Please indicate at the top of yoursubmission whether it is an extended abstract or a full paper.[DG1]

Sample Manuscript Format for Authors: AAUS Symposium Proceedings Replace Text Here with Your Information for Correct Formatting[DG2]

Diver A. Dan1, 2*, Scuba B. Jill2[DG3]

1 Center for Undersea Living, 101 Underwater Lane, Underwater, AK 99801, USA[DG4]


2 Subsea Research, 111 Seaside Road, Miami, FL 33705, USA

presenting and * corresponding author


A well-written abstract provides a concise synopsis of the introduction, methods, results and discussion without referring to the text of the paper. Abstract should be one paragraph (typically 150-200 words) with a 10 point Times New Roman font, block indented 0.5 inches from both left and right margins. There should be no references, tables or figures. A list of keywords (maximum of six) should follow the abstract, separated by a blank line but formatted in the same manner as the abstract. Keywords are alphabetized and not capitalized unless necessary (i.e., proper names). The keyword list that follows the abstract typically includes words not already in the title.

Keywords: author guidelines, instructions, proceedings


The general format should follow these guidelines and use Times New Roman 11 point font on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1 inch margins and 0.25 inch left gutter. No page numbers are included. No indent on paragraph and use full justification (right and left). Use single spacing with a hard return single line separating paragraphs (i.e., no automatic spacing preceding or following paragraphs). Use a single space following periods. Consistently use first- or third-person voice. Use hyperlinks for any e-mail addresses or web addresses.

Literature citations appearing in the text should be inserted in parentheses with author(s), followed by a comma, and year of publication. Both authors are listed for dual authorship, and the first author and 'et al.' for three or more authors (Jones, 2005; Jones and Jones, 2006; Jones et al., 2007). Multiple references within a single bracket are listed chronologically, separated by a semi-colon (Jones, 2005; Jones et al., 2007).


Minor Headings should appear with bold italics, a single blank line preceding, and no blank line following. Major headings (Introduction, Methods, etc.) appear in bold and are preceded by two blank lines and followed with a single blank line. Do not use any punctuation (periods, colon) following headings.


Describe concisely the materials and methods used. If statistical analyses are used, the statistical methods should be briefly described.


Provide the results here. Include tables or figures in this section in the order in which they occur. Reference to each table and figure must appear in the main body text.

Tables or Figures

Color tables and figures may be used since these will be effective for those viewing the PDF form of the proceedings. However, since the printed document will not be in color, it is incumbent upon the authors to ensure that any colored materials submitted are effective in both color and black and white. Table titles, legends, captions and the single spaces between them and the tables/figures should be in 10 point Times New Roman font. These must be in the normal text, not embedded in text boxes or within figures that cannot be manipulated. Tables, figure, legends and captions should generally be centered,positioned close after the first reference to the table or figure in the text within the manuscript. Figures and tables should also be submitted in separate filesthat may be manipulated, if necessary, for layout. Final placement will be at the discretion of the editor(s).Figures and tables should be preceded by a single blank line and followed by two blank lines.

Tables should be generated using the table function within the Word program. Tables should be centered, have single outside borders and a single horizontal border between column descriptor/units and data. Internal table lines should be minimized, where possible.

Table 1. Table titles should be centered above tables. Sentence structure (i.e., periods) is only used if multiple sentences are required.

Wave Height
(m) / Current velocity
0.4 / 50
1.8 / 190
0.6 / 75
0.3 / 200

Figures should be centered, not have outside borders (i.e., outside the axis labels/text) and not employ background shading. Multiple data lines should be made distinct by making both line and marker styles unique. Grid lines should be avoided, if possible. Legends should appear within the white space of figures, where feasible.Permission to reprint figures is required if not author originals, if previously published, or if attributed to others. Paper authors must have documented permission at time of submission.Line art must be at a resolution of 1200 dpi. Grayscale images must have a resolution of 300 dpi.

Figure 1. Figure descriptions should be centered below figures. These are in normal sentence structure with punctuation.


Provide interpretations, speculations and conclusions in this section.


Optional. If included, should be in sentence form, short and concise.The authors acknowledge the professional support...Acknowledgements often include sources of funding, physical support (e.g., ship/marine lab facilities), and specific people other than the authors who contributed in important ways to the project.

Literature Cited[DG6]


Cresson, E.T., J. Smith, and M. Thomson. 1941. The Species of the Neotropical Genus Nostima (Diptera: Ephydridae). Underwater Science, 78:118–128.


Gary, M., R. McAfee, and C. Wolf, eds. 1972. Glossary of Geology. Alexandria, Va.: American Geological Institute.


Connell, J.H. 1973. Population ecology of reef-building corals. In: Jones, O.A. and R. Endean, eds. Biology and geology of coral reefs. New York: Academic. Pp. 205-245.

[DG1]Extended abstracts follow the same format as a full paper, but are typically 800-1200 words. Full papers can be longer. Both should be writtenclearly and concisely, yet with sufficient detail for the reader to understand what was done, why and what it means.

[DG2]Leave one line before the title. Titles should be 14 point bold, Times New Roman, left justified and mixed-case capitalization.

[DG3]Author(s) names should be listed as first name, middle initial (if applicable), then last name. Do not include professional titles or degrees. The presenting author’s nameshould be underlined, and the corresponding author’s name should be indicated by an asterisk..

[DG4]Author(s) full mailing information should be included. Superscript numbers should be used for multiple authors with multiple affiliations (numbers follow the author names and precede the affiliation address).

[DG5]The corresponding author's e-mail address should appear alone on the line following his or her affiliation address. E-mail addresses are not included for co-authors but should be provided in the contact form

[DG6]Use Times New Roman 10 font. Follow the format examples provided.

Entries in the reference list should appear in alphabetical order. Multiple citations from the same author should be in chronological order. Use block text (no indenting), no numbers, separating each reference with a blank line. Use full justification (left and right).

Ensure that all references are cited at least once in the text.