Withdrawal and Dimensional
Portal Openings
Getting personal right up front: What do you smell like to Yahuweh? What do you smell like to Satan? Did you know you have a spiritual odor? Did you know that within your body there is a spiritual portal that exudes fragrance from whatever dimension it is tapped into? Hold onto your hat, we’re going to take a ride into knowledge that can only be learned by entering another dimension. In this study, I am going to share things I’ve not taught on before.
About our odor: II Corinthians 2:14-16, Sha’ul speaking to truly born-again, Spirit-filled, believers: “But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one, we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life…”
To the demonic world and its human agents, those who are truly born again by the Spirit of Yahuweh and totally submitted in loyal to Him stink to their nose like a rotting corpse would smell to us! We repel evil forces by our fragrance of life! They definitely know who we are! They may keep trying to find an entrance into us through our mind and/or emotions, but if they are blocked by His repellent, they can’t enter. As with Messiah in the wilderness, Satan tried but failed (Matthew 4:1-11). Yahushua kept quoting Scriptures that repelled his advances. Mosquitoes won’t bite those with “repellent” on them, whether the repellent is Deet, garlic, or Avon “Skin So Soft.”
This poses a question: Are the myriads of varying demonic creatures now coming through their dimensional portals onto the earth, or cloned creatures incarnating risen Nephilim spirits, shape-shifters, etc., totally and conclusively repelled from us because we are born again? The answer is “Yes,” and “no!”
Once a person’s spirit is truly born from above, the enemy can no longer take authority over the spirit. He is off limits to the spirit within our body, especially if the Spirit of Yahuweh is asked to come in and control our re-born spirit! HOWEVER, the soul-realm of mind/emotions is another story. The soul has to be saved by corralling and discipline so that it submits to the Spirit’s power and the “mind of Messiah” within the re-born spirit. That takes us to “the end of our faith,” for the salvation of our soul (I Peter 1:9) Demons (disembodied Nephilim spirits) can also see the “sealing” of the truly born again ones (Ephesians 1:13-14). They can see the Father’s Name on the foreheads of the final-days remnant also, the Bridal remnant. They are insane, but they’re not stupid!
Demons are always seeking a body to work through, and if not a body, then a mind and emotions (a human soul). They can try to torment the mind, influence our thoughts to sin--rebel against Yahuweh-- and try to drag us down emotionally, but they can’t succeed if we keep the portal of our re-born spirit open and unobstructed to the eternal realm of Yahuweh, from which our lovely life-giving fragrance emanates.
You have a will. The will is the rudder of your life-ship. You can turn your life towards any direction by your will. All the demonic forces can do is deceive, trick, lie, and put pressure on your fleshly lusts (the sin-prone nature of the soul), just as the Serpent did to Eve and Adam.
Please be aware, that once you are truly born again according to Scriptures, your spirit becomes an open portal to the dimension of Yahuweh and Yahushua and Their angels, and remains an open portal as long as you don’t put trash in it! [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/2012] Our concern: Do we smell lovely in the nostrils of Yahuweh? Is Yahuweh in control of us totally? Does He see His nature in us? If so, we’re a stench in the nostrils of the evil ones!
Soon, Satan will go on a short, but insane, rage-rampage to kill as many of us as possible. According to the Word, there will remain so few people alive on earth that a human being will be “scarce.” (Isaiah 10, 13, 24) The plan is to wipe our 6.5 billion people or more. He knows that if he can’t beat us any other way, he’ll try to kill our body. But, then, there will be a remnant who will overcome him no matter what, and receive great reward from our Master, even through death. Don’t you want to be on the Overcomer’s list? It requires the attitude of those in Revelation 12:11!
