A Moderate walk on level or undulating ground for the most part the paths are well defined. Distance – Approximately 4 miles.

1)From the Fox and Hounds Public House walk along the Main Street in the direction of Leyburn. For approximately 600m then take a sharp left ontoFlats Lane, shortly followed by a right turn onto an enclosed track that goes downhill.

2)At the end of the track there is a stile which takes you into an enclosure that then opens into a large field. Follow the path, keeping to the wall on your left. The path goes down a short but steep slope and turns left. You can now see the river ahead of you. Walk towards the river and you will come to a gate. Through this gate you then cross a small stream and on the far side is a finger post – take the path to the right (to Hestholme Bridge). Go over the stile and then follow the path next to the river. Following this path you will go over a stile, then through a break in a wall, then through a small gate and finally coming to a large gate. The path now goes up a slope and then descends to a second rise, keep to the right of the rise and walk along the right hand side. Once on the top, ahead is a small gate in the stone wall.

3)After going through this gate the path goes slightly to the right and follows the higher ground. The river is now below you on your right. You will come to a finger post – take the path labelled “Aysgarth”. The path runs ahead with higher ground on your right, it then curves right to climb up and then descents on the other side. Bolton Castle is clearly visible in front of you. Bear right downhill the path then goes across the flat area of land and then curves left and goes up steeply next to a fence. Keep this fence on your right over undulating ground until you come to a ladder stile over a wall. Go over the wall At this point you can take a short diversion to Redmire force if you wish by going straight on for approximately 300 meters and descend to the river.Return to the ladder stile and turn right along a track. Go through a gate and continue along the track, but to the left of this is a second gate. Go through this gate, over a narrow culvert and go uphill to the right (follow the finger post). As you climb up drift towards the wall on your left.At the top of the hill continue following the wall on your left. As the wall turns sharply left you will see a gate in front of you. Go through and keeping to the left side of the field continue up to a gate that leads into an enclosed path.

4)Towards the end of this path you go through another gate followed shortly by a gate stile on your left. Go through this and head for the clear stile in the wall opposite. Over this stile and a small stream the path goes up towards a broken wall and turns slightly to the left. Ahead is a gate that opens into an enclosed path. Follow this back to the Main Street and turn left to return to the Fox and Hounds where refreshments are available.

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