Minutes of the meeting of Bywell Parish Council held on Wednesday22nd January 2014at 7pm in Newton and Bywell Community Hall, Newton, NE43 7UL

Present: Cllr Adrian Hinchcliffe (Chairman); Cllr Anne Rutherford (Vice Chairman);

Cllr Kenny Richardson; Cllr Helen Scott;

Cllr Peter Stoddart; Cllr John Thompson

Miss Linda Pinkham (Clerk)

Cllr Paul Kelly (Northumberland County Council)

  1. Apologies for Absence No apologies for absence.

Agenda Item 6 was taken next to allow County Cllr Kelly to leave early.

6. Updates:

a)County Councillor for Bywell Ward, Cllr P Kelly, presented a verbal update on County business. The following issues were highlighted:

Budget: £135 million savings required over the next three years, representing a 30% budget cut. Main proposals being considered:

-Post-16 free transport – reducing subsidy per pupil to £450

-Protection of front line services

-Expansion of direct labour force to build council houses over the next 4 years.

-Restoring Northumberland County Council presence to 9 town centres; close County Hall and sell site (estimated £10million cost to bring County Hall up to standard).

Cllr Kelly questioned the financial incentive as the Hexham council buildings alone will require £1.5 – 2 million refurbishment and he considered proposals went against the 5-year planning in the Core Strategy. Cllr Hinchcliffe highlighted communication and control issues. Cllr Kelly noted that this matter had not yet gone through due diligence.

Education: OFSTED report implied the 3-tier system led to relatively poor performance. However structure in Northumberland cannot be changed without funding. Slow evolution and different approaches already taking place eg Allendale and HenshawFirst Schools have gone primary; Haydon Bridge High School now a secondary 11+ school whilst Haltwhistle Community has chosen academy status instead.

Albemarle Barracks: Proposed location for troops relocating from Germany. Up to 1,000 new residents proposed, doubling the settlement size. Approximately £3million per annum cost to Northumberland County Council to improve services (will require extra school places, transport, medical services). Cllr Kelly reported that the MoD have made no provision and that there will be no resettlement money.

Ovingham Bridge: Work to start after Easter. No motor access over bridge during closure of bridge on health and safety grounds, impacting local shops and pubs.

Hexham Bus Station: There are alternatives which can be considered avoiding the need for big buses travelling down Priestpopple or turning at Benson’s monument. Proposal has to go through due diligence and there is expected to be an extensive consultation period.

County Council Reserves: Parish Councillors enquired about the current reserve but Cllr Kelly did not have the figure to hand although noted that there was a level below which it was advised not to fall. £2million had been taken from the contingency reserves to subsidise working age adult families on low income with council tax support.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Kelly for his report. Cllr Kelly left the meeting.

  1. Declarations of Interest from Members

Cllr AHinchcliffe declared personal interests as the Parish Council’s representative on Newton and Bywell Community Hall Trust; as a Director of Community Action Northumberland; and as Editor of the Newton and Bywell Community News.

Cllr AHinchcliffe declared personal and prejudicial interests in any relevant matters as a member and spokesperson of Keep Newton Green and in relation to any building proposals concerning the green field at the western end of the Conservation Village of Newton.

Cllr P Stoddart declared a personal interest as a member and Chairman of the Newton and Bywell Community Hall Trustand as a Director of Newton and Bywell Connects.

Following a request from Cllr Hinchcliffe as towhether ‘Other Interests’ can be recorded annually and kept on file so only verbally stated when relevant to an agenda item, the Parish Clerk to make enquiries to clarify the procedure relating to ‘Other Interests’.

  1. Public Forum No matters had been raised.
  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 20thNovember 2013 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters Arising

a)Warning signs at Stelling: NCC had supplied Google earth images of the crossroad taken in 2009 and asked for notification of any damage or obscuring features.

Cllr Stoddartto take photographs of the current signs to submit to NCC, as some were thought to be missing.

Cllr Richardson suggested that a Stop sign was required approaching the junction from the west, as there was poor visibility and a history of accidents.

It was noted that the Parish Council could take action to clean signs which had green moss on them.

b)Cllr Stoddart reported that the tyre dump on the Welton road had yet to be removed (first corner on B6309 at the entrance to the bridleway). He had also reported another dump of tyres down the hill by the cornertoNCC.

c)Accident on Brocksbushes Lane: The wall was owned by John and David Woodman. The person involved in the accident had taken responsibility for repairs.

Cllr Thompson raised the issue of designating the lane as one-way. The Chairman reported that this had been considered previously but the farmer required two-way access to the fields.

d)Data Protection Act: No information yet available. Parish Clerk to locate guidance note for Parish Clerks.

e)Public Works Loan Board: The Chairman reported that this was not going to be pursued and the repayment schedulewould remain as it stands.

  1. Updates (continued):

b) The Parish Council Chairman, Cllr AHinchcliffe, presented his report. The following items were highlighted:

  • East TynedaleParish and Town Council Forum meeting - 8th January 2014:

-Himalayan Balsam. There would be opportunities for volunteers to take part in eliminating riverside outbreaks.

