Please find your programme enclosed.
We will try very hard to run all the activities advertised but we must stress that some get oversubscribed and so not everyone who has put down an activity can always go and also we will not be able to run activities with less than 4 people as it is not cost effective. We are also struggling with staffing levels at the moment and some of the activities may need to be cancelled if we cannot get cover for them. We are always trying to recruit new staff but it is proving difficult
Anne, David, Liz and Adam O’Dell went to meet and collect our award from The Duke of York on April 19thand pictures will be on our website soon . We are actually in the process of updating our website with the help of Craig Dickson a local man who is doing this for us Voluntary so look out for the new version soon.
We still have no date for the arrival of our new bus but we have been asked in the last week for details about our logo so it sounds closer.
We raised £557.57 from our coffee morning in the town hall on Saturday 19thMarch. Thank you for the contributions towards tombola prizes, cakes etc. that you all brought in.
We are holding another one in August so please keep the tombola and raffle prizes coming in.
We have a grant bid in to the peoples Trust that if successful would allow us to finally re-advertise for a new part time manager offering a two year contract. So fingers crossed that we get this.
We still have no date for the building work at The Mencapbut hope it wont be long before it all goes ahead. Our buses will be stored at the bowling club on South Parade when this does happen.. We will let you know as soon as we have a date. Our telephone number will remain the same, calls will be transferred over to our mobile phone during this work and post will still come to the Mencap Centre and collected daily.
Our AGM will be in Aug or Septthis year as we are struggling to get enough staff cover all the dates the Rugby club have offered so far .
If you know of anyone who would like to help out with fundraising events or join the Committee please contact the office.
Anne Alder (chairperson) and The fundraising committee