Parent Handbook

2013 – 2014

(update 9/4/13)

414 North Brooksvale Road

Cheshire, CT 06410




In partnership with its families, the staff of Norton Elementary School is committed to providing a variety of programs and activities designed to maximize each individual child’s potential for successfully meeting the challenges of today and those of tomorrow.

We will strive to:

recognize the importance of the unique academic, social, emotional, and physical characteristics of each student

establish a positive, challenging, safe learning environment;

create an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation of diversity

strengthen school-home community partnerships

systematically review programs and activities to ensure the inclusion of relevant advances in learning theory and instructional technology

meet the expectations of the Cheshire Public Schools Performance Standards by providing all students with the needed opportunities to become:

Collaborative/Cooperative Worker

Community Contributor

Complex Thinker

Effective Communicator/Producer

Knowledgeable Person

Self Directed Learner

Skilled Information Processor


School Hours

Our school hours are 8:50 a.m.—3:20 p.m. Supervision of children is not provided until 8:45 a.m., therefore, students are not to arrive before that time.


If you are bringing a student to school, please use extreme caution in the vicinity of the school. An area on the lower right side of the entrance driveway has been designated for dropping off your children. For the safety of all children it is critical that you use this designated area only, unless otherwise directed by school personnel.

Late Arriving Students

If you bring your child to school after 8:50 a.m., please come to the office with your child. The school secretary can check your child in and send the child to the classroom.


Regular attendance is of the utmost importance to ensure your child benefits from the educational opportunities that are offered. On any day that your child will be absent, please call the school secretary before 9:00 a.m. at 203-272-7283. If you do not call, we will attempt to call your home or workplace to verify the absence. With your cooperation, this plan, which we have implemented for the safety of your children, will be successful. Your child must also bring a written excuse from his/her parent or guardian upon returning to school after any absence.

Excused Absence
As stated in the Cheshire Public School’s policy:
For the tenth absence and all others thereafter, the same reasons cited above shall constitute "excused" absences. Documentation by a medical professional is required for illness, regardless of the length of the absence.


It is expected that students remain in school until dismissal time at 3:20 p.m. Although we realize that emergencies do occur, we ask that whenever possible, you schedule doctor/dentist appointments and other commitments for your children after the school day. School staff, including teachers and office, must be notified by parent or legal guardian, in writing of changes in a child’s dismissal procedure as far in advance as possible. Notification is also needed if someone else will be picking up your child. It is important that you send a note to your child’s teacher for each day you request a change. (e.g. attendance at after-school events, walking instead of riding the bus.)

Unless it is an emergency, please do not call the school to change your child’s dismissal procedure from bus to a walker. In all cases of early dismissal, the parent is required to stop in the office and to sign the child out. The student will be called to the office when the parent arrives. Please do not go directly to your child’s classroom or make the request of school personnel while your child is waiting in the bus line.

A prior note indicating changes needed for bus transportation is required. All changes pertaining to bus transportation are subject to the BOE transportation policies.

If you make a last minute decision to pick up your child instead of having him or her take the bus, please adhere to the following procedure:

·Do not telephone the office and ask your child to be dismissed as a walker.

·Do come into the office and write your child’s teacher’s name, your child’s name and your signature on the list on the black clipboard that will be posted at the front desk.

·Your student will be called to meet you after walkers and regular car riders are called.

Dismissal Procedures for Students

Walkers and students being picked up by car will be dismissed at 3:20 p.m. Bus students will be called shortly thereafter. All students will be dismissed through the front entranceway. We will be directing all students and parents to the drop off areas.

Dismissal Procedures for Parents/Guardians

1.If you are meeting your child after school, you may wait for him/her outside the building’s front entrance. You should not wait in the building.

2.If you are assembling a large group, e.g., brownies, cub scouts, please make prior arrangements for them to meet you in the cafeteria.

3.A regulated number of cars will be allowed into the bus lane to pick up students. Cars will not be allowed to park in this lane prior to 3:00. If you decide to use this lane you must:

·remain with your car.

·pull your car to the sidewalk curb.

·remain in a single lane.

·follow the directions of the designated staff member, who is authorized to guide you through the process.