It was pointed out that unless a lot of work is done upstream of Bywell the spread of the plant will continue. On a positive note, Himalayan Balsam does provide a food source for bees and insects at a time when other foodstuffs not available.

-East Tynedale Action Plan. This had been discussed previously by the Forum in October 2013 and January 2014 but was not universally welcomed.

However Cllr Rutherford welcomed the MP’s attempt to identify underlying local factors to assist in strategic understanding.

-Transport in Tynedale. The District Council had previously filled the strategic role. NCC Transport officer, Ian Coe, to be consulted.

It was noted thatpublic transport would be one of the responsibilities of a single authority for economic development if it was established in the north-east so it would be important to have an understanding of what was required.

-20mph zone in Wylam. Approved for the B road forming Wylammain street. Contrary to Northumberland policy. Bywell Parish Council to keep this under review with a view to Newton.

  • Newton & Bywell Community Hall Trust: report from Annual General meeting10th December 2013 circulated.

- Anne Moyle has taken over from Adrian Hinchcliffe as Secretary.

- Patio almost complete but still needs balustrade and grass. Expected to be in useApril and May 2014.

Thanks were extended to J Thompson of Prudhoe and Northumberland County Council for their assistance.

  1. Correspondence

List of correspondence items noted.


  • NCC Budget – to be circulated. Comments will be submitted if needed.
  • Royal Garden Party – Chairman declined invitation.
  • Planning training – The urgent need for this training was again stressed.

No response had yet been received from Northumberland County Council despite further enquiries. Cllr Hinchcliffe, who had joined the Parish Liaison Working Group, reported that the Strategic Planning Officer, Mrs J-A Garrick, was aware of the request from Bywell Parish Council. Councillors suggested hiring a private trainer and sharing costs with other parishes.

  • Parish Clerk to circulate correspondence log
  1. Reports for discussion

a)Northumberland County Council Parish Council Liaison Meeting - 9th January 2014

Cllr Hinchcliffenow represents East Tynedale Forum (14 Parish Councils) at these meetings.

Items highlighted:

  • Local Charter – a new charter due out for consultation. Will be more summarized than previously with clearly set out roles.

Cllr Hinchcliffe considered there was a genuine desire by NCC to work better with Town and Parish councils although there is a ratio of 148:1. Communication to be improved and it is recognised that parish councils need access to Officers.

Opportunities for liaison at present comprise:

-Quarterly meetings held with the larger town councils(larger population size and precept.)

-2 meetings per year on a cluster basis. 3 forums exist, covering 30-40 Parish Councils. NCC recognises need to work with other parish councils to resolve issues being faced.

-2 meetings per year run by West Area Committee. Cllr Hinchcliffe attends but feels that only 20-30% effective.

-2 other meetings: i) budget; ii) conference for all town and parish councils on good practice and issues that matter.

  • Asset and Service Transfers – does not affect Bywell Parish Council directly.

NCC will be retaining cemetery and crematoria as central services and will also take responsibility for closed graveyards. Bywell PC therefore no longer needs to make provision for this in relation to Bywell churchyards.

Cllr Hinchcliffe proposed a positive response to the letter from Barry Rowland, NCC Corporate Director of Local Services, re Working with Town and Parish Councils.

Cllr Rutherford stressed that communication needs to be maintained at an appropriate levelregarding rural issues, irrespective of population/precept size, to ensure issues are properly considered with appropriate background knowledge, otherwise rural areas risk being governed by urban perspective.

b)Parish Clerk

Following acceptance of the letter of resignation fromMiss L Pinkham with effect from 1st April 2014, Cllr Hinchcliffe presented his report for recruiting a replacement Parish Clerk. If insufficient applicants result from community newsletter, noticeboards and NALC the Parish Council would than need to advertise more widely.

Terms to be as agreed at November 2013 meeting. In due course there may be a requirement to provide a pension but currently being phased in only for big organizations so not expected for a number of years.

Applicants to be asked to provide brief Curriculum Vitae, outlining experience and appropriateness for the job and 2 references. Provisional dates: Shortlisting - Tuesday 11th February 2014. Interviews - Tuesday 25th February 2014.

c)Local Development Framework Core Strategy: Consultation on Housing, Employment and Green Belt Preferred Option– response had been submitted by the Chairman on Bywell Parish Council’s behalf following his attendance at the NCC’s presentation evening. As this response, which proposed a 7% target population increase rather than 10%,went against NCC’s proposals, it was being brought back to the Parish Council for endorsement.

It was noted that the proposal to locate army personnel and families (1,000 persons) at the Albemarle Barracks site was equivalent to one year’s worth of increase. Councillors endorsed the response which had been submitted.

Cllr Hinchcliffe declared a personal interest in item 5d) as editor of the newsletter.

d)Newton and Bywell Community Newsletter

The Framework Agreement had been updated from the last meeting and the statement regarding insurance had been removed.

To avoid duplication of address lists it was agreed that the Parish Council would send out the newsletter.

Framework Agreement for the Newton and Bywell Community Newsletter approved.

