Please make edits by November 3rd.

Emeritus faculty on grants

The University of Michigan allows Emeritus faculty to submit or be a coI on proposals for grant funding, but different sponsors view their participation very differently.

Check with your department to ensure the department wished to support this since it will typically involve commitments of space and possibly other resources.

Check the funding agency rules to see if the funding agency will allow them to submit or be a part of a proposal.

Sit down with the faculty to determine if they are trying to receive salary of any type as part of the proposal. They have no regular academic year appointment so all requests for salary and related effort should be handled on a term-by-term basis (Fall, Winter, or Summer). If they are serving as a consultant they must be paid directly and the expectation is that they won’t use departmental space or other facilities unless approved by Chair/College.

a.)NSF will allow Emeritus faculty to be a PI or co-PI (key personnel) on a new proposal. It may be wise for the submitting PI whether they be the Emeritus faculty or not, to check in with the program manager before submitting a proposal that involves significant effort or funding for an Emeritus faculty. Compensation can be requested. This would be done in calendar months on the PAF and may require that a future appointment be indicated in the PAF. See comments below about future appointments for Emeritus on grants.

b.)DoE does not allow Emeritus faculty to be key personnel on grant submissions. Emeritus faculty can be included in a proposal as collaborators or possibly consultants. NOTE: The word consultant has specific meaning so should be used with caution. You would not include a biosketch or C&P in the main "Appendices" although it MAY be possible to include some additional info about them in the "Other Information" appendix. If they will be compensated in any way for their effort it must be in "Other personnel" and they can then be noted in the budget justification as "Other personnel."

c.)NIH will allow Emeritus faculty to be a PI or co-PI (key personnel) on a new proposal. It may be wise for the submitting PI whether they be the Emeritus faculty or not to check in with the program manager before submitting a proposal that involves significant effort or funding for an Emeritus faculty. Compensation can be requested. This would be done in calendar months on the PAF and may require that a future appointment be indicated in the PAF. See comments below about future appointments for Emeritus on grants.

Once an award is received, Emeritus faculty can be hired. The easiest path is to use their existing faculty appointment in the HR system and convert it to Emeritus by talking with your HR rep. This allows them to use the rate that they retired with. A department could also hire them as a temp employee at the level of effort equal to that specified for them in the award, and can be compensated on an hourly basis. Be aware that these positions and the pay for these positions will show up in an A-21 category on the SOA. There also may be benefit questions that the Emeritus faculty must be aware of before proceeding. Being sure that you have properly indicated in the budget justification information about compensation for the Emeritus faculty is key to ensuring this goes smoothly with ORSP and Sponsored Programs. In all other cases where an Emeritus faculty is included, with no request for compensation, exact details of effort should be de-emphasized and referred to as "donating their time." If donating their time an agreement with their department on their presence in the department including emergency contact information must be taken care of at award.

Internally on the PAF if the Emeritus faculty who will receive a UM appointment can't be PI/coI they can be listed as a participating investigator with specialized effort even if the sponsor doesn’t allow for a role of PI/coI. This would be the case with DoE. Noting and committing to space is up to your department and should be determined based on whether the space, (office, student or lab) is required for the proposal to be successful. In general, if it is not critical to the success then it should not be listed.

If a future appointment needs to be entered on the PAF, the department should enter their Emeritus title to give that appointment, etc.

As a final note, be clear with the Emeritus faculty about what is allowed and what is not. Things like trying to make them research scientists and so on are simply not acceptable. They are, in fact, Emeritus faculty and the sponsor dictates whether they can be key personnel or collaborator/consultant.