4. If you do not wish to wait in the bus lane:

·wait in your car in the designated drop off area (only 4-5 cars can use this area at one time).

·follow school personnel’s directions to park in the available parking spaces on both sides of the driveway entrance lane. For better visibility you are advised to back into the space.

·use the crosswalk to get to and from your car to pick up your child.

Please do not:

line up in front of parked cars or empty parking spaces.

double park in the driveway entrance.

allow your children to cross between or in front of moving cars.

5.If you park in the handicap space or wish to use the playground, you will be asked to wait until the traffic along the circle has moved through.

Please adhere to these rules and directions of the school staff. It is important for the safety of your children and all of the students.


Cancellations and Unexpected Early Dismissal

Emergency/storm closing will be announced on radio stations in and around the Cheshire area. Delayed openings will also be announced when weather warrants. Announcements will be made on local radio stations, television station Channel 16, and on the Cheshire Public Schools website at On snow days you may phone 203-250-2410 for a recorded announcement. Please do not call the school. Weather delays are 90 minutes. Parents are not to bring students to school until 10:20 a.m. when there is a delayed opening, as supervision will not be available until that time.

In most circumstances the school closures are due to inclement weather. However, there are other emergencies, such as loss of power for an extended period of time, which may cause an early school closure. To the extent possible, early dismissals will take place at 1:25 p.m. Early dismissals require advance preparation on the part of students and their families. All students must be informed by parents as to the procedure to follow in the event of an early school closing. This plan should not only detail method of departure for your children, it should let them know where they should go in the event no one is at the home they normally return to at the end of the day. Since you cannot always predict when school closings will occur, you should establish a plan that remains as stable as possible. If these plans vary from the normal school closing procedures, it is important that your children’s teachers be notified of the plan in writing, particularly if the same one will remain in effect for the school year.

The YMCA Aftercare program is cancelled when an early closing is announced; therefore, if your children normally attend the Y Aftercare program, you will need alternate arrangements for care outside of the school. Both the aftercare provider and your children’s teachers should be informed of the alternate end of the day dismissal plan.


Please log in to PowerSchool to ensure your contact and emergency information is correct as well as to receive on-going communication such as the Wednesday Weekly.

Items from Home

School District policy prohibits the use of roller blades and skateboards on school property. Handheld video games, iPods and other electronic devices of any kind are not allowed to be used in school or on the playground during school hours. Please do not send your children to school with those items. Electronic items allowed for the “Bring Your Own Devise” initiative will be communicated when this is implemented in certain grade levels at the elementary level. Other expensive items from home are better left at home unless specific arrangements are made with the classroom teacher to bring them in for sharing or instructional purposes. Use of cell phones is not permitted during school hours or on field trips.

Buying & Selling

Buying and selling of any items in the school building, on school grounds, or on school provided transportation is not allowed, unless it is associated with a designated school and/or district fund-raiser approved by the school principal and/or the Superintendent of Schools.

Change of Address or Phone

If there is a change in your residence, phone, or other information necessary to reach you in case of emergency, please inform the school office promptly. In addition, please update this information in PowerSchool. It is very important that up-to-date information be available.

Lost and Found

The lost and found box is on the stage in the cafeteria. Labeling your child’s belongings with his/her name will greatly aid in their return.

Student Records

The records of students maintained at the individual schools are accessible to parents or guardians under established procedures. The building principal is responsible for maintaining these confidentialrecords and sharing them with parents.

School Property

Students are issued textbooks and other materials to use in the education program. They are responsible for returning texts, library books, etc., in satisfactory condition at the proper time. If such materials are lost, you and your child are responsible for the cost of replacement. If they are found at a later date, the money will be refunded.


Emergency Information

In case of emergency, each student is required to have the information listed below on file at the school office.

1.Parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s)

2.Complete and up-to-date address

3.Home phone and parent(s) work phone (cell phone numbers if available)

4.Emergency phone number of a friend or relative

5.Physician’s name and phone number

6.Medical Alert information

Fire, Lockdown, Shelter-in-One Place Drills

Drill routes and procedures are reviewed and practiced with the classroom teacher. School-wide drills are conducted once each month.