Make sure you’re not wearing a self-created perfume, masking sin in your life like a French whore’s strong-smelling perfume that is a cover-up designed to make people think she is righteous when she definitely is not. The enemy can smell the deceit, and it attracts him to like flies to sewage. The demonic realm is incredibly intelligent. They are masters at trickery, so they can spot of phony instantly. They, then, have perfect legal right to attack and destroy you. You can’t fool Yahuweh, but also realize that you can’t fool Satan either! It is very wise to get rid of all hypocrisy and have nothing hidden in your life, for the evil forces that are coming on this earth by the tens of thousands through the portals of their kingdom know well who belongs to Yahuweh, and who is playing games. The evil ones are drawn to those whose nature is more like theirs than that of the Creator. They well know those who are weak in the Word, lazy in obedience to Yahuweh, proudly religious, intellectually haughty, worldly, and self-seeking. There is a scent that hypocrites exude which attracts demonic forces like a magnet. The wise will seek to avoid contact with what is defiled at any price!
Yahuweh allows the enemy to attack at times to punish or test us, as in the extreme case of Iyob (Job) who was being tested hard. He was not being punished. He was blameless before Yahuweh. But, he was tested to prove to Satan that He was loyal to Yahuweh.
He stood firm in the test, and after 9 months, Yahuweh ended the test and blessed him abundantly. Yahuweh does nothing but for our ultimate eternal good! We must absolutely trust Yahuweh’s judgment and dealings with us, that they are aimed at good. We must not fall into doubt or rail on hill, accusing Him of wrong. We must all pass the test of Iyob in order to continue with Yahuweh! When Yahuweh tests, His Presence remains with us, even though it doesn’t feel like it at times! We should be smart enough to know when He is punishing us for being naughty children.
As we see from Scripture, the enemy is on a leash held by Yahuweh. He cannot cross the boundaries set by Yahuweh.
I’ve written about this at least 100 times, but so few understand this basic premise: The soul is our life force that is earthbound. It works through the five senses and desires of the body. It takes input from the outside. It is programmed by what we see, hear, taste, touch, feel. It is also open to the programming of the spirits of the dark kingdom that beguile and seduce the soul to receive their influence. Hallucinogenic drugs, alcohol, even prescription drugs, outside EMP waves, etc. can distort the thinking of the soul. Thus the soul is basically our mind, emotions, and rebellious will that works through our brain and our physical flesh. It is earth-bound and sin-prone. It is rebellious against discipline. It is stubborn, hard-headed, and defiant against Truth, discipline, and righteousness. It wants what it wants, and the enemy is quick to program it to tell it what we want. This is how the illuminati mind-programming works.
Unless we allow the Spirit of Yahuweh to harshly discipline it, corral it, bring that wild stallion into submission to Yahuweh, it will continue to rebel and defy Yahuweh, and has the ability to shut down the portal of our spirit by throwing trash into it, if we let it. Intellectual religious people usually think they are very good. They hide their rebellion under a layer of niceness. But, Yahuweh’s tests expose them. “Sin” is simply rebellion and revolt against the Word of Yahuweh--His Torah (His teachings and instructions for right standing in His Kingdom). The soul is constantly being bombarded with thoughts from the world, the flesh, and the devils. The will in the soul will determine whether we are overcome by the deceptions of the evil ones, or not. Our will determines whether we submit to the control of Yahuweh in the temple of our spirit, in obedience to Him, or not. Yes, at the true new birth, your spirit becomes a cleansed temple for the Spirit of Yahuweh to reside in – if He’s asked to reside in it. There is a mind of the spirit that is the mind of Messiah. The soul and spirit are radically different. One is carnal and earthbound and one, if born from above, is a portal into the eternal realm. The mind of the spirit can function even when the mind of the brain is totally in amnesia. I found this out when I almost died of malaria in Tanzania and couldn’t remember my own name, but I was able to preach for 2 hours straight, hearing the voice of the Spirit in my spirit, and repeating what He said. There is a mind of the spirit that is aligned and perfected at the true new birth. If the portal to the re-born spirit is totally open, and the Spirit of Yahuweh resides within it, then He can teach us absolute pure Truth, explain things to us, guide and direct us, comfort us, pour out His love in us, convict us of sin, and rise up in power when needed for ourselves and others. The Spirit IS Yahuweh; Yahuweh IS the Spirit. There is NO trinity. There is a Father and a Son! (I Corinthians 3:17-18) The doctrine of the trinity came from Nimrod, Tammuz, and Semaramis. It is a pagan doctrine. This is why I’ve pleaded for over 60 years with people, since I was 6, to know Elohim personally and intimately for ones’ self. Why would anyone want to live forever with Someone they don’t even know? In Matthew 7:21-23 and 25:12, He said to those who were religious, but unprepared for Messiah’s coming: “Depart from Me, I never knew you, and “Truly I say to you, I do not know you.” Does He know you? He knows those that put up NO barriers to His control, those He can trust with His assignments on earth – faithful servants.
It is through using our will to allow the Spirit to discipline and test us that the wild-horse mind finally becomes tamed and submitted to control of the “rider,” the Spirit.
By our will, we give the reigns to the Spirit of Yahuweh to tame the wild horse. Once tamed, it aligns to the re-born perfected spirit, and then we become a very powerful and united spirit-man who has the ability to be mighty in battle. The great battle is coming. Are you ready?
AS YOU KNOW: “The mind is the battlefield!” It is the greatest of all battlefields. You can easily discern between deception and truth without difficulty by knowing His Word well, and knowing His nature well.
You must first win the battle in your mind by allowing the Spirit to harshly discipline you if needed, even by suffering, so that your mind aligns totally with the power residing in your re-born spirit! Then you’re whole being will be stable in His peace! You won’t have a yoyo personality – you’ll be transformed into the nature of Messiah – full of peace, joy, love, faith, self-control, gentleness, kindness, and hate for sin! With this blameless nature in control of you, you will also get the power and authority of Yahuweh as you go forth to obey your Master.
Take my warning very seriously: If you do not overcome in the battle for your mind, and you remain self-centered and carnal-minded, you certainly should not do battle against the demonic realm, for you’ve already shown them your weaknesses! If you’ve opened portals to their dimension by sin and rebellion, by laziness and neglect of the Word, then they have every legal right to come through those portals and destroy you and your family! Oh yes, they know our weaknesses and play on them with glee. If you go into battle with any scent of their kingdom clinging to you – you have not only lost the battle, you have set yourself up for destruction. Yahuweh won’t fight for us unless His authority is able to back us. He can’t back our sin. “Sin” is rebellion against the Torah, yes, but it is also attitudes that keep the Spirit from being able to move freely through us.
Unless you strongly exude Yahuweh’s fragrance, the enemy can smell “flesh,” “carnality,” “sin,” rebellion, whoredom, idolatry, etc. emanating from you, and they have every legal right to tear you apart. They are legalists. These warnings are written throughout the Word of Elohim! I don’t ever tell you anything that I’ve not experienced and learned through traveling the hard road! I have a very compassionate heart. I don’t condemn anyone, or judge. I just give “thus says Yahuweh.” If you have a problem with my constant warnings and exhortations, then you have a problem with Yahuweh. I write only as He directs. At times He has told me “don’t’ write that,” and I don’t. But, we’re at a critical time now, and if we don’t get it right now – we won’t make it through. [Refer to: “Through”/May 4, 2012] If you still believe that “pre-tribulation rapture hoax,” just know that it was a creation of the Jesuit Order of the Vatican at the time of the Counter Reformation to undermine the faith of, especially, American believers. They hired John Nelson Darby to do their dirty work, and he conscripted C.I. Scoffield to help him. Dispensational theology, with its escapist pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, is their “Rosemary’s baby” to get people thinking of future events and not looking at the Roman Catholic Church, and to get people so comfortable that they are unprepared for the realities of what’s coming on the earth. If you know the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuweh, you won’t be deceived by the cunning wiles of Satan’s elect! [Refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind?”/January 2006, “The Hidden Agenda Behind the Pope’s Visit”/June 20, 2014, and other articles about the pope from March 2013]