close the conference.
- The Spirit of 13 Event Feedback
A very enjoyable event attended by young people from across the nation. Rebecca O'Brian sent a positive email about the event. More information about the event can be found on the CEMP website under ‘projects’. The MEA contributed £1000 which was considered money well spent on publicity for the organisation and meeting the aims of the MEA.
- Bridge Associations
Sarah Mumford had suggested at an earlier exec meeting that the MEA make contact with the the Arts council funded Bridge associations. JM has since contacted them all and the MEA have been invited to attend a regional meeting or come up with ideas for what we could do in partnership with them. We said we could offer expertise in media education CPD and reach. IW agreed to contact the convener about attending the leadership meeting on the 23rd January, where the heads of each region meet.
- Threat to GCSE Media
Consultation documents out in early part 2014, MEA need to develop short and long term strategies for influencing future plans.
Main Issues
GCSE Media studies entries down 12%
Pressures from EBAC and funding effecting how schools arrange option blocks and choices
No formal media at KS3 and therefore students are less likely to choose it as their one arts subject for GCSE as compared to drama, music etc which they have already experienced. Schools being incentivised to limit Arts subjects through funding arrangements.
Influence potential future government
Continue to develop links with BFI
Continue to work with theCfSA
Develop links with media 'names'/ 'supporters'
Use EMC and MEA websites to compile a crib sheet for media education practitioners
with useful positive statistics and facts that can be used to 'sell'/ make credible the subject in schools, colleges and universities
The MEA have decided not to carry on the PICTFOR membership which we received for free last year as it was £600 to re-subscribe and was felt to be more about ICT and communication technology in society.
- BFI Document line by line
The rest of the meeting was spent refining our response to the BFI questionnaire that is designed to shape future policy.