  1. Parish Plan Update

Priority issues which had not been completed had been highlighted. There were more items outstanding than completed but a large proportion of these were on-going so appear incomplete.

It was agreed to highlight on-going projects in a third colour for clarity as some items will always be on-going. Updated Table of Action is attached to these minutes.

Cllr Stoddart to act as a conduit for Newton and Bywell Connects regarding the Parish Plan.

The following points and actions were highlighted:

10) Footpaths and Bridleways: Cllr Stoddartto write a note for the community newsletteron successes from last year and what is planned for the coming year.

11) Road Safety: Cllr Scott reported that bus drivers encountered problems locating the bus stop on A69 (travelling west) particularly in the dark. Parish Council to look into measures to improve visibility.

11)Road Signs: Newsletter to include request for reports of damaged signs or requests for additional signswhich can then be forwarded to NCC.

13)Speeding by Vehicles: Stelling crossroads to be included. However it was noted that 30mph and 60mph were the national standards and that the police will not take any action. Recognition that nothing further can done on this issue. To be marked as completed.

14) Speeding by Vehicles: Chairman to write to the Headmaster, Mowden School with a reminder re general speeding and entry onto the highway from school entrance.

15) State of Roads. Parish Clerk to submit details to Northumberland County Council regarding i) Large pothole at junction on road up from Shaw House (at the triangle) and ii) Bends to the west of Mowden East Lodge

35) Voluntary Work – assistance with transport (also links with 36 and 38): No progress to report.

Cllr Hinchcliffe suggested that Newton and Bywell Connects take this on however Cllr Stoddart felt that this was a difficult issue. It was also noted that volunteers could not be paid. Work needs to be done to scope the issue to identify if there is a problem, if so assess its size and any demand, then produce a framework. The demographic of parish residents had changed since the Parish Plan was first produced and although residents are getting older, most do not currently require transport. There are possible resources available eg Adapt buses. Need to raise awareness via the newsletter or website.

Newton and Bywell Connects to take on Actions 35,36 and 38. Parish Council to be kept informed.

50) Facilities for Young People: Social Group is taking this on board and publicising local sports facilities.

54) Visitors and Tourism: Walking Group looking into circular walks and rides.

60) Security and Belonging: Introductory leaflet to be produced for new residents.

Action 62) Belonging to be combined into Action 60).

  1. Planning
  • Applications for consideration – none
  • Applications – responses noted:

13/03843/FUL Change of use of land from market garden to grazing land and erection of stable block. Land south of Glendale, The Nurseries, Ovington,

Response was sent to Planning Team stating there were no comments from Parish Council

13/03438/VARYCO Variation to curfew time of external lighting from 23:00 to 23:45.Duke of Wellington Inn, Newton

Comments had been submitted as discussed at the November 2013 meeting.

  • Decisions issued on applications - none
  1. Financial Matters

a)Precept 2014/15: form submitted to NCC for £6,750 as agreed at last meeting.

b)Bank of Scotland Treasurer’s Account:

-Statement of balance in account: £13,371.34p as at 27th December 2013

-Update on requested changes to account details

Despite written requests and on-going communication since November 2012, the Bank of Scotland had still not made the requested changes to the contact details for bank statements which were still being sent to David Feeney. The Chairman noted that the similar address transfer problems had been encountered by the Newton and Bywell Community Hall Trust who had subsequently moved their bank account to the HSBC.

It was agreed that Bywell Parish Councilchange to a different bank and close the Bank of Scotland account. Cllr Rutherford further proposed that this be done as soon as possible.

c)Authorisation of expenditure

The following payments were approved:

-Clerk Salary Q3 plus backdated 1% increase Q1 and Q2: £406 (cq444)

-HMRC payment Q3: £1 (cq 445)

-Clerk Expenses July – December 2013: £188.37 (cq446)

-CPRE £29 (cq447)

-NALC councillor training £10 (cq448)

d)Grasscutting Contract Review

Area to be cut: Newton village, from T-junction to the telephone box, every three weeks, April to October.

It was agreed that the current arrangement be continued for another twelve months.

Note that the Community Hall grasscutting is carried out under a separate account.

e)Requests for Assistance – none received

  1. Councillors’ Items of Concern

No other items to note.

  1. Information Exchange

NALC – note of last meeting to be circulated.

  1. Date and Time of Next Meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at 7pm as the Chairman was unavailable on 19th March.

Provisional dates: May 21st (Annual Meeting);

July 16th; September 17th; November 19th.

Meeting closed 10pm

Chairman: Date:

Bywell Parish Council

Chairman: Cllr Adrian Hinchcliffe; Deputy Chairman: Cllr Anne Rutherford;

Cllr Kenny Richardson; Cllr Peter Stoddart; Cllr Helen Scott;Cllr John Thompson

Parish Clerk: Linda Pinkham East Highford House, Highford Lane, Hexham, NE46 2JL

e-mail: Telephone: 07528 676451

Minutes of meeting held on 22nd January 2014 Page 1 of 6

The minutes remain draft until ratified at the next meeting of Bywell Parish Council

Agenda and minutes available on-line at: