Please make a copy then send to your college counselor: File, then Make a Copy

Student’s Name _______

Parent’s name (completing this questionnaire) ______

Parent’s E-Mail Address (for correspondence) ______

Date being completed ______



Thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire. Your responses will help us as we assist your rising senior with college planning and write the letter of recommendation which will accompany the transcript sent to each college to which a student applies. We value your insight and welcome your participation.

We especially appreciate your support of your young adult this semester and summer with the ongoing process of information gathering, reading and research, and campus visiting. Substantial progress should be made over the semester and throughout the summer. Seniors should return to Westtown in September with a clearer fix on their interests and preferences.

This questionnaire will be kept confidential and will not be quoted or shared outside of the College Counseling Office (your rising senior will not see it). Please return it by March 7th as a PDF, Google doc, or WORD attachment. If you cannot, a paper copy is just fine.

The College Counseling Office


1) Describe your family. List other children in the family, their ages, and schools or colleges attended:

2) Parents’ post-secondary education (colleges/graduate schools attended and degrees earned):

3) Parents’ occupations:

4) Is your family Quaker? If so, to what Meeting do you belong or attend?

5) Has anyone else in your family attended Westtown and, if so, who and when?

6) What influenced you to send your young adult to Westtown? In what grade did s/he/they enroll?

7) Tell us about your family (individuals, history, cultural influences, special circumstances) -- anything that would be helpful for us to know as we work with your rising senior?

8) Think of what you would see as an ideal college for your student. How would you describe it in terms of location, size, competitiveness, programs of study, cost, activities, and other features?

9) Paying for college concerns all parents. Do you think that you will be applying for need-based financial aid? Merit scholarships? Will cost be a determining factor in where your young adult applies or enrolls?

10) Describe briefly what you see as your young adult’s greatest strengths (academic and personal).

11) If you were writing his/her/their letter of recommendation, what experiences, achievements, events, or relationships would you highlight?

12) No one is perfect! In which areas is he/she/they less gifted (academic and personal)? To what degree is s/he/they aware of/concerned about any weaknesses?

13) Are there particular colleges in which you have a strong interest and which you would like your senior to seriously consider? Why?

14) Do you have any special connections at these colleges which we should know about? If so, please describe them:

15) Will you be visiting colleges with your young adult? What colleges do you hope to visit?

16) Any questions we should have asked here but forgot? Is there anything else we should know? We are especially concerned that we know about any strong preferences or limits you would like to be honored in your rising senior’s college search.

17) Please share any questions or concerns you have about the college admission process and your young adult’s plans. Also, feel free to elaborate on your responses to any of the questions on this form on additional paper.

Thank you for your help!