Children in grades 4-6 may ride bicycles to school. Students using bicycles must walk them on school property. Bicycle riding on school grounds is not permitted. Bicycles must be parked in the racks provided immediately upon arrival. Students should provide locks to secure the bicycle to the rack. The school will not be responsible for bicycles brought to school.

Parking Regulations

If you plan to enter the building at any time, park in an authorized parking area. You may use the church parking lot as well. There are spaces in front of the school and the rear of the building designated for persons with disabilities. Parking in front of the building or the drop off zone is not allowed. The Superintendent of Schools has asked school personnel to tag cars which are illegally parked. The front of the building must be left clear at all times due to fire regulations and bus loading and unloading. For the safety of our students, please abide by these rules.


All visitors must buzz in at the front door and be approved to enter the building. Visitors must check into the office before they are permitted around the building and are requested to sign the Visitor’s Register in the main office. A visitor’s badge will be issued. This procedure is essential to safeguard the students and staff.

The following is the based on the regulation regarding student wellness for Cheshire Public Schools as defined in the Cheshire Board of Education Regulation # 6142.101.
Student Nutrition and Physical Activity
The Cheshire Public Schools promote healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. The Cheshire Public Schools support a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, schools contribute to the basic health status of children.
Family and Community Involvement
In order to promote family and community involvement in supporting and reinforcing nutrition education and physical education in the schools, the building principal or designee is responsible for ensuring:

1. Nutrition education will be provided to parents beginning at the elementary level. The goal will be to continue to educate parents throughout the middle and high school levels. Nutrition education may be provided in the form of handouts, postings on the district website, or presentations that focus on nutritional value and healthy lifestyles.

2. Nutrition education materials, physical education activity ideas, and cafeteria menus will be distributed.

3. Parents are encouraged to send healthy snacks/meals to school;

4. Parents are encouraged to promote their child’s participation in the school’s physical education programs and after school activities;

5. Parents and other family members are welcomed to periodically eat with their student in the cafeteria;

6. Parents are discouraged from bringing food into the cafeteria from outside vendors, thirty minutes prior to the start of the instructional day through thirty minutes after the end of the instructional day.

7. Physical education and nutrition education activities that students can do with their families may be assigned periodically;

8. School staff members are encouraged to cooperate with other agencies and community groups to provide opportunities for students to participate in physical activity programs; and

9. School staff members are encouraged to cooperate with other agencies and community groups to provide opportunities for student volunteer or paid work related to nutrition, as appropriate.


Illness or Injury at School

The school nurse is responsible for the maintenance of health records, routine health checks, parental contact concerning health problems, care of minor injuries, and assistance in health teaching and any unusual health problems. The school nurse sees children in the case of accident or illness. She is available Monday through Friday from 8:50 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. She can be reached directly at 203-271-9878.

Examinations and Immunizations

The nurse or speech pathologist administers hearing screenings in grades 1—3 and grade 5. Vision screenings are conducted by the nurse for all children in grades 1—6. In addition, the nurse checks grades 5 & 6 students for scoliosis. A physical examination by the child’s physician is required upon entrance to Kindergarten, when entering grade 7, grade 10, and when a child is new to the Cheshire Public School system. Immunizations against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, poliolmyelitis, measles, mumps, hemophius influenza type B and rubella are required upon entry to school.


The nurse may administer oral medications at the school only after a parent or guardian has presented a physician’s written order for the medication and the authorization of the parent has been received. An adult must bring the medication to school in its original labeled container. For overnight field trips, you must complete an additional form for the school nurse.


Voluntary insurance is offered yearly and designed to protect pupils in case of accident on school property, while participating in school activities, and while traveling to and from school.


Parents/guardians and students are not allowed to bring animals inside the school. This is to avoid allergy concerns and the risk of animal bites.


Nurse's Notes from the Norton School Nurse
Welcome to Norton School’s Health Information page. As the school nurse I look forward to seeing all the students of our school and to be of help to them especially as it concerns their health and well-being. My door, directly off the main office, is always open. Feel free to stop in any time. Listed below are a few reminders about our school health protocol: